***Official Political Discussion Thread***

So now we know that not only did the Russians hack American email accounts and purposefully release information to benefit trump, we also know that Russians attempted to hack voting systems themselves.

We also know trump publicly encouraged at least some of these activities.

All we need now is any sort of proof that trump was aware of these activities before the election.



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So that scumbag really did arrest the Intercept source since you know,obviously the leaking is a much bigger story and crime than the Russians legit planning and attempting to hack voting systems during the general...:rolleyes :smh:
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Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

That's right, we need a TRAVEL BAN for certain DANGEROUS countries, not some politically correct term that won't help us protect our people

It's going to rain well done steaks and ketchup.

SOUNDS AMAZING B. DA Steaks probably grilled to perfection on the FURNACE inside Da COOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAL TRAIN B.:smokin

BLACK lung.

BLACK coal.

BLACK steak.

Rico tried to tell us da don was going to take care of DA BLACKS. He ain't never lie. :pimp:


Da train got room for everybody B.
This might be unpopular in here but......................

I appreciate the info, I hope she doesn't get railroaded, Trump attitude towards Russia is disgusting, but ole she deserved to get arrested.

She violated her security clearance, she did this knowingly. She knew what the consequence would be, she knew what she was doing was illegal, she signed documents acknowledging this when she got the clearance.

Also I find it hard to believe she was acting as a whistle blower. Like who was she whistling blowing on, the Russians?

Ole girl knew the risk, now she gonna have to pay the price. If she does get long time, hope as soon as a Dem takes office they pardon her.
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This might be unpopular in here but......................

I appreciate the info, I hope she doesn't get railroaded, Trump attitude towards Russia is disgusting, but ole she deserved to get arrested.

She violated her security clearance, she did this knowingly. She knew what the consequence would be, she knew what she was doing was illegal, she signed documents acknowledging this.

Also I find it hard to believe she was acting as a whistle blower. Like who was she whistling blowing on, the Russians?

Ole girl new the risk, now she gonna have to pay the price.

I agree, I think.

There are two major stories here and we shouldn't negate one because of the other.

The much bigger story, in terms of the implications for this country and the world, are that the Russians were actively trying to mess with our voting systems. This is something da deplorables have been denying this whole time. Now we have evidence that they tried. This is a big deal, at least to me.

As for Ms. Winner the private citizen, she broke the law and she will be prosecuted for it. I think she was naïve. This info was going to come out sooner or later as it wasn't damaging to the NSA but rather it's about a foreign entity.

I can't help but wonder though if there were deeper forces at play....
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This might be unpopular in here but......................

I appreciate the info, I hope she doesn't get railroaded, Trump attitude towards Russia is disgusting, but ole she deserved to get arrested.

She violated her security clearance, she did this knowingly. She knew what the consequence would be, she knew what she was doing was illegal, she signed documents acknowledging this.

Also I find it hard to believe she was acting as a whistle blower. Like who was she whistling blowing on, the Russians?

Ole girl new the risk, now she gonna have to pay the price.

I agree, I think.

There are two major stories here and we shouldn't negate one because of the other.

The much bigger story, in terms of the implications for this country and the world, are that the Russians were actively trying to mess with our voting systems. This is something da deplorables have been denying this whole time. Now we have evidence that they tried. This is a BIG deal.

As for Ms. Winner the private citizen, she broke the law and she will be prosecuted for it. I think she was a bit naïve. This info was going to come out sooner or later. It wasn't damaging info about the NSA but rather about a foreign entity. She was wrong in what she did but I hope this isn't used to ruin her life.

I can't help but wonder though if there were deeper forces at play....

They the much bigger story is the attempted Russian hacking. From listening to the coverage of this I don't think people understand how big a deal this is.

Like I said, if Trump associates are gonna go down, they are now definitely looking at treason.
Just watch. I imagine Fox News/Brietbart will try to argue that the document was a fake, planted by trump to reveal leakers.

They will go deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole and keep doubling down.

