***Official Political Discussion Thread***

his full Monday meltdown:



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Da Libbies stay twisting Da Don's WORDS B. Da Don is talking about EXTREME Vetting B and nothing more B. Da Libbies just don't get it B. :smh:
Dude is such an egomaniac that he always doubles and triples down on his stupidity, and there's an ignorant part of the population that views this type of behavior as tough, stern, and masculine
He's also continued his attacks on the Mayor of London,what is it with this dude and attacking supposed allies,I wonder why...
:lol: His people fought tooth and nail to make sure the world knows it's not a ban, he says **** em all, it's a damn ban.
Man's playing that 2486596D chess
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Meltdown indeed. Jesus christ imagine having to work as a lawyer for this clown 

Singlehandedly destroying his own legal team's arguments and feeding ammunition to the legal opposition. 
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His people have also already begun their offensive on Comey and his credibility on TV before his testimony this week :lol:. They're trying to paint him as,amon other things,being incompetent. Pot meet kettle indeed...

Sidenote, it is still an absolute disgrace that the soccer worldcup is being hosted in Qatar when everyone knows that Qatar bribed the FIFA administration to get it. On top of that, the stadium is being built with slave labor. 

As soon as the FIFA scandal revealed that Qatar bought its worldcup hosting it should have been canceled, especially considering Qatar's use of slave labor. It shouldn't have even been on a list to host the worldcup in the first place.
Arab powers sever Qatar ties, widening rift among U.S. allies

The Arab world's strongest powers cut ties with Qatar on Monday over alleged support for Islamists and Iran, re-opening a festering wound two weeks after U.S. President Donald Trump's demand for Muslim states to fight terrorism.

Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates and Bahrain cut relations with Qatar in a coordinated move. Yemen, Libya's eastern-based government and the Maldives joined in later.

Qatar denounced the move as based on lies about it supporting militants. It has often been accused of being a funding source for Islamists, as has Saudi Arabia.

Iran, long at odds with Saudi Arabia and a behind-the-scenes target of the move, blamed Trump's visit last month to Riyadh.

"What is happening is the preliminary result of the sword dance," Hamid Aboutalebi, deputy chief of staff of Iran's President Hassan Rouhani, tweeted in reference to Trump's joining in a traditional dance with the Saudi king at the meeting.

The diplomatic broadside threatens the international prestige of Qatar, home to a large U.S. military base and set to host the 2022 World Cup.

The hawkish tone Trump brought in his visit to over 50 Muslim leaders in Riyadh on Tehran and on terrorism is seen to have laid the groundwork for the diplomatic crisis. It was unclear how it would play with the military base.

"You have a shift in the balance of power in the Gulf now because of the new presidency: Trump is strongly opposed to political Islam and Iran," said Jean-Marc Rickli, head of global risk and resilience at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy.

"He is totally aligned with Abu Dhabi and Riyadh, who also want no compromise with either Iran or the political Islam promoted by the Muslim Brotherhood."

Qatar has for years presented itself as a mediator and power broker for the region's many disputes, but Egypt and the Gulf Arab states resent Qatar's support for Islamists, especially the Muslim Brotherhood, which they see as a political foe.

Closing all transport ties with Qatar, the three Gulf states gave Qatari visitors and residents two weeks to leave.

In the harshest measures, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain's civil aviation bodies banned Qatari planes from landing in the kingdom's airports and banned them from crossing their airspace.

Saudi Arabia accused Qatar of backing militant groups and broadcasting their ideology, an apparent reference to Qatar's influential state-owned satellite channel al Jazeera.

"(Qatar) embraces multiple terrorist and sectarian groups aimed at disturbing stability in the region, including the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS (Islamic State) and al-Qaeda," Saudi state news agency SPA said.

It accused Qatar of supporting what it described as Iranian-backed militants in its restive and largely Shi'ite Muslim-populated Eastern region of Qatif and in Bahrain. Qatar was also expelled from the Saudi-led coalition fighting a war in Yemen.

