***Official Political Discussion Thread***

they quoted reagan's domestic policy advisor as a source... 
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"When Democrats or media embrace Reagan for “raising taxes X number of times,” they are usually engaging in willful obfuscation. This is because they know that when most people hear the words, “tax hike,” they naturally assume you mean raising income taxes. But tax rates (both nominal and effective) dropped dramatically across-the-board during Reagan’s tenure.

Not only did the top individual income tax rate go from 70 to 28 percent! — but the tax code was also indexed for inflation (this is a big deal, because inflation had heretofore pushed people into higher tax brackets — a double whammy.)"

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/06/06/ronald-reagan-raised-taxes-11-times-the-real-story/#ixzz40HegXTRR
Facts matter. Reagan’s legacy has been co-opted and mangled by both sides. Yes, he raised taxes. Yes he cut taxes. The real story is how he raised taxes and how he cut them. And the overarching theme is that Reagan dramatically lowered tax rates and broadened the base. He was a reformer willing to make tough decisions. And at the end of the day, his legacy is that of a free market tax cutter. “If you aggregate together all the tax hikes … Reagan was a net tax cutter,” says Americans for Tax Reform’s Ryan Ellis. “I believe that makes him unique in the 20th century Cold War era. (Kennedy’s were passed by Johnson, who later raised taxes to pay for Vietnam).”

Why is it important to set the record straight on this? Because liberals continue to attempt to hoodwink conservatives into supporting deficit reduction plans along the lines of tit for tat. “We’ll cut spending if you raise taxes.” Looking to history, though, conservatives should be wary of this feint.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/06/06/ronald-reagan-raised-taxes-11-times-the-real-story/#ixzz40HfCtPq6
"When Democrats or media embrace Reagan for “raising taxes X number of times,” they are usually engaging in willful obfuscation. This is because they know that when most people hear the words, “tax hike,” they naturally assume you mean raising income taxes. But tax rates (both nominal and effective) dropped dramatically across-the-board during Reagan’s tenure.

Not only did the top individual income tax rate go from 70 to 28 percent! — but the tax code was also indexed for inflation (this is a big deal, because inflation had heretofore pushed people into higher tax brackets — a double whammy.)"

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/06/06/ronald-reagan-raised-taxes-11-times-the-real-story/#ixzz40HegXTRR
your post in no way contradicts the article on politifacts...
(Reagan also deserves special criticism from free marketers on the right for raising the capital gains tax rate — as well as the corporate rate — in the Tax Reform Act of 1986.)

Make no mistake, these were real tax increases — in some cases, “regressive” taxation — but they pale in comparison to the scale of the income tax cuts that defined the Reagan era. 

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/06/06/ronald-reagan-raised-taxes-11-times-the-real-story/#ixzz40HfgtJ5o
Reagan’s staff tallied up the effect of major legislation on tax receipts over his tenure for his final budget proposal (page 4-4). The 1981 tax cuts comprised most of the total $275 billion in tax relief, but the other side of the ledger listed $133 billion in cumulative tax increases.  

"Thus, Reagan took back about half the 1981 tax cut with subsequent tax increases," Bartlett wrote.
did you even read both articles?
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This dude is serious debating that Reagan didn't raise taxes :x :smh:

Even when I provide a source, and quotes another source

I can't :lol:

You're a joke :rofl:

You believe anything the precious DNC and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz tells you to believe :smh: :lol:

You stay in your place like a good little democrat. Supporting Hillary and all. How precious.
"When Democrats or media embrace Reagan for “raising taxes X number of times,” they are usually engaging in willful obfuscation. This is because they know that when most people hear the words, “tax hike,” they naturally assume you mean raising income taxes. But tax rates (both nominal and effective) dropped dramatically across-the-board during Reagan’s tenure.

Not only did the top individual income tax rate go from 70 to 28 percent! — but the tax code was also indexed for inflation (this is a big deal, because inflation had heretofore pushed people into higher tax brackets — a double whammy.)"

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/06/06/ronald-reagan-raised-taxes-11-times-the-real-story/#ixzz40HegXTRR

Facts matter. Reagan’s legacy has been co-opted and mangled by both sides. Yes, he raised taxes. Yes he cut taxes. The real story is how he raised taxes and how he cut them. And the overarching theme is that Reagan dramatically lowered tax rates and broadened the base. He was a reformer willing to make tough decisions. And at the end of the day, his legacy is that of a free market tax cutter. “If you aggregate together all the tax hikes … Reagan was a net tax cutter,” says Americans for Tax Reform’s Ryan Ellis. “I believe that makes him unique in the 20th century Cold War era. (Kennedy’s were passed by Johnson, who later raised taxes to pay for Vietnam).”

