***Official Political Discussion Thread***

She shouldn't have apologized.

The fake outrage toward her is funny though. Talking about arresting her for terrorist threats and what have you.
Kathy didn't need to apologize :smh:

I can't respect that. She knew exactly what level she was playing at.

Stand by it.

My first reaction was she went to far, slightly disturbing, etc.

Very next news feed I check out I see Trump is back ******** on federal civil rights programs again.

*looks at decapitated Trump a 2nd time*

Yea **** that dude, everything he stands for, and everybody who tolerates or supports him. They can all burn in hell.
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My unarmed cousin was killed by a police officer tonight,but I was criticized last night for saying not much has changed in this country smh. You guys don't live the life here like I do. My heart is broken and I'm looking to hurt a cop smh.
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Prob get locked up
Tonight for retaliation. My cousin was accepted to a 4 year college in Va too smh....
My unarmed cousin was killed by a police officer tonight,but I was criticized last night for saying not much has changed in this country smh. You guys don't live the life here like I do. My heart is broken and I'm looking to hurt a cop smh.

Sorry for your loss...but thinking about hurting another person is not the way...
BREAKING: President Trump has been urging world leaders to call him on his cellphone, raising security and secrecy concerns.
— The Associated Press (@AP) May 31, 2017
My unarmed cousin was killed by a police officer tonight,but I was criticized last night for saying not much has changed in this country smh. You guys don't live the life here like I do. My heart is broken and I'm looking to hurt a cop smh.

Being a cop is like real life grand theft auto

Cold world, my g... Damb I hate to hear young brothers getting their lives taken.

-Unless the war is on American soil, there is lil chance of it causing a recession. nor will it boast growth all that much

Da deficit gonna be poppin like hot Cisco doe
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RIP to your cousin Mr.Guy Mr.Guy :smh:,know you're probably fuming but try to sleep on it. No need to make any drastic decisions with long term consequences tonight...

Trump is playing 3D chess for real.

Send us into a war to keep the economy rolling...

Then when we come out and fall into a recession, the next president, obviously a Democrat, will take the blame.


Like clockwork :lol:,they're sending another aircraft carrier to the Korean peninsula
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My unarmed cousin was killed by a police officer tonight,but I was criticized last night for saying not much has changed in this country smh. You guys don't live the life here like I do. My heart is broken and I'm looking to hurt a cop smh.

sorry for your loss
Prob get locked up
Tonight for retaliation. My cousin was accepted to a 4 year college in Va too smh....

My condolences fambs [emoji]128591[/emoji]

Please don't do anything stupid. I'm sure one of us on here are willing to talk to you (myself included), console you, etc. I'm not trying to hear about one of own getting gunned down or locked up.
TimidTebow, sorry to hear about your cousin. Like others are saying, give yourself a couple days to think it over, and to mourn.

We have to do better :smh:
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hit em up part 2


This one imagined that the power would repose within him and make him great, a Midas touch that would turn all to gold. But the power of the presidency was what it had always been: a system of cooperative relationships, a power that rested on people’s willingness to carry out the orders the president gave, and a willingness that came from that president’s respect for rule of law, truth, and the people. A man who gives an order that is not followed has his powerlessness hung out like dirty laundry.

Instead of the dictator of the little demimondes of beauty pageants, casinos, luxury condominiums, fake universities offering fake educations with real debt, fake reality tv in which he was master of the fake fate of others, an arbiter of all worth and meaning, he became fortune’s fool.

He is, as of this writing, the most mocked man in the world.

The man in the white house sits, naked and obscene, a pustule of ego, in the harsh light, a man whose grasp exceeded his understanding, because his understanding was dulled by indulgence. He must know somewhere below the surface he skates on that he has destroyed his image, and like Dorian Gray before him, will be devoured by his own corrosion in due time too. One way or another this will kill him, though he may drag down millions with him. One way or another, he knows he has stepped off a cliff, pronounced himself king of the air, and is in freefall. Another dungheap awaits his landing; the dung is all his; when he plunges into it he will be, at last, a self-made man.

killing him softly
Ouch that's some harsh words

And sorry to hear about you cousin Timid. Don't do anything stupid though. 10 seconds of reprieve when you beat an officer won't bring you cousin back and won't be worth the destruction of your very own life today and all prospects of tomorrow.
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Just like alt-right ***** *** ***** were empowered by trump's "victory," the progressives of the world are now emboldened by trump. Why? Because what we always suspected but could never be sure about, that those on the right were intellectually, morally, and genetically inferior, is now proven to be true.

It's over. And people like Merkel and Macron and Trudeau know this. This is an easy setup to go down in the history books as a hero. Go after trump and destroy him. Mock him with no reserve. He's a joke and the race is now on for who will deliver the final blow to the clown.
the twitter bots is a transparent joke and i can't wait till twitter takes away his account.

i hope doctors are able to keep him alive for a couple years because the downfall will be glorious and I want it to last.
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