***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I fear something horrible is going to happen with this idiot at the helm ruining established relationships, closing intel channels. The US is vulnerable right now, God bless us.
Especially with his anti Muslim and people of color rhetoric. His only motivating those who want to harm us. Keep your eyes open out here in these streets fellas.

It's already happaening,3 folks were killed in Oregon last week by WS's :smh:. 2 of them were killed for trying to defend another person from slurs

Still no comment from the executive branch, safe to say that wouldn't be the case had they been Muslims...
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I hope we don't have another 9/11 like attack here.


"I suggest that we add more dollars to health care"

Bruh where's that money coming from after you just threw 50 bil at the military? Also, what have you been doing the last 5 months that you just had this amazing stroke of genius?

Everything about that tweet makes me mad. Acting like throwing money at it will fix everything, health care is hard? Republicans have a better plan that keeps getting shot down and leaves many people uninsured. Great uniter my ***.

I'm all the way tired of this clown, like 46 on a scale of 1 to 8.

You'll hear nothing but crickets from Il Douche,grand wizard Sessions and the rest of the swamp though
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One of my favorite quotes from the budgets and AHCA debates was "ISIS wishes it could kill as many Americans as the Republican Party will"

It sounds outlandish when you first read it, then it sinks in.
Obligatory sig check.

Seriously though this past week i feel like ive come to the realization that this country can't recover from this so much stuff is so entrenched its hard for me to see a way back up. I try not to be pessimistic but this past week and the lack of faith we have lost on the world stage with our allies is demoralizing for the future of this country to me. We never took the right steps to protect our democracy and now we are paying big time

Whoever the next person in charge is come 2020 (hopefully, by god not another 4 more years of this ****) is going to have to do some serious olive branch extending and putting work in to repair the damage this clown has done in terms of international relationships.

If he gets impeached I'd like to be hopeful that pence, ryan, or whoever replaces him would have enough common sense to attempt to repair things but I'm not holding my breath with that one.
Anyone feel like we are going to enter into a recession in a year or two?

It seems to me that more companies are laying off people these days (some, like Ford, for pretty ridiculous reasons).

How reliable is the Wolf Street blog when it comes to the number the author publishes? I have been reading this today, and a lot of articles published recently paint a pretty bleak picture of the economic environment. Can't argue that stagnant wages and a rising COL are never a good mix though.

Obligatory sig check.

Seriously though this past week i feel like ive come to the realization that this country can't recover from this so much stuff is so entrenched its hard for me to see a way back up. I try not to be pessimistic but this past week and the lack of faith we have lost on the world stage with our allies is demoralizing for the future of this country to me. We never took the right steps to protect our democracy and now we are paying big time

Whoever the next person in charge is come 2020 (hopefully, by god not another 4 more years of this ****) is going to have to do some serious olive branch extending and putting work in to repair the damage this clown has done in terms of international relationships

If he gets impeached I'd like to be hopeful that pence, ryan, or whoever replaces him would have enough common sense to attempt to repair things but I'm not holding my breath with that one.

That is until the American people gets amnesia again and vote for someone worse than Trump.

What you gotta realize is that Trump is not the first "**** you" the American voter sent to the rest of the world; W. Bush was. After electing Cheetolini, good luck getting the global community to trust the good sense of the American electorate again.
We probably will not enter a recession unless something pushes into it.
I'm assuming that something will be a war or if the Republican healthcare bill gets approved, right?
Nah neither of those things will do it.

The most dangerous thing to the economy in the short term was Trump stupid trade talk.

Trump is gonna structurally weaken the economy in the long term if he gets his way on taxes and healthcare, but he is probably be out of office when things go boom and we see the true effects of his stupidity.

The other way we could get a recession is just a long series of stupid economic decision, and Wall Street buffoonery. And the Administration and Wall Street seem game to that challenge
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Tbf,by 8th grade I was kind of cognizant of events and I'm sure most were too so I'd give the kids a little credit :lol:
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Yeah middle school was when I started forming political opinions. 6th grade was the first time I watched a presidential debate.
I was sort of politically aware in middle school. But 8th grade was my first year living in the United States. I just knew from the island that Democrats was the better option (even though my family is part of the right wing party back home), and **** Bill Clinton.

I remember in 9th grade though, my black history teacher told a majority black class that he didn't vote for Gore. Everyone was like "hold up, you vote for Bush?". Famb was like "Nahhh, I ummm, I vote for Nader"

Real talk, the entire class.......


Dude instantly was like "hold on, my bad, let me explain, let me explain"
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Black kids in the DMV might have a picture of the Obamas on their wall, their grannies definitely got like 2-3 of them on hers.
It's weird to have kids be politically aware already...I didn't really have a care about politics until I was in the middle of high school when the recession started.

At that time I was pretty much near brainwashed by right wing ideology by my family, but the more I kept reading up on history and took government AP, the more liberal I became. By the time I graduated high school is when I became liberal for the most part.
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