***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Can't wait for ppl to clutch their pearls over the next thing they overturn and then go about their business because some voters are extremely privileged and walk out unaffected

Can't wait for ppl to clutch their pearls over the next thing they overturn and then go about their business because some voters are extremely privileged and walk out unaffected


This is not a rhetorical question.

Has there been an election that was swayed towards the GOP by high income people NOT voting?

I get it, if you're on our beautiful, cobalt blue left coast and/or you're on twitter, it can feel like there's lots of leftists who are ruthlessly and cruelly withholding their votes. But most of the people, who engage in that discourse publicly, live in New York and California.

All my DSA comrades, who come from money, always come around and vote straight blue. It's comrades who have clawed their way up from the working class to the professional, who follow through on non voting out of principle. And the DSA, like twitter, is a small segment of the electorate.

Zoom out to the general electorate and the biggest challenge for Democrats is lower income/marginalized people not voting for them. I am curious if there's a case where the Democrats got burned by wealthy, otherwise Democratic voting cohorts, staying home, and reactionary low income cohorts voting at higher than usual rates?
This is not a rhetorical question.

Has there been an election that was swayed towards the GOP by high income people NOT voting?

I get it, if you're on our beautiful, cobalt blue left coast and/or you're on twitter, it can feel like there's lots of leftists who are ruthlessly and cruelly withholding their votes. But most of the people, who engage in that discourse publicly, live in New York and California.

All my DSA comrades, who come from money, always come around and vote straight blue. It's comrades who have clawed their way up from the working class to the professional, who follow through on non voting out of principle. And the DSA, like twitter, is a small segment of the electorate.

Zoom out to the general electorate and the biggest challenge for Democrats is lower income/marginalized people not voting for them. I am curious if there's a case where the Democrats got burned by wealthy, otherwise Democratic voting cohorts, staying home, and reactionary low income cohorts voting at higher than usual rates?
My guess is no but I would not have a real clue tbh

I think some voters who are free to live in the middle without much consequence are the kinda voters I thought about in reference.

The "Obama/Trump voter" demo and the usual swing voters in the same key states that tend to sway from time to time in each cycle.

Turnout in general from for Dems is always a key for sure but I do tend to think an Ohio suburban family may turn their nose at some things Trump does and says and he may be a conviction but depending on the weather will still vote because they may not feel the real affects of the decisions and well the boogeyman on the side is good enough for them to feel they made a "sound" choice in the long run. We'll be safe in the end with some minor inconveniences.

How big is that demographic? Don't know exactly but it always felt big enough to concern myself about every four years
yeah I guess if you want to give people homes for free if we had enough we could end it. you still wanna rehab people but I guess being homeless is the crime we're talking about.

my understanding is most people who are caught in homeless stats are temporarily homeless due to financial reasons.

so more housing supply = cheaper houses, less people who fall temporarily into homelessness because they can't find temporary housing.

now for the drug addicted, and mentally ill. Memphis doesn't have free houses, New Mexico doesn't have free houses and they don't have tent cities or a homelessness crisis. they have worse drug addiction rates and mental illness issues than california or new york.

the difference is they have cheaper more abundant housing.
there are cheaper housing options like rooming houses that can house many people who are homeless now.

and if all else fails if housing is cheap enough the government can give people vouchers for housing.
my understanding is most people who are caught in homeless stats are temporarily homeless due to financial reasons.

so more housing supply = cheaper houses, less people who fall temporarily into homelessness because they can't find temporary housing.

now for the drug addicted, and mentally ill. Memphis doesn't have free houses, New Mexico doesn't have free houses and they don't have tent cities or a homelessness crisis. they have worse drug addiction rates and mental illness issues than california or new york.

the difference is they have cheaper more abundant housing.
there are cheaper housing options like rooming houses that can house many people who are homeless now.

and if all else fails if housing is cheap enough the government can give people vouchers for housing.

we have a crazy homeless problem here and I'd say most them are mentally Ill or addicted to something, there's whole neighborhoods overrun that are abandoned for the most part but overrun with homeless people.

we also have lots of people living in cars and rv's. I'm guessing those are the ones that simply can't afford housing because there's no way in hell you're kicking it in one of these homeless camps unless you're doing the drugs with them.

for sure cheap housing will fix a lot of it. I agree with that, I don't think homelessness with ever be eliminated though but it would be nice for the people who want help getting a house to be able to do that.
we have a crazy homeless problem here and I'd say most them are mentally Ill or addicted to something, there's whole neighborhoods overrun that are abandoned for the most part but overrun with homeless people.

we also have lots of people living in cars and rv's. I'm guessing those are the ones that simply can't afford housing because there's no way in hell you're kicking it in one of these homeless camps unless you're doing the drugs with them.

for sure cheap housing will fix a lot of it. I agree with that, I don't think homelessness with ever be eliminated though but it would be nice for the people who want help getting a house to be able to do that.

