***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Serious question: why do y'all argue with him when you know he's ignorant and has no intentions on learning or listening?

You're never gonna get him to say "Yeah, b. That's a good point" :lol:
I suppose I like arguing. And pretty much everything Ninja posts is extremely ignorant, which makes it harder to resist the temptation to argue.
From now on I'll ignore him or use da Ninja logic to relegate his posts to da NT dustbin since he was wrong about predicting O'Reilly wouldn't get fired.
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Nick Riccardi [emoji]10004[/emoji] @NickRiccardi
In his 1st weeks in office, Trump started asking Comey to publicly announce the president wasn't under investigation

Fam said he tried to blend in with the curtains


The ceremony occurred in the Blue Room of the White House, where many senior law enforcement officials — including the Secret Service director — had gathered. Mr. Comey — who is 6 feet 8 inches tall and was wearing a dark blue suit that day – told Mr. Wittes that he tried to blend in with the blue curtains in the back of the room, in the hopes that Mr. Trump would not spot him and call him out.

“He thought he had gotten through and not been noticed or singled out and that he was going to get away without an individual interaction,” Mr. Wittes said Mr. Comey told him.

But Mr. Trump spotted Mr. Comey and called him out.

“Oh and there’s Jim,” Mr. Trump said. “He’s become more famous than me.”

With an abashed look on his face, Mr. Comey walked up to Mr. Trump.

“Comey said that as he was walking across the room he was determined that there wasn’t going to be a hug,” Mr. Wittes said. “It was bad enough there was going to be a handshake. And Comey has long arms so Comey said he pre-emptively reached out for a handshake and grabbed the president’s hand. But Trump pulled him into an embrace and Comey didn’t reciprocate. If you look at the video, it’s one person shaking hands and another hugging.”
The video was funny before...now I can't stop laughing knowing what was going through his mind when he stepped out from the curtains.:rofl:
*The word is 'intelligentsia.' If you've only heard a word spoken, look it up. You obviously have access to the Internet.

its borrowed from Spanish, da S is English localization pronunciation, im using subtitle​ Spanglish... [emoji]128516[/emoji]

And this is why you don't engage with ninja. Look at this.

and da point that meth said completely went over your head, if i wanna use intelligencia as a substitute for intelligentsia because i happen to stylized my writing, throw some informal Spanglish and write da instead of the, its my writing prerogative. Meth can suggest i use da formal English dialect of da word, but he's not lose sleep if I don't take up his suggestion, this isn't a exercise of MLA handbook proficiency & execution its Niketalk.

when i see a vantage point, or something thats not getting proper representation, or being highlighted, imma launch into a few salvos of my own to make sure that perspective is being expressed.
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Just ignore the troll, it's that simple.

Trolls crave attention by saying outlandishly ignorant things.
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trump's interview answer today (about whether he has committed any criminal actions in the past year):

"Director Comey was very unpopular with most people. I actually thought when I made that decision — and I also got a very strong recommendation, as you know, from the Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — but when I made that decision I actually thought that it would be a bipartisan decision."


ramble on, idiot. not sure he knows the meaning of "bipartisan."

here's the full answer. I love the reporters who start smirking at trump. His answer about Comey and criminal action goes for 4 minutes.

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trip down memory lane: "I was going to fire Comey-- my decision. There is no good time to do it, by the way," Trump told NBC News’s Lester Holt. “I was going to fire regardless of recommendation."


"I actually thought when I made that decision — and I also got a very strong recommendation, as you know, from the Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — but when I made that decision I actually thought that it would be a bipartisan decision."
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First of all, Democrats weren't a monolith coming election time and during the Comey letter event, there were plenty anti Hillary democrats that cheered on Comey
And that probably lost Hillary the election
Now, to assume Hillary would have fired Comey....Obama was in charge during that time and didn't fire Comey because he had faith in him
And guess what, nothing happened to Hillary
Anyway, back to business. Your president is scared.
I'm not going to respond any more.
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First of all, Democrats weren't a monolith coming election time and during the Comey letter event, there were plenty anti Hillary democrats that cheered on Comey
And that probably lost Hillary the election
Now, to assume Hillary would have fired Comey....Obama was in charge during that time and didn't fire Comey because he had faith in him
And guess what, nothing happened to Hillary
Anyway, back to business. Your president is scared.
I'm not going to respond any more.

You're talking to a wind brah, no one worth responding too is there, you might want to seek help from your nearest qualified mental health professional
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