***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Black cities want to raise their minimum wages in attempt to fight poverty.

White controlled state legislature are blocking those efforts.

You know the best way to fight that, having the federal minimum wage be raised.

The best weapon black cities trapped in Southern conservative have against their white supremacist state legislators in the federal government.

But yeah, lets keep acting like federal elections mean nothing. :rolleyes

The Federal government (include SCOTUS) is the most powerful agent when it comes to economic and social justice. If you can get it to start conspiring to your cause, you can accelerate your political gains.

Local, state and federal elections are all important for different reasons. Ignoring one of them is just hustling backwards.
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:lol: Oh ok. Dudes want to pull that word out too quickly on another black man that lived through the same ******** as you and who fiercely advocates black empowerment and is vehemently anti white supremacist for a simple disagreement, **** is shameful. Hate to pull out this cliche but ya'll really gotta do better.
Black cities want to raise their minimum wages in attempt to fight poverty.

White controlled state legislature are blocking those efforts.

You know the best way to fight that, having the federal minimum wage me raise.

The best weapon black cities trapped in Southern conservative have against their white supremacist state legislators in the federal government.

But yeah, lets keep acting like federal elections mean nothing. :rolleyes

The Federal government (include SCOTUS) is the most powerful agent when it comes to economic and social justice. If you can get it to start conspiring to your cause, you can accelerate your political gains.

Local, state and federal elections are all important for different reasons. Ignoring one of them is just hustling backwards.
:lol: Oh ok. Dudes want to pull that word out too quickly on another black man that lived through the same ******** as you and who fiercely advocates black empowerment and is vehemently anti white supremacist for a simple disagreement, **** is shameful. Hate to pull out this cliche but ya'll really gotta do better.
I agree Rusty isn't a c word. We should save that word for folk like Ben Carson etc..
:lol: Oh ok. Dudes want to pull that word out too quickly on another black man that lived through the same ******** as you and who fiercely advocates black empowerment and is vehemently anti white supremacist for a simple disagreement, **** is shameful. Hate to pull out this cliche but ya'll really gotta do better.
I agree Rusty isn't a c word. We should save that word for folk like Ben Carson etc..

Meth is right, we should not have called people like Ben Carson the c word

There are other things he can be called with resorting to a racial slur, and it must be broken down in detail by people like Ben Carson and their rhetoric is so vile.

The c word distracts from that

Also, I would be a hypocrite to take such objection to being called the word, yet freely calling other people it.
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I did not say that.
You said Umar was a c word for criticizing Obama.

You are not reading that line in context. I told dude is logic is silly, because if you apply that logic to everyone you could call people that criticize any other black person fighting for civil rights the c word.

So it was a way for me to mock his statement/logic. Calling me the word just because I disagree with Taiq and Umar is just as ridiculous as calling some that just disagrees with Obama the word.
How do we know if the little things that the DNC did that favored Hillary didn't have an impact on Bernie's success?
​Every election has a revolutionist, ron paul twice in my life time Obama also fed that narrative. This country has trouble supporting "socialist" agendas let alone seriously consider a socialist president. Lets be realistic, Bernie had the momentum of the millennials that scream revolution every election but never vote lol. In reality most democrats knew better and voted for Hillary..
Not to go over the primary but some people want to rewrite history and act like Bernie got screwed and looked over and the ways he played himself.

Besides the not campaigning in the South, this dude called any group that back Clinton including Planned Parenthood part of the "political establishment", pick Cornell West and Killer Mike as surrogates, and after insulting the superdelegates as "Democratic Political Establishment" for months, he then ask superdelegates to steal the nomination for him.

Dude has his share of buffoonery.

It's called entitlement. Anyone who understands how political alliances play out realizes that it is par for the course for a political party to support their long time member and not someone who just wants to ride their coattails to gain more representation.

Timid Tebow and em is why I don't think the country will get better politically. They refuse to learn the ins and outs of this ****, they keep regurgitating half-truths (people voted in the primaries for Hillary, she wasn't out there stuffing ballots), they will sit out again, and when the fan explodes from too much **** hitting it, they'll turn around and plead democrats to do something because ultimately, they generally agree with their platform.

Many Americans don't want the burden of decision-making that comes with democracy, they want a benevolent monarch.
I didn't sit out though. I actually voted for Clinton, even though I considered sitting out.. What's wrong with Cornel West? You calling Bernie a Buffon but contributed 2k to his campaign. Where they do that at??? So you supported buffoonery I guess.

My comments were about the primary. Good for not sitting out but you are too willingly to get pissed off at **** just because you are not knowledgeable of how things work.