I don't know how it is in minny but in toronto rooming houses are illegal to build.
governments made them illegal to build because they housed many drug addicted people in extreme poverty.

turn out getting rid of them just put more drug addicts on the streets.

bringing those back I think would help, along with more housing in general.

looks like minneapolis is trying to bring them back.
My perspective as a non-American on the debate, of which there are unfortunately more to come…

First off we need to set some basic premises.
#1: Trump has spent the majority of his career indistinguishable from someone who’s been lobotomised. An amalgamation of unbridled ignorance, egoand delusion.
Trump in ‘prime intellect’ form is still more ignorant, unhinged and mentally incompetent than a struggling elderly man could ever manage.
That being said, Trump does have his strengths (albeit all negative traits), and he used them to great effect in the debate. Overwhelming the discussion, deflection, whataboutism, interrupting, …

#2: I strongly disagree with aspects of Biden’s foreign policy but overall I think he’s been pretty good by US standards.
I did have doubts about his mental clarity but I initially waved it away as insignificant because Trump is always the dumbest and most ignorant lobotomite in any scenario.

As for the debate, I grossly underestimated Biden’s mental clarity. All due respect but this was horrible. I felt bad and embarrassed for him, because he’s normally quite good and experienced in debates and discussing policy.

Especially the contrast with a fully energized Trump made Biden look a lot worse. Trump of course tried to seize control of the debate by overwhelming it with crazy ramblings, ignoring questions to go on long rants, insults, …

I pains me to say it but as far as this debate goes, I’m gonna have to give the W to Trump.

Not every registered, likely or potential voter sees that the choice is between democracy or a deranged crook who wants to dismantle any semblance of checks and balances, assert permanent authoritarian rule, …

Some of those voters might’ve seen that debate and came away thinking Biden’s age is the biggest issue. That’s a problem, especially if they’re shortsighted and not seeing the bigger picture.

I think overall the US electorate is largely dumb, shortsighted, delusional and extremely ignorant. Just fyi, I would say the same about my and practically any other country’s electorate.

Edit: I think Trump’s baseline mental capacity being all the way at the bottom of the barrel is at least part of the reason we don’t see many articles about Trump’s mental state issues.
In my mind, there isn’t really such a thing as Trump cognitive decline. He’s never reached a level worth declining from. Trump is just swimming laps down there at the bottom of the barrel and occasionally struggles to stay afloat.

Intellectually, there is hardly a difference between a peak condition Trump and Trump in severe decline. Both versions can't maintain a train of thought, ramble about nonsense, continually embarrasses himself with his ignorance, bat**** insane conspiracies, ...
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I don't know how it is in minny but in toronto rooming houses are illegal to build.
governments made them illegal to build because they housed many drug addicted people in extreme poverty.

turn out getting rid of them just put more drug addicts on the streets.

bringing those back I think would help, along with more housing in general.

looks like minneapolis is trying to bring them back.

Yeah they have some of them here and I think there is pressure to build more. They followed a homeless guy for a while on the news who got into one and it was a game changer for him. He’s got a job and doing well now.

I used to like Adam. Now he's gone over to the deep end in the Right Wing part of the pool.

Yeah Adam, let's let people commiserate together at the beginning of the pandemic when people were dying at a insanely fast rate because we didn't know how to treat it yet. And those same hospitals were so overrun with dead bodies they used refrigerated semi trailers to keep the bodies cold.

And tell that to all the nurses and doctors at the beginning who were crying their eyes out because we didn't know what we were dealing with nor how to treat it yet. Guess he believes it was all overblown? He might as well put a tramp stamp on his backside that says "I love the orange man". Such a dope!

Shame as I loved his Paul Newman documentary.
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