***Official Political Discussion Thread***


If sociologists or political scientists are looking to fully understand the magic that was Bernie Sanders’ campaign in the Democratic primary, one needs to look not at an event from a year ago, but from a town hall event Bernie held in West Virginia just this week.

At the event, Sanders and West Virginia citizens discussed the state’s ails, highlighting what they stand to lose from the Republican healthcare plan. But somewhere along the way, as one of the state’s coal miners shared his view, Sanders was able to reignite his classic campaign rhetoric, resulting in widespread support for universal healthcare.

“Phil, let me jump in and ask you a question, said Sanders. “Because I certainly agree with you that ever worker, whether you’re a coal miner or somebody else should be entitled – Let me pose this question to Phil and to other people: we are the only major country on earth, the only one that doesn’t guarantee healthcare to all people as a right. What do you think? Do you think we should join other countries in guaranteeing healthcare?”

“Yeah,” replied Phil, “I think every American citizen should have healthcare.”

Phil’s statement was met with roaring applause from his neighbors. They, too, believed they had a right to healthcare.

Later, Phil even used the phrase that often gets Republicans in a lather: “free healthcare.”

That bears repeating: many of the same people who voted for their president on the basis of repealing Obamacare and are now facing the loss of their insurance, are now completely onboard with progressive politics concerning universal healthcare. Not only are they on board, but they gave roaring applause to the idea.

For the Democrats, the 2018 elections better be like playing the game on easy with cheat codes.
So this is what passes as "investigative reporting" at Breitbart it seems...

Breitbart editor Pollak on @MSNBC on where he got the Trump wiretap story: "I was washing dishes & listening to Mark Levin."

Obeezy should sue for defamation


The CJR study, by scholars at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, at Harvard Law School, and the MIT Center for Civic Media, examined more than 1.25 million articles between April 1, 2015, and Election Day. What they found was that Hillary Clinton supporters shared stories from across a relatively broad political spectrum, including center-right sources such as The Wall Street Journal, mainstream news organizations like the Times and the Post, and partisan liberal sites like The Huffington Post and The Daily Beast.

By contrast, Donald Trump supporters clustered around Breitbart — headed until recently by Stephen Bannon, the hard-right nationalist now ensconced in the White House — and a few like-minded websites such as The Daily Caller, Alex Jones' Infowars, and The Gateway Pundit. Even Fox News was dropped from the favored circle back when it was attacking Trump during the primaries, and only re-entered the fold once it had made its peace with the future president.
So this is what passes as "investigative reporting" at Breitbart it seems...

Breitbart editor Pollak on @MSNBC on where he got the Trump wiretap story: "I was washing dishes & listening to Mark Levin."

Like their leader the orange clown, they hear something and run with it.

Doesn't matter how ridiculous it is either. :stoneface: :smh:
The ease with which Bern turns Trump supporters doesn't surprise me,they get the feel that he actually gives a **** about their interests.

Some Dems could take pointers from dude on how to connect with that crowd,the ones who are still receptive to reason and not just subtle WS rhetoric

So this is what passes as "investigative reporting" at Breitbart it seems...

Breitbart editor Pollak on @MSNBC on where he got the Trump wiretap story: "I was washing dishes & listening to Mark Levin."

Obeezy should sue for defamation


The CJR study, by scholars at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, at Harvard Law School, and the MIT Center for Civic Media, examined more than 1.25 million articles between April 1, 2015, and Election Day. What they found was that Hillary Clinton supporters shared stories from across a relatively broad political spectrum, including center-right sources such as The Wall Street Journal, mainstream news organizations like the Times and the Post, and partisan liberal sites like The Huffington Post and The Daily Beast.

By contrast, Donald Trump supporters clustered around Breitbart — headed until recently by Stephen Bannon, the hard-right nationalist now ensconced in the White House — and a few like-minded websites such as The Daily Caller, Alex Jones' Infowars, and The Gateway Pundit. Even Fox News was dropped from the favored circle back when it was attacking Trump during the primaries, and only re-entered the fold once it had made its peace with the future president.

I remember that :lol:

He was buddy buddy with Morning Joe on MSNBC too during the primaries and campaign until they started calling him out on his BS :lol:

The wiretap story was LITERAL fake news though,as confirmed by the author himself, yet it dominated the news for over a week :x

I'd be pissed if I was Obama
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US court blocks second travel ban order.

What the court had to say:

A review of the historical background here makes plain why the Government wishes to focus on the Executive Order’s text, rather than its context. The record before this Court is unique. It includes significant and unrebutted evidence of religious animus driving the promulgation of the Executive Order and its related predecessor. For example— (here they cite a Trump quote about the West being at war with Islam, that we shouldn't let these people in)
. .
The Government appropriately cautions that, in determining purpose, courts should not look into the “veiled psyche” and “secret motives” of government decisionmakers and may not undertake a “judicial psychoanalysis of a drafter’s heart of hearts.” The Government need not fear. The remarkable facts at issue here require no such impermissible inquiry. For instance, there is nothing “veiled” about this press release: “Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.” [...] Nor is there anything “secret” about the Executive’s motive specific to the issuance of the Executive Order (here they cite Giuliani's statement about Trump asking him to do a Muslim ban "legally")
. .
On February 21, 2017, commenting on the then-upcoming revision to the Executive Order, the President’s Senior Adviser, Stephen Miller, stated, “Fundamentally, [despite “technical” revisions meant to address the Ninth Circuit’s concerns in Washington,] you’re still going to have the same basic policy outcome [as the first].

Context matters.

The administration has beaten the drum of the Muslim purge so long and so loud that anything they do regarding any kind of ban, without immediate reasons to do so, will be approached in the context of creating legislation to favor certain religious groups over others.

This is also why Obama's words won't be treated with the same scrutiny as Barson's.

People don't just forget the things you say and do.

That is like taking a class, failing it , then taking it again the next semester and failing it again. :lol:
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I tell people to do a thought experiment. imagine it's 2008 and came out that candidate Obama had been running a fake college from 1995 to 2002 and he was about to lose his fraud case in Federal Court. I wonder if the electorate would have been cool with him saying "yeah but the judge was a white, judge a white judge, he can't be fair. He's a Bush appointee and a white judge with a white family."

I don't think that middle America would shrug it off as Obama just says it like it is.
I wonder what President Putin has to say? DA RUST BELT VOTED FOR PRESIDENT VLADIMIR PUTIN.
The hypocrisy is very real :lol:

Those obnoxious, entitled frat clowns really are the worst though :smh:. Thinking they own the place when they're on vacation

They grow up to be equally obnoxious, racist, and abusive adults. The way I've seen these dudes treat locals in Asian and Latin American countries :smh: :smh: :smh:
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^ That picture is deceiving though (probably just a file photo)... they were 20 miles out... which is perfectly legal. I am sure that the US has boats in similar positions over in russia.
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