***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Holy cow it looks like the Bernie campaign has taken the gloves off :wow:

From his Twitter



If that really from Bernie campaign, then **** him for sinking to that level

Because all that "holding your elected officials to a higher standard" was bull ****.

I hate these out of context attacks, especially when Bernie always wants to put things in the proper context

So again, if this is really for his campaign. Shame on him for doing this.
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Not him personally but it's his campaigns twitter yea.

How is posting her record and basically going after her for her record for the first time sinking low? Her campaign has been turnng up the heat recently attack wise as his #'s have risen so it's only normal for his campaign to step up as well given how close this race is getting. Welcome to politics man,it gets intense sometimes,especially campaign season.

The real race has begun after that Iowa barn burner and it's gonna get ugly as usual. Remember how vicious the '08 primaries got? This is all part of the heavy vetting process man

This isn't any dirty politician trick :lol:,he's literally stating facts...not sure how you can spin that into being deplorable :lol:
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Not him personally but it's his campaigns twitter yea.

How is posting her record and basically going after her for her record for the first time sinking low? Her campaign has been turnng up the heat recently as his #'s have risen so it's only normal for his campaign to step up as well given how close this race is getting. Welcome to politics man,it gets rough sometimes,especially campaign season.

The real race has begun after that Iowa barn burner and it's gonna get ugly as usual. Remember how vicious the '08 primaries got?

This isn't any dirty politician trick :lol:,he's literally stating facts...not sure how you can spin that into being deplorable :lol:

He is removing all the context of Clinton's position

Her being against his proposal doesn't mean she doesn't want to help kids go to college cheaper

Her being against Medicare for all, doesn't mean shoe doesn't want to get people affordable universal care

When you make a meme like that, you present it like she is against the policy goals, those proposal would achieve

You're preying on people's ignorance to paint Hillary as someone you know her not to be.

Which Bernie cries foul whenever someone does it to him

So **** Bernie's campaign for doing so


Man miss me wit the welcome to politics steez

Bern is running as someone different than anyone else, he is claim to be of a higher standard.

He can't sink to everyone else level without getting called out on the fact that goes against the things he claims to stand for

That is the same point Coates was trying to make, Bernie can't simultaneously claim to be different and act the like everyone else at the same time.
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The expectation to have a candidate fight back with one hand tied behind their back is completely unfair man :lol:. Does Hillary afford him the courtesy of adding context during her attacks? You've gotta fight fire with fire especially in politics of all fields. I've never seen a candidate just take their lumps without fighting back when perception is so much of the battle,this is only par for the course as things get tighter
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The expectation to have a candidate fight back with one hand tied behind is back is completely unfair man :lol:. Does Hilary give context during her attacks? You've gotta fight fire with fire especially in politics of all fields. I've never seen a candidate just take their lumps without fighting back when perception is so much of the battle.

Bernie brahs love to argue pragmatism when it suits them, yet shade Hillary to no end when she is pragmatic :lol:

So does Bernie care to explain when he voted for Bill's Tough on Crime Bill when he knew it would result in blacks being targeted, and voted against and amnesty bill for undocumented immigrants

Should I just label a SWS because his hands are dirty on those two things, or should I look at the context of his actions

Which one should I do famb?
I can respect Hillary's pragmatism especially since it's gotten her this far without being a fan of her policy positions either :lol:.

I'm just saying this shouldn't be surprising at all :lol:. Especially with how close Iowa was. The attacks coming from Republicans and her are only gonna increase moving forwards so I'm expecting him to also go on offense a times. Go ahead and label the man as you want,it's clear there's not much he can do to change how you feel. I can respect that though,I feel the same about Hillary.
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I can respect Hillary's pragmatism especially since it's gotten her this far without being a fan of her policy positions either :lol:.

I'm just saying this shouldn't be surprising at all :lol:. Especially with how close Iowa was. The attacks coming from Republicans and her are only gonna increase moving forwards so I'm expecting him to also go on offense a times. Go ahead and label the man as you want,it's clear there's not much he can do to change how you feel. I can respect that though,I feel the same about Hillary.

I'm not saying I feel that way about Bernie.

I'm saying I could if I strip the context from all of his actions.

Whichs is what he wants me to today with Clinton
I never felt like he was really running to win. Now maybe he feels like he has a shot so he will will turn it up a notch. Pretending to be "above politics" in a political race is for the birds. Her last name should be "currently being investigated by the FBI"
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I'm not saying I feel that way about Bernie.

