***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Cellphone videos taken abroad the aircraft showed the man shouting, “I am entitled to that seat,” then screaming at fellow passengers.

when white privilege goes wrong.
entitled to an *** whopping 
So how many years is Flynn going to jail for? Got any guesses?
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Zero. Presidents have the power to pardon. Sure Trump will have to deal with the political fallout but that's nothing new to the orange clown.
Spoke with Comey. He wants to speak with Special Counsel prior to public testimony. Hearing Wed postponed. @GOPoversight
— Jason Chaffetz (@jasoninthehouse) May 22, 2017
Read between the lines: if he testifies and discusses Trump interactions, it's bad for the WH. If he doesn't, it's much, much worse. https://t.co/IUUDXEzXcP
— Matthew Miller (@matthewamiller) May 22, 2017
If he doesn't testify, it likely means Mueller is going to look at obstruction of justice & doesn't want Comey's version of events public. https://t.co/cN1hocchCT
— Matthew Miller (@matthewamiller) May 22, 2017
At this point, anything other than seeing Flynn get his butt roasted is an additional bonus.
The man seems to be in love with having Nixon parallels :rofl:

The "smoking gun" in Watergate was the revelation that Nixon wanted to get the CIA director to intervene & shut down the FBI investigation.

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The news of Mueller asking Comey about the memos and having him come in for a chat before his hearing is beyond tasty...

I would love to see the Feds waiting for him with cuffs when Air Force One touches back down from his trip.

I know it's not gonna happen but still :lol:
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