***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This man will go against the word of his advisors on a whim just cause

Mattis, McMaster and Tillerson got NATO pledge into Trump speech and were blindsided when he took it out. @sbg1

Like a goddamn child :rofl:

I'd resign if I worked for dude and he wasn't ever interested in actually listening to the grown ups in the room.

A few more examples


Even off-the-charts weird initial Spicer briefing on Jan. 21 was something Spicer/others advised against.

And McGahn, despite appearance from outside as "Dr. Yes," has given Trump advice he hasn't heeded repeatedly.

The idea that anyone can stop Trump from doing something once his mind is made up is off.

But so is the idea that no one discourages him from his more destructive statements/lmpulses.

Trump doesn't want to be controlled. In campaign, would often do opposite of what he was advised to do, simply because it was opposite

That's the kind of "man" in charge of the nuclear codes :lol: :x

The folks around him should know better than to continue the charade when he won't even listen. They deserve some blame for sticking around


One thing I recently learned about Watergate is that Nixon's counsel went to jail when the scandal blew up.

The people around Trump are playing with fire and they're gonna get burned. I said a couple of days ago that nobody with a career worth keeping wants to be in this White House. Trump has made it the most toxic building in the whole country.
I still wanna hold the manbaby accountable for his messes,his handlers deserve blame but at the end of the day it's still Il Douche making all of these horrendous calls

going to be a good week...

BREAKING: White House says President Trump will not claim executive privilege to block Comey testimony.

The fact that they had to announce this kills me :lol:
The fact that they had to announce this kills me
BREAKING: White House will not make ridiculous and extremely suspicious attempt to stop Comey from testifying

Tbh I was kind of expecting him to go through with it. The dumbest possible action is usually the one he'll take. 
Concerns are rising in Washington that Congress may be headed toward a debt default and a government shutdown http://politi.co/2sa5WwD


Somehow, someway, they'll still blame Democrats :lol:

"McCain continues to be disappointed as he toes the party line"

The Maverick believes that the two parties should work together for the best interest of the American people, while refusing to offer the Democrats and bipartisanship
I just don't get how these mass shootings are any better than "terror attacks" (I obviously know the real reason, just saying).Honestly, I live close to a huge Middle Eastern community, and I've never felt unsafe there, but I'm always on edge any time I see a distressed/angry looking "American"

Many more people die from run-of-the-mill gun violence than from terrorism in this country.

Even more die from suicide.

"For every one American killed by an act of terror in the United States or abroad in 2014, more than 1,049 died because of guns."


BREAKING: White House will not make ridiculous and extremely suspicious attempt to stop Comey from testifying
Tbh I was kind of expecting him to go through with it. The dumbest possible action is usually the one he'll take. 

Da Don is making ELITE level moves. Da Goons going to grill Communist Comet with Da CHARCOAL at Da testimony. Lil Marco and Cronie Cronyn going to let Da YAPPA Sing by frustrating Da LIBBIES by NOT asking about Papa Vlad. Libbies will cry tears and REAL AMERICANS WILL REJOICE B.
This man will go against the word of his advisors on a whim just cause

Mattis, McMaster and Tillerson got NATO pledge into Trump speech and were blindsided when he took it out. @sbg1

Like a goddamn child :rofl:

I'd resign if I worked for dude and he wasn't ever interested in actually listening to the grown ups in the room.

A few more examples


Even off-the-charts weird initial Spicer briefing on Jan. 21 was something Spicer/others advised against.

And McGahn, despite appearance from outside as "Dr. Yes," has given Trump advice he hasn't heeded repeatedly.

The idea that anyone can stop Trump from doing something once his mind is made up is off.

But so is the idea that no one discourages him from his more destructive statements/lmpulses.

Trump doesn't want to be controlled. In campaign, would often do opposite of what he was advised to do, simply because it was opposite

That's the kind of "man" in charge of the nuclear codes :lol: :x

The folks around him should know better than to continue the charade when he won't even listen. They deserve some blame for sticking around

This was a great read. It's from December but proven all the more correct with each passing week: https://www.thenation.com/article/t...e-of-trumpism-his-name-was-hunter-s-thompson/

The gist:

It’s not hard to see in the demographics, the words, and the behavior of Trump supporters an ethic of total retaliation at work. These are men and women who defend their vote by saying things like: “I just wanted people to know that I’m here, that I count.” These are men and women whose scorn of “political correctness” translates into: “You can’t make me talk the way that you want me to talk, even if that way of talking is nicer and smarter and better.” These are men and women whose denials of climate change are gleeful denials of scientific expertise in a world where scientific experts have unquestioned intellectual respect and social status. These are men and women who seemed to applaud the incompetence of Trump’s campaign because competence itself is associated with membership in the elite.

