***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Adding that to my watch later playlist

To touch upon slightly on the discussion had last night,how effective do you guys think something like automatic voter registration would be in increasing turnout amongst POC?

The Illinois state legislature just passed an act like that and estimates are that it could help add up to 2 million more new voters.

Of course it'd be the GOP's worst nightmare but I'm just wondering about effective and tangible ways to increase and sustain voter turnout
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I see Da Echo Chamber is in full effect B. :smh:. Papa Vlad is a close confidant to DA Don. Nothing to see there LIBBIE SNOWFLAKES
@Rolaholic  im not sure how effective it will be time will tell and I will need to read about it more but what I can say im happy with the idea that seems to be behind it.

The goal of democracy should be constantly working to get as many people as possible involved in the democratic process. And if steps are taken to make it easier for people to be involved and vote im all for that and its especially needed in these times where you have some trying to prevent people from being able to use their right to vote with law (cough republicans cough)
I STRONGLY encourage everyone to watch this documentary from 2015.

It gives a high level view of Black America and politics etc since MLK. The very relevant parts to this discussion that took place in this thread the other day starts at the 54:00 min mark....and ends around the 1:38:00 minute mark.

Give it a watch man. Some stuff I'm sure most of us already know and have touched on....but it's well done and clear. Great stuff....very informative

Still have this on the DVR.

Henry Louis Gates Jr. PBS specials are always great.
I STRONGLY encourage everyone to watch this documentary from 2015.

It gives a high level view of Black America and politics etc since MLK. The very relevant parts to this discussion that took place in this thread the other day starts at the 54:00 min mark....and ends around the 1:38:00 minute mark.

Give it a watch man. Some stuff I'm sure most of us already know and have touched on....but it's well done and clear. Great stuff....very informative

I watched some of the documentary, have to finish watching it, I knew some stuff but I learn a lot more.

Some thoughts....

-Trump is just Reagan 2.0. It is alarming how some white people of the 1970s and some white people dried found that minorities flourishing meant they were being ignored. Pure BS both times. And an opportunistic racist was there to take advantage

-I didn't know what a big con artist Nixon was. Like I knew about the Southern Strategy to attract racist whites, and his silent majority through the Sunbelt, but dude finessed 18% of the black vote preaching that black enterprise talk, good lawd he was the OG finesse gawd. :smh:

To this day I maintain that the country would have been better off if RFK became president. Nixon did some good but he caused so much destruction is so many ways

-Black people have to be wary of thinking capitalism and black enterprise is the answer to everything. Yes it helped some, it helped build a middle class but poor blacks still needed a huge dose of socialism. I think besides the voting talk, demonizing black people, especially black women for using government programs is a dangerous practice. This "white daddy" talk I hear black dudes telling black women really irks me.

-Black people keep to focus on class issues too. The black middle class is kinda on the same side of the fight now with the black lower classes. At one time you had many in the black middle class preaching about free market capitalism, respectability politics, and supporting tough on crime measures.

The black middle class has gotten tough on crime policies mostly out their system but work still needs to be done on the other two. Capitalism a special case because America will always practice some form of capitalism but everyone needs to thinking about how capitalism is practice and how regulation and social plays a part

-The Civil Rights Acts and policies was great against De Jure Racism, but did little to combat de facto racism. Yes it was a net gain but I can see for some where their lives had little change.

-I still support busing students, all students, black and white, I know it is a tough thing to deal with though. Black schools are not gonna get better under the current funding mechanism. You have to tie the economics fates of black and white kids through education.

-Still believe in integration. The benefits far out weight the cost imo. And again, white supremacist and racist conservative want to keep the country segregated. Same with the voting issue they are tipping their hand. It is not only they don't want to live around black and brown people, they want to isolate one group so they can pass policy that benefits them and hurts others more easily.

-Points out how Reagan sabotage black cites. Shows why having a federal government sympathetic to your cause is important.

-That documentary is eye opening to how many blacks people viewed MLK. Tons of them were not ******* with him, even after the Civil Rights Act. And would use the same attacks you hear today towards dudes that want to go the public policy route. Kinda shows how many, black and white, distort MLK's image to fit their narrative.White people watering his social justice message down to nothing infuriates the entire community, which it should. But then why do some in the black community do the same with his socialism and public policy message?
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:rofl: :pimp:

A group of Nordic prime ministers is mocking an image of President Trump and Saudi Arabian King Salman touching a glowing orb during Trump's visit to Riyadh last week, reenacting the photo with a European football.

The leaders, including the prime ministers of Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden and Iceland, stood around a soccer ball, each touching it.

The ministers were meeting in Norway to discuss cooperation among the countries, according to the Swedish news source Sveriges Radio.

Trump and Salman were photographed touching a glowing orb at the opening of a terrorism monitoring center, which quickly went viral.


Foreign leaders openly mocking Trump now :lol:
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In one short trip, The Bigot and Chief undid all the work Obama did to repair America's imagine.

We are back to laugh-stock status
In one short trip, The Bigot and Chief undid all the work Obama did to repair America's imagine.

We are back to laugh-stock status
as soon as dude got the nomination, this was the case

cant spend years crackin on dude and then all of sudden expect him of all people to be taken seriously

i'm not telling you anything you dont already know, but all dude is doing is affirming what anyone with a brain already thought.. and what most of the world was saying about americans anyways

literally like a bad joke/movie coming true
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Russia investigation expands to include Donald Trump's personal attorney - ABC News - http://abcn.ws/2sidqtO via @ABC
@lrozen: Cohen was also made a deputy national finance chairman of the RNC, giving him sway over how money will be allocated to GOP candidates
So Cohen is getting subpoenaed after declining to testify.

"Says Who?" 
According to "sources" Trump is in a glum mood, lonely, doesn't trust anyone and is gaining weight.

I'm telling yall, dude's health is going to fail from stress and bad eating habits long before he gets impeached. Plus he's such an idiot, you know he wouldn't take health advice from anyone.

Just wait on it.
According to "sources" Trump is in a glum mood, lonely, doesn't trust anyone and is gaining weight.

I'm telling yall, dude's health is going to fail from stress and bad eating habits long before he gets impeached. Plus he's such an idiot, you know he wouldn't take health advice from anyone.

Just wait on it.
He's probably sippin on Diet Coke right now
Trumps twitter doing something interesting with bots. He picked up like 5 million followers in a few hours. If you got twitter...check if you're following him.

Very strange. He's gearing up for something.....

Trumps twitter doing something interesting with bots. He picked up like 5 million followers in a few hours. If you got twitter...check if you're following him.

Very strange. He's gearing up for something.....

Belgium Belgium I don't understand, please explain.

Trump out here pedaling fake support of his destructive bull ****? That sounds dangerous as hell.
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