Then the NSA will confirm that the document is actually real.

Reality Winner.
She might deserve some consequences for breaking the law but the stuff she uncovered for the public should still be the main concern here,the NSA confirming what many have suspected is a pretty damn big shoe to drop and those implicated should be very worried...

Regardless of her motivations,I still command her for risking her livelihood to expose something like this. I've never been too big on demonizing leaks/whistleblowers even under Obama,they're needed in situations like these
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Brah, why the hell have you gotten so good at this :lol:

Trying to balance out DA LIBBIE Echo Chamber B. TOO MANY Rookies crying over conjecture and innuendo in here. Da Grey/Gray Market Kicks are Poppin just like Da Coal B. Saved Da 6 months and voted for Da Don Juan 5 times. VROOM, VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOM, VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM.
Has anyone ever watched Clinton's last State of the Union address?

It is literally the political equivalent to the last track on a Drake album.

A straight victory lap :lol:

-It really hits you how bad Bush ****** up. Like the entire speech is like, "The country is wavy, I killed this ****, now we're gonna have funds to solve errbody's problems"

Bush: Nahhhhh...........
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Rookie Rusty, although we despise your libbie tendencies, I'm gonna keep it real with you.

You could be a pro B. Just put da chai tea latte down and start thinking like us. Da libbies don't have a clue B. Stop listening to da fancy schmancy academics. They're all on da Soros payroll, part of da global conspiracy to control your brain. Just think about it. It's like da ninth inning and bases loaded. You wave that runner home B. Just like that. Case closed.

Once I started thinking this way, I got my shoe bills paid, I got da jesus piece on layaway, I got to test drive da hemi, and, what's most importantly, I rode a plane B.
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Brah(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Soros)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) be breaking me off wit the no deductible health insurance, free dental and vision and famb matches my 401K at 100% up until 10% of my salary.

I run the office fantasy leagues, and I'm one promotion away from being the regional manager of Shilling for the Southwest.

I'm in too deep famb
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It's reportedly over the withdrawal from the Paris agreement.

Nobody serious wants to touch this administration, and given the revelation that Russians did try to hack the voting system and the lack of **** Da Don has displayed lately ("it's a ban!! Yeah I said it!!!"), I think **** is about to go crazy.

And as someone else put it, it's only Monday :lol:
On the topic of the Paris agreement,California showing how it's done :smokin

California, China sign agreement on climate, cleantech


Off topic and leaking related,I'm still real uneasy of the embrace many on the left have had with Louise Mench...

She's aligned herself with some folks who might know some things but a lot of what she says is still bat**** :lol:. She was given the Piers Morgan treatment back home in England after Brexit and now she's tried to reinvent herself as a member of the "resistance" in the States
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Rookie Rusty, although we despise your libbie tendencies, I'm gonna keep it real with you.

You could be a pro B. Just put da chai tea latte down and start thinking like us. Da libbies don't have a clue B. Stop listening to da fancy schmancy academics. They're all on da Soros payroll, part of da global conspiracy to control your brain. Just think about it. It's like da ninth inning and bases loaded. You wave that runner home B. Just like that. Case closed.

Once I started thinking this way, I got my shoe bills paid, I got da jesus piece on layaway, I got to test drive da hemi, and, what's most importantly, I rode a plane B.

:smokin EXCELLENT POST B. Too bad Rusty is already a lost cause B. So simple B. 1 + 1 = 6 B and Rookies like Rusty Don't understand b.

On the topic of the Paris agreement,California showing how it's done :smokin

California, China sign agreement on climate, cleantech


Off topic and leaking related,I'm still real uneasy of the embrace many on the left have had with Louise Mench...

She's aligned herself with some folks who might know some things but a lot of what she says is still bat**** :lol:. She was given the Piers Morgan treatment back home in England after Brexit and now she's tried to reinvent herself as a member of the "resistance" in the States
The back and forth with Jester is entertaining. They appeared to be buddies at first but now they hate each other.
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