Thompson would want us to see this: These are men and women who know that, by all intellectual and economic standards, they cannot win the game. So whether it be out of self-protection or an overcompensation for their own profound sense of shame, they lash out at politicians, judges, scientists, teachers, Wall Street, universities, the media, legislatures—even at elections. They are not interested in contemplating serious reforms to the system; they are either too pessimistic or too disappointed to believe that is possible. So the best they can do is adopt a position of total irreverence: to show they hate the players and the game.

Understood in those terms, the idea that Trumpism is “populist” seems misplaced. Populism is a belief in the right of ordinary people, rather than political insiders, to rule. Trumpism, by contrast, operates on the presumption that ordinary people aren’t going to get any chance to rule no matter what they do, so they might as well piss off the political insiders using the only tool left available to them: the vote.

While many commentators say Trump will have to bring back jobs or vibrancy to places like the Rust Belt if he wants to continue to have the support of people who voted for him, Thompson’s account suggests otherwise. Many if not most Trump supporters long ago gave up on the idea that any politician, even someone like Trump, can change the direction the wind is blowing. Even if he fails to bring back the jobs, Trump can maintain loyalty in another way: As long as he continues to offend and irritate elites, and as long as he refuses to play by certain rules of decorum—heaven forfend, the president-elect says ill-conceived things on Twitter!—Trump will still command loyalty. It’s the ethic, not the policy, that matters most.

Even the racism that was on full display in Trump’s campaign should be understood at least in part in retaliatory terms, as directed at the political elite rather than at struggling minority groups. The Hells Angels, Thompson wrote, did things like get tattoos of swastikas mostly because it visibly scared the members of polite society. The Angels were perfectly happy to hang out at bars with men of different races, especially if those men drove motorcycles, and several insisted to Thompson that the racism was only for show. While I have no doubt (and no one should have any doubt) that there are genuine racists in Trump’s constituency—and the gleeful performance of racism is nothing to shrug off—Thompson suggests we should consider the ways in which racism might not be the core disease of Trumpism but a symptom of a deeper illness.

We need to start analyzing trump and the alt-right and da fish in this light. It explains so much. Honest discourse is of no use. It's all about a powerless, vindictive relic of the past taking a dump in the sink rather than try to improve their own lot. It's the rejected prom date calling the love of his life "a selfish *****" rather than get a haircut, lift weights, learn the guitar, and memorize some poetry. That same guy will then go on to recycle Fox News talking points and claim he is the hard-working one.
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This man will go against the word of his advisors on a whim just cause
Like a goddamn child

I'd resign if I worked for dude and he wasn't ever interested in actually listening to the grown ups in the room.

A few more examples
That's the kind of "man" in charge of the nuclear codes

The folks around him should know better than to continue the charade when he won't even listen. They deserve some blame for sticking around
Reminds me of this excellent work by the Daily Show

Was just about to post that. Looks like the guy I sent the information about Flynn's use of a private and unsecure email address to worked on that report. Sam Biddle. Not that long ago he contacted me kind of out of the blue asking if I had any additional information on Flynn. I thought it was a bit strange since our last communication dated from early February. I blacked out some personal information, this was from May 22nd.

I'd love to send Flynn a video of him chanting LOCK HER UP to his personal email to rub it in but that probably wouldn't be a good idea 
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From a leaked NSA report...

#BREAKING: Russian intelligence attempted to hack US voting systems in days before election: report http://hill.cm/pjXqvaZ

The original story



If anyone from the Trump campaign was stupid enough to discuss this with the Russians before the election and there is evidence, they are looking at life in prison for treason
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From a leaked NSA report...
[QUOTE url="[URL]http://hill.cm/pjXqvaZ[/URL]"]

#BREAKING: Russian intelligence attempted to hack US voting systems in days before election: report http://hill.cm/pjXqvaZ

The original story



Don caught the leaker tho



A real Winner :pimp:

edit: her first name is Reality? :lol:

Can't even be mad. That's pretty badass.
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