***Official Political Discussion Thread***

So the Cuban people are gonna suffer while American Cubans punish the government. Makes no sense.
It remains to be seen how Macron's presidency will be but one thing is for sure, that man has some balls.

Standing right next to Putin, denouncing Sputnik and RT as Russian propaganda. 

French President Emmanuel Macron, standing alongside Russia's Vladimir Putin, on Monday dubbed two Russian media outlets "agents of influence" which he said had spread fake news about him during his election campaign.

In one of the sharper moments of a news conference marking a visit by Putin, Macron added that he had already raised the issue with the Kremlin leader in a post-election phone call, going on to say the episode was in the past and would stay there.

"When I say things once, I don't usually repeat myself," he said.

During the fraught election campaign, Macron's camp banned two Russian news outlets - state-funded Sputnik news agency and RT TV channel - from having media access to his campaign headquarters, saying they were spreading propaganda rather than reporting real news.

With Putin alongside him, the 39-year-old Macron repeated the accusation in a reply to a journalist's question, saying: "During the campaign, Russia Today and Sputnik were agents of influence which on several occasions spread fake news about me personally and my campaign.

"They behaved like organs of influence, of propaganda and of lying propaganda," he said.

During the campaign, which climaxed with Macron's election on May 7, Macron's camp also irritated the Kremlin by saying its campaign's networks, databases and sites had come under attack from locations inside Russia.

When his camp barred journalists from the two Russian outlets from Macron's headquarters a Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman denounced the move as "outrageous ... bare-faced discrimination".

The Kremlin and RT itself have rejected allegations of meddling in the election.

Putin did not react to Macron's comments about the Russian media, though he bristled when a journalist suggested that Moscow's hand was behind cyber attacks on the Macron campaign. These hacking allegations, he said, were not based on facts.

The Kremlin appeared to favour Macron's far-right opponent Marine Le Pen for the presidency during the campaign and Putin offered her a publicity coup when he granted her an audience a month before the election's first round.

Putin, though, said on Monday that his meeting with Le Pen did not mean he was trying to influence the outcome of election.

He said he saw nothing wrong with Moscow agreeing to meet foreign politicians who sought good relations with Russia.
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The Obama policy got us to restore formal ties with Cuba
If they go reverse on that policy, you might as well just say bye bye to those relations and have more people risking their lives to come over to America through illegal means.
The Bigot[emoji]8482[/emoji] playing da identity politics by pandering to some voters in Miami-Dade County.
Da biblethumpers are at it again, displaying their great christian morals and values.

AUSTIN, Texas — Texas’ Republican-controlled Senate approved a bill early Monday that allows publicly funded foster care and adoption agencies to refuse to place children with non-Christian, unmarried or gay prospective parents because of religious objections.

The “Freedom to Serve Children Act” received a late push in the Legislature ahead of the May 29 end of session. Conservatives have made creating exemptions for sincerely held religious beliefs a major theme this year, with lawmakers backed by the tea party movement inserting language protecting them in myriad bills, ranging from rules for practicing law to pharmacists.

If Republican Gov. Greg Abbott signs the bill into law, Texas will become only the second state allowing state-funded adoption agencies to reject families on religious grounds. South Dakota passed similar legislation in March.

About 25 percent of the agencies that are paid by Texas to place children with families are private foster care and adoption organizations. Many of those groups admit they don’t work with adoptive parents who are single, gay or non-Christian, and the bill could keep them from being sued.

Supporters say other agencies that have no religious objections will still be able to assist in adoptions.

“This bill doesn’t prohibit particular groups from adopting, it doesn’t establish one faith over another,” said bill sponsor Sen. Charles Perry of Lubbock.

But civil rights groups have criticized the measure as funding discrimination with public money. The measure is opposed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas and LGBT advocacy groups.

“It is unconscionable that a bill would prioritize discrimination over the best interest of kids in the child welfare system, but Texas lawmakers have done just that,” said Marty Rouse, national field director for the Human Rights Campaign and a foster and adoptive parent.

Sen. Eddie Lucio, a Brownsville Democrat, joined Republicans in voting for the bill in the hopes it will draw more private, religious-based adoption agencies into the system.

“It’s about increasing capacity, it’s about providing homes for kids,” Lucio said.
Or liberals can hope the investigation suppress the right wing vote and show up at every election for the next decade and punish the GOP for Trump.

Take the House in 2018, White House in 2020, Senate in 2022, Super-majority in 2024.

That's what I'm talking about.

Dems have only had real a governing majorities for like 8 months in the last ten years. I'm out here telling progressives, that we need to build and hold Democratic majorities for several years.