I'm saying I could if I strip the context from all of his actions.

Whichs is what he wants me to today with Clinton
What's context do you need about supporting the War in Iraq? Then, the no-fly zone in Syria? Didn't she learn the first time? 
[thread="509493"]All that **** is true about Hillary. Her policy is solely based on trying to get votes. There's no there there. Zero authenticity. Who is she? I have no idea.[/thread]
[thread="509493"] [/thread]
[thread="509493"]I'm all for Bernie's campaign posting that crap, especially after the "screaming" article Hillary supporters were sharing all over FB today. Cry me a river some folks can't trust a thing she says. [/thread]

Lemme give a couple a try to knock some reality into you Bernie brahs

-That Bush lied to the entire country about the intelligence. That doesn't that count for something

-Or the fact that a trade deal like NAFTA cost Americans jobs, but also result in lower prices for consumers.

-President Obama had Wall Street donors too. And since the economy and Wall Street do better under Democrat rule, their might be an incentive for them to want another Democrat president

-Universal single payer had failed to pass over and over. The public option got taken out because members in Congress were scrambling to compromise on a bill, not cause Obama wanted it out. And her reason for saying it won't happen, don't get you hopes up, because you need a liberal super majority for that to happen. Go look up the last time the make of Congress like that. And spoiler alert, it probably won't be like within the next 9 years.

But lets forget in 1992, he fought tooth and nail to get everyone covered, with price controls. Bernie swear increased bargaining power will drive down prices, you know what does an even better job at that brah. Price Controls

-People saying more home they can afford was part of the housing crisis. Tons of people bare responsibility for that. Anyone with sense blames a ton of people. And Clinton doesn't strictly blame lenders. You know who else deserves part of the blame. Bernie

-Most opposed the bailout partly on principle. Saying the bill that was past was better than the one Bush originally proposed. BTW, Does Bernie, or you, care to explain what happens to a country's economy when it banking system goes completely and totally boom?

-Hasn't ruled out raising the SS minimum age? Well good. They should probably have to do that if they can't get an increase in revenue. And with people living longer, that might have to me on the table

-Once again, trade deals are not meant to create jobs, they are meant to lower prices for consumers. I'm not a big fan of them myself but I wasn't going around giving my opinion before, you know I actually read what economist think about it.

-Architect of Force regimen change in Liyba. Ok, we can agree things were in that country are bad now. But is he tryin to defend Gaddafi rule? Is he really trying to place the blame for the cluster **** of the Middle east at the doorsteps of one better. And she had final say over the President? How about he grow some balls and call out Obama on that. :lol:

-Social Security might need to get cut doe. That is fact of the matter. I don't want to do it. But lets think, many the people on it now are the same people that put America in this mess through their love for neoliberlism. And at the end of their life their don't want neoliberlaism to bite them in the ***. Plus he is repeating himself, because raising the age will be a cut.

And even mentioning that is a red herring because Hilary Clinton has not been outchea saying she will definitely cut it. But he what people to think "well yeah, she coulddddd"

-She doesn't support tuition free public education. But he supports a highly subsidized plan where students, parents and the government put all contribute. Her plan sounds more doable. She is not against helping college students in anyway

-The was a poverty trap in welfare, there was a free rider problem, it needed reforming, it had bipartisan support. It is how it was reformed is the issue.

-Hillary on the death sentence is not some black and white issue.

-Don't Ask Don't Tell was a relatively progressive piece of legislation at the time, an intermediary step, saving service men from discharged for being homosexual. The reason it is look at so badly now is because of how quickly public opinion has changed on the subject. Bernie supported gay marriage from the jump, good for him, but most American didn't. My guess to is Clinton probably didn't have the votes to go further anyway.

-She supported DOMA, but supported civil unions giving the same rights as marriages. The position more democrats, and many progressives had.

-Clinton's position on deportations is that "the law needs to be enforced". Which sorry, they have to be. I'm sure Obama takes no pleasure in deporting folk at record rates, but it what else can he do. He is already doing all that he can to keep folk here as long as possible, but still having to execute tons of raids.

It is another red herring, to paint Clinton has unsympathetic to those children

The other stuff i either disagree with her enough that I won't even try to put things into context.

------------So lemme ask you, was Bernie telling the truth when he said he was different and running a different kinda campaign. Or was he lying?

And if he was lying, what else is he lying about? That he can actually get this stuff done? That he even gives a real **** about systemic racism?

Please tell me how his is a good look for him, to anyone else than his fanboys?

