***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I'm sure a lot of his supporters will be effected by that budget. So. Much. Winning.

Dude is gonna set the country back years :x

Not sure how cutting funding for medical research in favor of more bombs and weapons is "making America great again"...

Dude really wants to do away with funding for the arts (always been underfunded), sciences, environment and even aid to the poor...this regime is becoming more cartoonishly evil by the day :smh:

It'd be unbelievable if Bannon hadn't made it clear that he wants to completely destroy current day American society, values and institutions to replace with a militaristic,ethnonationalist and authoritarian society catered to WASP's and WASP's only

Realistically,does that kind of budget stand a chance of passing through?
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^ it depends. will Congress grow a spine?

people on both sides of the aisle know that those cuts would be unpopular, especially given that we're not in a ******* recession.
I'm sure a lot of his supporters will be effected by that budget. So. Much. Winning.

Dude is gonna set the country back years :x

Not sure how cutting funding for medical research in favor of more bombs and weapons is "making America great again"...

Let's make Americans safe by privatizing air traffic controllers :lol:

Even McConnell recognized that diplomacy works better than militaristic solutions, but they've cried wolf about America being weak for so long on their propaganda networks and proceeded to elect the Watcher in Chief.

Now the damaging policies they've been pushing because of their commitment to obstruction are being seriously considered in the WH. :smh:
the cuts will cost up to 1 million Americans their jobs by my rough calculation (if the money comes out of paychecks).

not to mention the blows to infrastructure, science, roads, etc. that would go along with it.

all so we can pour more money into defense we don't need.
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As much as we want **** to hit the fan and Republicans lose support, they won't. They will pawn their actions on Democrats or set up a crap load of strawmen to attack to deflect from their screwups and people in rural areas will eat it up because u know, the rich white guys couldn't really be lying to them.

Thing I don't like is, where are the Democrats at, most all but disappeared at a time where their presence and actual strength is needed. Guess they're waiting for Rand Paul to say something again. :rolleyes.

If there was anytime for a 3rd party to make themselves known, now is def the time.

I agree that the Dems need to step up. I will say that the best thing to happen to the Dems is this President. Say what you want about Republicans, they vote consistently and they put party first. Dems have to face the "both parties are the same" crowd more often and their voters need to be "excited" to vote. This guy won with less votes that McCain and Mittens.
@ReutersPolitics:BREAKING: Trump administration to nominate Boeing executive Patrick M. Shanahan to become deputy defense secretary

Slashes funding for essential programs in favor of increased defense spending then names an executive of a top defense contractor to the cabinet the same day

So about those pay to play Clintons huh...

Cheetolini's giving everyone a crash course in classic payola and genuine, blatant corruption without consequence

At least Hillary would've been naming qualified people to these posts :lol:

^ it depends. will Congress grow a spine?

people on both sides of the aisle know that those cuts would be unpopular, especially given that we're not in a ******* recession.

I hope they do for the country's sake :lol:
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Jordan Uhl‏Verified account  @JordanUhl 4h4 hours ago

Trump's budget cuts:

Ag 21%

DOC 16%

Ed 13%

DOE 5.6%

HHS 17.9%

HUD 13.2%

DOI 12%

DOJ 3.8%

DOL 21%

State 28%

DOT 13%

Treasury 4%

EPA 31%
I'm sure a lot of his supporters will be effected by that budget. So. Much. Winning.

Dude is gonna set the country back years :x

Not sure how cutting funding for medical research in favor of more bombs and weapons is "making America great again"...

Dude really wants to do away with funding for the arts (always been underfunded), sciences, environment and even aid to the poor...this regime is becoming more cartoonishly evil by the day :smh:

It'd be unbelievable if Bannon hadn't made it clear that he wants to completely destroy current day American society, values and institutions to replace with a militaristic,ethnonationalist and authoritarian society catered to WASP's and WASP's only

Realistically,does that kind of budget stand a chance of passing through?

Orange clown is the real life version of Hoggish Greedly from Captain Planet.

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Hillary 'appears' to have lost due to focusing too often on how bad drump is.
This seems like a good play, but when we are in an environment where its always Us vs Them, we (dems) can't continue to play that game.
Its the easiest way to play, but likely will unsuccessful.

The plan I would suggest going forward would be to focus on making/presenting legislation that would benefit Americans as a whole. No 'huge' focus on minority vs white middle amerikkka, no anything.

Here's is the Dems plan, explain why its best, then briefly/shortly explain why its better.
Only going after how stupid/dumb/sexist/racist this dude is only exacerbates the Us vs Them making folks so unreasonable they go against their best interests.
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Welp, Paul Ryan just confirmed that Trump's wiretap bs was just that, bs and it never existed/happened...

Tiny hands has no shame so I'm sure he's concocting another deflecting lie about Obama as speak instead of taking his L quietly and laying low.

Kinda crazy how you literally can't trust a damn thing the man says,the goddamn POTUS too :lol:
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I never noticed until recently just how overweight dude is :lol:


Guess it makes sense since apparently he only eats junk food at the WH
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So cut all the things that would make America "great" in foreigners eyes. We're about to fall so far back on international lists. The fantasy of America is about to unmasked. Welcome to the hubris that began the downfall of every empire.
I never noticed until recently just how overweight dude is :lol:


Guess it makes sense since apparently he only eats junk food at the WH

Nah man, didn't you get the memo before the election? "If elected, Mr Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency"
So cut all the things that would make America "great" in foreigners eyes. We're about to fall so far back on international lists. The fantasy of America is about to unmasked. Welcome to the hubris that began the downfall of every empire.

Dude wants to trade places with China :lol:,the rest of the world will innovate and create while the US will manufacture those innovations and products

All these research and science cuts are gonna create a huge brain drain imo,there's not gonna be a lot of incentive for bright minds to come do there work over there
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So cut all the things that would make America "great" in foreigners eyes. We're about to fall so far back on international lists. The fantasy of America is about to unmasked. Welcome to the hubris that began the downfall of every empire.
Well over here we like Mattis and surprisingly, Mike Pence. But other than that the respect for the US seems to be crippled already.
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US science is actually a giant scam against foreigners. we get them to send their best and brightest, they get paid a fraction of what they should be getting, and the US reaps all the benefits of their work.

Even the most heartless soul would be against these cuts if we're being logical about it.

Only fat people drink diet coke.
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