Why is it important to set the record straight on this? Because liberals continue to attempt to hoodwink conservatives into supporting deficit reduction plans along the lines of tit for tat. “We’ll cut spending if you raise taxes.” Looking to history, though, conservatives should be wary of this feint.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/06/06/ronald-reagan-raised-taxes-11-times-the-real-story/#ixzz40HfCtPq6

I read those article, and bunch of rambling and deflections.

Now you want to admit, yes Reagan did agree to some tax cuts, but he also raised taxes other places. Way to move the goal post :lol:

Not only that, you focus on the income tax, but don't even acknowledge he made up for those cuts with regressive increases to payroll taxes. Shifting the tax burden onto lower income people

And finally, him being a "net cutter of taxes" also resulted in big deficits
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This dude is serious debating that Reagan didn't raise taxes

Even when I provide a source, and quotes another source

I can't
You're a joke

You believe anything the precious DNC and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz tells you to believe

You stay in your place like a good little democrat. Supporting Hillary and all. How precious.
!!! i bet his fav president is jimmy carter 
these dudes are arguing for the republican party like it's a football team....

too focused on party lines instead of actual policy 
This dude is serious debating that Reagan didn't raise taxes :x :smh:

Even when I provide a source, and quotes another source

I can't :lol:

You're a joke :rofl:

You believe anything the precious DNC and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz tells you to believe :smh: :lol:

You stay in your place like a good little democrat. Supporting Hillary and all. How precious.

Is this a person attack baby pa? :nerd:

I'm disappointed, I would have expect more from someone that cries to mods as much as you have :lol:
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these dudes are arguing for the republican party like it's a football team....

too focused on party lines instead of actual policy 

You obviously missed the part where I praised Kennedys tax policy.
This dude is serious debating that Reagan didn't raise taxes :x :smh:

Even when I provide a source, and quotes another source

I can't :lol:

You're a joke :rofl:

You believe anything the precious DNC and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz tells you to believe :smh: :lol:

You stay in your place like a good little democrat. Supporting Hillary and all. How precious.

!!! i bet his fav president is jimmy carter 

!!! i bet his fav president is jimmy carter 

Not far left enough for him! Lol don't worry he's well known as a joke around here.

-Carter was not my favorite president, but he was better than a lot of GOP presidents. I'll give him that

-Secondly, I'm known as a joke? That's rich.

I don't know what may rep is NT, not that big a deal to me, but at least I'm not like Blco, being known as......................................... well, lemme stop, everyone knows anyway :D
you do realize that a 400-800 tax credit for a working class person means that 400-800 is going directly back into the economy when they use it to pay bills/ make purchases..

is not like millions in tax cuts for a corporation that will just post higher yearly profits and the shareholders will take their dividends and put it into an account that will only accumulate interest.
those dividends are taxed as well
so you give a tax break... that allows the company to pay larger dividends...

then the dividends (which are now larger because of the tax break) get taxed lower than they usually would (because of the tax breaks)...



what is your point again?

we have to lower taxes so we can tax the larger dividends at a lower tax rate and get less of the extra money we gave away?
 no type of logic in your posts...

you already exposed yourself
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 no type of logic in your posts...

you already exposed yourself
capital gains tax is not the issue were speaking on.. thats a completely different tax rate. And just because a company is being taxed less doesn't mean its cashing stock because of it. You reinvest into the business because shareholders and CEO's alike favor growth.  
 no type of logic in your posts...

you already exposed yourself
capital gains tax is not the issue were speaking on.. thats a completely different tax rate. And just because a company is being taxed less doesn't mean its cashing stock because of it. You reinvest into the business because shareholders and CEO's alike favor growth.  
then we should have seen historic growth in the workforce after 8+ years of historicly low taxes...

There isn't a direct correlation.... which is what im trying to get you to understamnd
then we should have seen historic growth in the workforce after 8+ years of historicly low taxes...

There isn't a direct correlation.... which is what im trying to get you to understamnd
historically low rates?! 43% income tax is a historic low? what are you talking about
then we should have seen historic growth in the workforce after 8+ years of historicly low taxes...

There isn't a direct correlation.... which is what im trying to get you to understamnd

historically low rates?! 43% income tax is a historic low? what are you talking about

Where the hell are you even getting 43% from?
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