And again, context. I didn't call Bernie a buffoon, I called some of his actions buffoonery. There is a difference

And yes I gave give a lot of money and I would do it again. It was important that America, the democratic base, and the minorities within it hear a strong far left message. To hear a true social democrat comment on the problems facing the country. That has not happened since Jesse Jackson, but unfortunately many ignored him because of his race. Bernie to his credit did not.

He made mistakes but presented a real choice in the primary, something we had not had for a while. Also, he force Hillary to the left so much in the platform that for the first time someone could use the word "progressive" and "Clinton" in the same sentence without being laughed out the room.

I wanted him to win, but I still consider it money well spent. I hope the next social democrat that runs learns from his mistakes.
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Going to Shanghai in 3 days, I'm going check out how the state media views Trump over there :lol:
Black cities want to raise their minimum wages in attempt to fight poverty.

White controlled state legislature are blocking those efforts.

You know the best way to fight that, having the federal minimum wage be raised.

The best weapon black cities trapped in Southern conservative have against their white supremacist state legislators in the federal government.

But yeah, lets keep acting like federal elections mean nothing. :rolleyes

The Federal government (include SCOTUS) is the most powerful agent when it comes to economic and social justice. If you can get it to start conspiring to your cause, you can accelerate your political gains.

Local, state and federal elections are all important for different reasons. Ignoring one of them is just hustling backwards.
Am I wrong to think that the president doesn’t have as much of a direct impact on the lives of the people and that he isn't constitutionally responsible for our communities. I'm asking but doesn't the states have a immediate impact with amenities and infrastructure, such as transportation, public schooling and policies. I just think the people who we elect in local elections has a lot more impact and influence over citizens’ everyday lives and that the black communities will neglect that part and just vote for presidents. I didn't mean to disrespect you rusty using the c word on my part was wrong.
Am I wrong to think that the president doesn’t have as much of a direct impact on the lives of the people and that he isn't constitutionally responsible for our communities. I'm asking but doesn't the states have a immediate impact with amenities and infrastructure, such as transportation, public schooling and policies. I just think the people who we elect in local elections has a lot more impact and influence over citizens’ everyday lives and that the black communities will neglect that part and just vote for presidents. I didn't mean to disrespect you rusty using the c word on my part was wrong.
How do you think states get funding for a lot of these infrastructure efforts? Most of the roads, bridges, airports, etc. are directly from federal money. And you think the federal government doesn't have an impact on schooling? Just wait until that clown DeVos starts to implement some of the school choice BS, and discriminatory policies against special needs kids, not even to mention the higher education impact with affordable options for college and student loan debt relief programs, all of which strides were being made to improve those areas. And tax policy as well is going to affect you one way or another and that's regulated by the feds too. It really is being short sighted to encourage people not to participate just on the basis of they don't like both candidates, there's always measures on the ballot that someway somehow will affect you or someone you know (ie. criminal justice reform-or the lack thereof that will happen with this administration). It's really dangerous to spew that type of rhetoric in my opinion. 
Black cities want to raise their minimum wages in attempt to fight poverty.

White controlled state legislature are blocking those efforts.

You know the best way to fight that, having the federal minimum wage be raised.

The best weapon black cities trapped in Southern conservative have against their white supremacist state legislators in the federal government.

But yeah, lets keep acting like federal elections mean nothing. :rolleyes

The Federal government (include SCOTUS) is the most powerful agent when it comes to economic and social justice. If you can get it to start conspiring to your cause, you can accelerate your political gains.

Local, state and federal elections are all important for different reasons. Ignoring one of them is just hustling backwards.
Am I wrong to think that the president doesn’t have as much of a direct impact on the lives of the people and that he isn't constitutionally responsible for our communities. I'm asking but doesn't the states have a immediate impact with amenities and infrastructure, such as transportation, public schooling and policies. I just think the people who we elect in local elections has a lot more impact and influence over citizens’ everyday lives and that the black communities will neglect that part and just vote for presidents. I didn't mean to disrespect you rusty using the c word on my part was wrong.

I will answer this tomorrow when I have time. I wrote a response but I felt it didn't read very well and want to make sure I am clear as possible.

But as a preview some of the assumptions of your argument are flawed.

-Much of state funding for infrastructure and welfare programs come from the federal government. Many states, especially ones where black people live, don't like to tax their residents to fund such programs, they rely on the federal government.

-You are incorrectly assuming all states conspire to help black cities, that is often time not true. In many cases states work their best to undo the economic and civil rights policies major black states want to implement.
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Spicey finally snapped and told Bannon to square up.

Dude probably been listening to "Faneto" and "Knuck if You Buck" on repeat since the Pope snub
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