***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Donald Trump leaves a copy of his electoral map win inside the Western Wall.


:rofl: :rofl:

Oh please god let this news be real. :rofl: :rofl:

Naa thankfully not this time :lol:,just an A+ joke

The fact that it's hard to decipher reality from fantasy is telling enough :lol:
Dude would NEVER visit Iran :lol:

He visited Saudi Arabia over the weekend and is in Israel now,both unnatural allies united against Iran
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Dude would NEVER visit Iran :lol:

He visited Saudi Arabia over the weekend and is in Israel now,both unnatural allies against Iran

Trump has no pride though when it comes to money. Iran can easily buy off Trump and you can bet Trump will bow, get on his knees, and dance for the Iranians just like he did the Saudis.
Dude would NEVER visit Iran :lol:

He visited Saudi Arabia over the weekend and is in Israel now,both unnatural allies against Iran

Trump has no pride though when it comes to money. Iran can easily buy off Trump and you can bet Trump will bow, get on his knees, and dance for the Iranians just like he did the Saudis.

Knowing the unabashed globalist that he is in practice,you'd be right if ever the powers that be took Iran off their **** list :lol:

There was tremendous irony in dudes speech against Iran and extremists given that the picture he was painting of Iran was soundly rejected by Iranian voters themselves earlier on the same day when they gave the moderate reformer currently in power, a 2nd term over the Islamist hardliners who make up Trumps unsophisticated image of Iran.

Like they literally voted to reject extremism but facts don't matter as long as you're demonizing the Gulf Arab monarchy's and Israel's biggest regional rival :lol:,they're inconvenient towards keeping up the war path
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Wonder how Alex Jones must feel to be part of the DC political establishment now...:rolleyes
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Welp :lol:

@TreyYingst: CONTEXT: @infowars was given a day pass White House credential, not a permanent press pass. High school students can apply for day passes.

So much for that :rofl:
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