I thought his campaign was one of ideas, doing better, holding folk to a higher standard, about there being a different way to do things.

But I guess when you think you have a chance of getting what you wanted, all that idealism and principles get thrown out the door.

I wonder then, what else is he ready to throw out the door. Hmmmm


And this, right here is why Bernie's supporters do him no favors.

More concern with Bernie being right on anything, that they can't breakdown why he is a better option that Hillary Clinton, other than saying he is not like Hillary Clinton in anyway.

Except when he acts like Hillary Clinton, or vice versa, then just ignore that. :rolleyes :lol:
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jeb defeated.. check the "please clap":

I went to boarding school with his son in Jacksonville when Jeb was governor of florida.. his son came down to the Bahamas with me couple times for spring break.. a bunch of us went to the governor's mansion in Tallahassee

on the real, it should have been him in 2000.. but supposedly they were worried about his wife being a loose canon.. so they went with W.

He would've ran for President in 2000 if he had won the Florida Gubernatorial race in 1994.
WTF is this guy talking about? Bernie not running a different kinda campaign? Do you see him with a SuperPac?

Of course I didn't read that novel, but why is it that Hillary got like every single super delegate? Cause they all know she'll take care of them. Bernie, not so much.
Rusty, you're a strange character bro. You swear you support Bernie but 75% of what you post is against him and you completely ignore some of things the Clinton campaign has put out.

Her whole attack on the gun rights issue was even MORE out of context than that Twitter post, but I didn't hear much from you. How is that?
WTF is this guy talking about? Bernie not running a different kinda campaign? Do you see him with a SuperPac?

Of course I didn't read that novel, but why is it that Hillary got like every single super delegate? Cause they all know she'll take care of them. Bernie, not so much.

So that's it. Not having a Super Pac is enough to claim your that much different. So I should patting Trump on the back for using his own money too?

Of course you didn't read the novel. You just gonna believe what you gonna believe, and cry foul when someone hard checks you NT.

Do you even know how super delegates work famb? They make up their own mind on who they want the nominee to be.

So lifetime democrats pick the highly qualified lifetime Democrat, that they believe has a better chance in the general.

But somehow that is shady? Why is that exactly?

You know, nevermind. You can save that answer all together

Rusty, you're a strange character bro. You swear you support Bernie but 75% of what you post is against him and you completely ignore some of things the Clinton campaign has put out.

Her whole attack on the gun rights issue was even MORE out of context than that Twitter post, but I didn't hear much from you. How is that?

What's the problem famb? I'm not falling in line enough or something? :lol:

I know who Hillary Clinton is, her short commings, and I know what to expect from her. And one thing she is, is that she isn't an enemy to the liberal or progressive movement.

And I support Bernie because I believe social democracy will benefit America, most of it's people, and people that look like me.

I don't support Bernie because I believe him to be a the unassailable savior of America. I like that he seems to be somewhat principled, to be idealistic.

And lets keep it #1HUNNA, if i wasn't calling out Bernie and campaign for their steez, who will here?

You can call me a funny character, but if Bernie gets the nomination, and can't attract enough moderates (guess who he will need to campaign for him on that btw) then the GOP has a chance.

And there are major consequences to the country for that. I remember the last time liberals where tired of the Clinton brand, in 2000, and didn't show up to support Gore. Remember how that turn out for us pa. So if i don't Bernie as my nominee, I going be all the way in on Clinton. HARD

Because I know how bad it be if the GOP get full control over the government.

Bernie message of a political revolution, constant pressure, voting for the best option over and over seems kinda lost on some folk.

Why I'm I not allowed to express displeasure with Bernie, his campaign, and so called "true progressives"?

Isn't that exactly Bernie's reason for being critical of Obama. Just because you agree with someone on many issues, that doesn't mean your not allowed to pressure them and expect them to be better.

This is why I always disabuse this notion of Rand Paul being the best option on the right. Just because he says some things I agree with, doesn't mean I should dig deeper and question what he truly stands for. And in the case of Rand Paul, it is all bad from many people of color.

And Bernie promised me he would be better, and this campaign would be about having a debate on the issues.

But nah, lemme kept giving him money, shut up, and blindly support.