Qatar denied it was interfering in the affairs of others.

"The campaign of incitement is based on lies that had reached the level of complete fabrications," the Qatari foreign ministry said in a statement.


Iran called for dialogue. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif tweeted: "Neighbors are permanent; geography can't be changed. Coercion is never the solution. Dialogue is imperative, especially during blessed Ramadan."

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told Washington has encouraged its Gulf allies to resolve their differences.

A split between Doha and its closest allies can have repercussions around the Middle East, where Gulf states have used their financial and political power to influence events in Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Yemen.

Regional powerhouse Turkey, an ally of both the Muslim Brotherhood and Qatar, urged dialogue to resolve the spat.

But the economic fallout loomed, as Abu Dhabi's state-owned Ethihad Airways, Dubai's Emirates Airline and budget carriers Flydubai and Air Arabia said they would suspend all flights to and from Doha from Tuesday morning until further notice.

Qatar Airways said on its official website it had suspended all flights to Saudi Arabia.

Qatar's stock market index sank 7.5 percent with some of the market's top blue chips hardest hit.

Some Egyptian banks said they were halting dealing with Qatari banks.

The measures are more severe than during a previous eight-month rift in 2014, when Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the UAE withdrew their ambassadors from Doha, again alleging Qatari support for militant groups. At that time, travel links were maintained and Qataris were not expelled.

Kristian Ulrichsen, a Gulf expert at the U.S-based Baker Institute, said if Qatar's land borders and air space were closed for any length of time "it would wreak havoc on the timeline and delivery" of the World Cup.

Football authorities said they were in contact with Qatar.

"It seems that the Saudis and Emiratis feel emboldened by the alignment of their regional interests - toward Iran and Islamism - with the Trump administration," Ulrichsen said.

Qatar used its media and political clout to support long-repressed Islamists during the 2011 pro-democracy "Arab Spring" uprisings in several Arab countries.

Muslim Brotherhood groups allied to Doha are now mostly on the backfoot in the region, especially after a 2013 military takeover in Egypt ousted the elected Islamist president.

The former army chief and now president, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, along with the new government's allies in Saudi Arabia and the UAE, blacklist the Brotherhood as a terrorist organisation.

Egypt, the Arab world's most populous nation, said on its state news agency that Qatar's policy "threatens Arab national security and sows the seeds of strife and division within Arab societies according to a deliberate plan aimed at the unity and interests of the Arab nation."

Oil prices rose after the moves against Qatar, which is the biggest supplier of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and a major seller of condensate - a low-density liquid fuel and refining product derived from natural gas.
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I mean, Qatar is basically using slaves to build their arenas for the World Cup, they're a pretty terrible place to begin with 
I would be extremely happy to see African teams boycott the WC in Qatar. Unfortunately, it is one of the few chances local talent can showcase their skills on the international stage so that won't sit well with many players...
I dont sympathize for Qatar starting to get blackballed right now but I just think Saudi Arabia's official line for the dissolution of ties,that Qatar is encouraging and funding terrorism is beyond rich coming from them :lol:. In reality they're mad about Qatar not wanting to follow them on their warpath against Iran

Trump accuses Dems of obstructing nominees despite failing to nominate for dozens of posts http://hill.cm/g3s41xv

Dude is seriously unstable man
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His own parents have called the conspiracies related to his death fake news but folks wanna keep it in the spotlight to push their agendas even after they asked to be left alone to grieve in peace :smh:
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lets get it...

NSA Director Mike Rogers poised to ‘drop a bomb’ on Trump admin during Wednesday testimony: MSNBC


Anyone following the Seth Rich murder?


@kylegriffin1: NBC News: Congress expected to question Jared Kushner about possible Russian bailout for 666 Fifth Ave. building. https://t.co/Cxw0iqJ9J8


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