If we give the Dems a super majority for four years and we still have austerity, vast inequality and massive sentencing disparity, then we can look into third party alternatives and/or total overthrow of Democratic leadership but in the meanwhile, let's do something revolutionary and vote in the midterms for a change.
most of those 8th graders probably have an idea of what's going on. I feel like today, there's no way to escape politics, it's everywhere. In the long run, that might be a good thing.
most of those 8th graders probably have an idea of what's going on. I feel like today, there's no way to escape politics, it's everywhere. In the long run, that might be a good thing.

Kids have everything right in the palm of they hands. They read the news too. #salute to those kids that walked on on BA Paul Ryan.
'Just give him a chance'

PhilipRucker: Trump admin is quietly disbanding civil rights programs in many federal agencies, WaPo reports. Important piece: https://t.co/plWS90rx11

Talk about empowerment...WS's almost have a greenlight from the federal government to act out on their bigotry
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That sentiment should be dead and buried :lol: :smh:,it can always get MUCH worse...

Can't ever take progress for granted and believe it's a given,**** is not a straight line at all :lol:
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I'm sure the stupid don't vote crowd will have some out of context quote from Malcolm X to defend themselves from criticism
Dr. Umar Johnson told me not to vote and he's a doctor. Who the hell are you Rusty? You not a doctor. What do you know?
I'm sure the stupid don't vote crowd will have some out of context quote from Malcolm X to defend themselves from criticism

Dr. Umar Johnson told me not to vote and he's a doctor. Who the hell are you Rusty? You not a doctor. What do you know?


I haven't voted since Barack's first victory and before that, wasn't interested in voting at all. It's a game. The political game is decided by money, not by votes. You can vote whomever you want into office, the people lacing their pockets make their decisions.

As for progress, Trump is proof that progress is an illusion when one administration can come in an erase the progress of a previous administration. Barack was held back and cut all ties to Reverand Wright because of what? That's right. Money. It's all bs. I'm not gonna call anyone stupid for worshipping at the ballot box though. Do what makes you feel good. I'll do the same.

I'm sure the stupid don't vote crowd will have some out of context quote from Malcolm X to defend themselves from criticism

Dr. Umar Johnson told me not to vote and he's a doctor. Who the hell are you Rusty? You not a doctor. What do you know?


I haven't voted since Barack's first victory and before that, wasn't interested in voting at all. It's a game. The political game is decided by money, not by votes. You can vote whomever you want into office, the people lacing their pockets make their decisions.

As for progress, Trump is proof that progress is an illusion when one administration can come in an erase the progress of a previous administration. Barack was held back and cut all ties to Reverand Wright because of what? That's right. Money. It's all bs. I'm not gonna call anyone stupid for worshipping at the ballot box though. Do what makes you feel good. I'll do the same.

Dude the point we are trying to drive home is voting in every election, including midterms. If people turned out for liberals in Midterms,and state and local elections, the way they turned out for Obama in 2008, then Trump or no Trump, Congress would have power to block him.

You talk about money in politics, more money as flooded the system because of SCOTUS verdicts. If people voted more often for progressive then the composition of the court would be different and Citizen's United goes another way

Your argument is based on being short sighted and thinking one vote for one president can completely turn things around.

We don't worship at the ballot box, we just understand civics, politics, and public policy.

But yeah, like you said, do you.
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Because I'm too dense to understand local voting and midterm elections or maybe I don't have the energy or patience to have debates with people over things I don't believe in?

I just don't see it the same as you. Trust me, I could get very detailed and scholarly with you. I just don't see the point. I'll keep it Malcolm X-ish while you guys have these long winded arguments.
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Because I'm too dense to understand local voting and midterm elections or maybe I don't have the energy or patience to have debates with people over things I don't believe in?

Yet you had the energy to come in here and try to set us straight?

Like I said, do you famb.
Set you straight? :lol: I'm not trying to sway your opinion. I'm just stating my beliefs because in the preview I saw the slick talk about people that don't vote as if we're all Tariq and Umar bots following their lead. I thought I'd let it be known I can think for myself and I'm not ignoring the bs y'all occasionally throw out to try to talk as if people that disagree are beneath you (collectively).
Set you straight? :lol: I'm not trying to sway your opinion. I'm just stating my beliefs because in the preview I saw the slick talk about people that don't vote as if we're all Tariq and Umar bots following their lead. I thought I'd let it be known I can think for myself and I'm not ignoring the bs y'all occasionally throw out to try to talk as if people that disagree are beneath you (collectively).

This is an interesting objection coming from you. Since you're guilty of the same thing....

And every election the ones that grew up in racist families but want to appear to be "liberal" and on our side start carrying hot sauce around, showing up to black churches or talking about they marched with MLK. And dumb negros never look into their family history and who raised them.

So you can talk down about people you disagree with, but you can't let it slide when other dudes do it.

Ok, gotcha famb

-But you a good dude and we have gotten along cool for a minute. I got nothing but respect for you. We just disagree on this issue.

My comments were not meant to insult you because I have said in here that I am mainly talking about people in my personal life. Friends I have
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