-btw: I go to bat for Bernie way more than i criticize him in my life. I have done it on NT too.
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So glad Jeb isnt a factor in the race. Cant believe Hillary is on the road to getting the nomination. How in a nation of over 300 Million people is it that we essentially let two families take turns at running the country?
So glad Jeb isnt a factor in the race. Cant believe Hillary is on the road to getting the nomination. How in a nation of over 300 Million people is it that we essentially let two families take turns at running the country?
There's only been one Clinton in the White House.
So ALL the super delegates just made up their mind Hillary should be the nominee? You don't see anything funny about that? They all want to be first to attach their horse to her so she'll remember them in her administration. They know Bernie isn't giving handouts. They're looking out for themselves to try and get a leg up cause they know she'll look out. In my opinion, super delegates need to go. The entire concept is corrupt. I'm sure you give no damns cause your girl is 25% of the way to the nomination. Makes sense.
So ALL the super delegates just made up their mind Hillary should be the nominee? You don't see anything funny about that? They all want to be first to attach their horse to her so she'll remember them in her administration. They know Bernie isn't giving handouts. They're looking out for themselves to try and get a leg up cause they know she'll look out. In my opinion, super delegates need to go. The entire concept is corrupt. I'm sure you give no damns cause your girl is 25% of the way to the nomination. Makes sense.

:lol: Oh! My girl.

Rich coming from the same dude talking about Rand Paul's Tea Party, Civil Rights Act criticizing self would the next best option after Bernie.

But yeah, not like you're alone. LINK.

Nothing like talking positively about a dude that would put white supremacy into overdrive, while claim to care about minorities and their concerns. :lol:

--------Super delegates aren't in Bernie favor, so they need to go. Of course. Btw, where was this objection before papi?

Besides both candidates having their policy proposals out there, and us having debates so people--including the super delegates-- can make up their mind

Clinton does help down ticket Democrats raise money. Bernie doesn't

But somehow, raising money to help other down ticket Dems and liberals is now a negative "handout", because it is coming from Clinton.

Oh papi, whatever you say t :lol:
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So that's it. Not having a Super Pac is enough to claim your that much different. So I should patting Trump on the back for using his own money too?

Of course you didn't read the novel. You just gonna believe what you gonna believe, and cry foul when someone hard checks you NT.

Do you even know how super delegates work famb? They make up their own mind on who they want the nominee to be.

So lifetime democrats pick the highly qualified lifetime Democrat, that they believe has a better chance in the general.

But somehow that is shady? Why is that exactly?

You know, nevermind. You can save that answer all together
What's the problem famb? I'm not falling in line enough or something? :lol:

I know who Hillary Clinton is, her short commings, and I know what to expect from her. And one thing she is, is that she isn't an enemy to the liberal or progressive movement.

And I support Bernie because I believe social democracy will benefit America, most of it's people, and people that look like me.

I don't support Bernie because I believe him to be a the unassailable savior of America. I like that he seems to be somewhat principled, to be idealistic.

And lets keep it #1HUNNA, if i wasn't calling out Bernie and campaign for their steez, who will here?

You can call me a funny character, but if Bernie gets the nomination, and can't attract enough moderates (guess who he will need to campaign for him on that btw) then the GOP has a chance.

And there are major consequences to the country for that. I remember the last time liberals where tired of the Clinton brand, in 2000, and didn't show up to support Gore. Remember how that turn out for us pa. So if i don't Bernie as my nominee, I going be all the way in on Clinton. HARD

Because I know how bad it be if the GOP get full control over the government.

Bernie message of a political revolution, constant pressure, voting for the best option over and over seems kinda lost on some folk.

Why I'm I not allowed to express displeasure with Bernie, his campaign, and so called "true progressives"?

Isn't that exactly Bernie's reason for being critical of Obama. Just because you agree with someone on many issues, that doesn't mean your not allowed to pressure them and expect them to be better.

This is why I always disabuse this notion of Rand Paul being the best option on the right. Just because he says some things I agree with, doesn't mean I should dig deeper and question what he truly stands for. And in the case of Rand Paul, it is all bad from many people of color.

And Bernie promised me he would be better, and this campaign would be about having a debate on the issues.

But nah, lemme kept giving him money, shut up, and blindly support.

-btw: I go to bat for Bernie way more than i criticize him in my life. I have done it on NT too.

Never said anybody needs to fall in line.

My comment was very, very simple; I believe your posts on here are overly critical of Bernie while you've let Hillary slide for similar offenses.

I don't believe anybody should just fall in line and I don't agree with some of the things in that picture/meme the Sanders campaign used. However, other parts of it are just straight facts.

Personally I don't think Hillary is the best choice for this country. I want to vote FOR someone not just vote AGAINST the GOP, if that makes sense. IMO Hillary being the nominee would leave a situation of lesser than two evils rather than a candidate people can truly be excited about. Honestly, I worry about Hillary being the nominee, especially against Rubio, because I don't think she can generate enough excitement with young voters to win.

Anywho, my personal political positions aside I think their needs to be a fair assessment of both, by everybody. Let's not let Clinton slide just because we "expect" her to run her campaign a certain way
So who was a better candidate than Paul on the right?

Nice that you admit they're voting for her for money. Precisely what Bernie is against, and exactly what's wrong with politics.
This is my two cents on this...I'm voting for Bernie but if he doesn't get the nomination I have no problem voting for Clinton because my ultimate goal it to keep the GOP out of office and if that means voting for Clinton in the general election so be it.
This is my two cents on this...I'm voting for Bernie but if he doesn't get the nomination I have no problem voting for Clinton because my ultimate goal it to keep the GOP out of office and if that means voting for Clinton in the general election so be it.

I don't see too many disputing this :lol:. No one wants to see the country implode :lol:. It's just that this is primary season so we're trying to judge the differences between candidates. Come general election time,I doubt there's gonna be many of us in here jumping on the Cruz/Trump train :lol:
So that's it. Not having a Super Pac is enough to claim your that much different. So I should patting Trump on the back for using his own money too?

Of course you didn't read the novel. You just gonna believe what you gonna believe, and cry foul when someone hard checks you NT.

Do you even know how super delegates work famb? They make up their own mind on who they want the nominee to be.

So lifetime democrats pick the highly qualified lifetime Democrat, that they believe has a better chance in the general.

But somehow that is shady? Why is that exactly?

You know, nevermind. You can save that answer all together
What's the problem famb? I'm not falling in line enough or something? :lol:

I know who Hillary Clinton is, her short commings, and I know what to expect from her. And one thing she is, is that she isn't an enemy to the liberal or progressive movement.

And I support Bernie because I believe social democracy will benefit America, most of it's people, and people that look like me.

I don't support Bernie because I believe him to be a the unassailable savior of America. I like that he seems to be somewhat principled, to be idealistic.

And lets keep it #1HUNNA, if i wasn't calling out Bernie and campaign for their steez, who will here?

You can call me a funny character, but if Bernie gets the nomination, and can't attract enough moderates (guess who he will need to campaign for him on that btw) then the GOP has a chance.

And there are major consequences to the country for that. I remember the last time liberals where tired of the Clinton brand, in 2000, and didn't show up to support Gore. Remember how that turn out for us pa. So if i don't Bernie as my nominee, I going be all the way in on Clinton. HARD

Because I know how bad it be if the GOP get full control over the government.

Bernie message of a political revolution, constant pressure, voting for the best option over and over seems kinda lost on some folk.

Why I'm I not allowed to express displeasure with Bernie, his campaign, and so called "true progressives"?

Isn't that exactly Bernie's reason for being critical of Obama. Just because you agree with someone on many issues, that doesn't mean your not allowed to pressure them and expect them to be better.

This is why I always disabuse this notion of Rand Paul being the best option on the right. Just because he says some things I agree with, doesn't mean I should dig deeper and question what he truly stands for. And in the case of Rand Paul, it is all bad from many people of color.

And Bernie promised me he would be better, and this campaign would be about having a debate on the issues.

But nah, lemme kept giving him money, shut up, and blindly support.

-btw: I go to bat for Bernie way more than i criticize him in my life. I have done it on NT too.

Never said anybody needs to fall in line.

My comment was very, very simple; I believe your posts on here are overly critical of Bernie while you've let Hillary slide for similar offenses.

I don't believe anybody should just fall in line and I don't agree with some of the things in that picture/meme the Sanders campaign used. However, other parts of it are just straight facts.

Personally I don't think Hillary is the best choice for this country. I want to vote FOR someone not just vote AGAINST the GOP, if that makes sense. IMO Hillary being the nominee would leave a situation of lesser than two evils rather than a candidate people can truly be excited about. Honestly, I worry about Hillary being the nominee, especially against Rubio, because I don't think she can generate enough excitement with young voters to win.

Anywho, my personal political positions aside I think their needs to be a fair assessment of both, by everybody. Let's not let Clinton slide just because we "expect" her to run her campaign a certain way

If I weren't criticizing Bernie and the shortcomings of his campaign and coalition, would anyone else be doing it brah? Especially on the left

Is it like we have a shortage of Clinton critics, that you need me to join in?
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