***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Sorry folks, but if I would have relied on the Fake News of CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, washpost or nytimes, I would have had ZERO chance winning WH

Yea he just happened to have relied on the FSB,GRU and Guccifer 2.0...

Speaking of "Fake News",it's been announced that the Comey testimony will be broadcasted live on ABC,NBC and CBS News

Dude is literally telling his followers not to watch any real news sources.
Trump was supposed to have a war room to defend + respond to Comey on Thursday.

Problem is, nobody wants to help.


No one wants to go down with a sinking ship [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

That article also talks about how dudes twitter threats backfire most of the time and how even his own party is getting tired of the self/tweet inflicted L's. The memo stuff came out after he threatened Comey :lol:
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Trump was supposed to have a war room to defend + respond to Comey on Thursday.

Problem is, nobody wants to help.


No one wants to go down with a sinking ship [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

That article also talks about how dudes twitter threats backfire most of the time and how even his own party is getting tired of the self/tweet inflicted L's. The memo stuff came out after he threatened Comey :lol:


I know a guy that could rep him:

Seems like folks have smartened up in relatiion to assosciating themselves with this ****show :lol:

Analysis: The Trump administration has a recruiting problem


Trump was supposed to have a war room to defend + respond to Comey on Thursday.

Problem is, nobody wants to help.


No one wants to go down with a sinking ship [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

That article also talks about how dudes twitter threats backfire most of the time and how even his own party is getting tired of the self/tweet inflicted L's. The memo stuff came out after he threatened Comey :lol:

Breh :rofl:
Trump was supposed to have a war room to defend + respond to Comey on Thursday.

Problem is, nobody wants to help.


No one wants to go down with a sinking ship [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

That article also talks about how dudes twitter threats backfire most of the time and how even his own party is getting tired of the self/tweet inflicted L's. The memo stuff came out after he threatened Comey :lol:


Incredible that he doesn't seem to have a clue that everyone wants him to continue so he can keep shooting himself in the foot repeatedly. By all means keep tweeting Don 
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I can only imagine the frustration of these senators questioning Devos 

A senator just asked her the same question more than 5 times in a row and she gave the same answer every time.

"Should schools receiving federal funds accept all students (with disabilities etc.)?"

Instead of answering yes, she answers "All schools receiving federal funds should follow federal law."

The senator literally asked her again and again and again for a direct answer and all she did was repeat her answer. How hard is it to answer yes?


Sen. Jeff Merkley  (D-Ore.) had a fiery exchange with Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Tuesday over whether she will prohibit private schools that receive federal funds from discriminating against LGBT students.

DeVos said schools that receive federal funds must follow federal laws, but Merkley pointed out that the federal laws in this area are foggy, referencing the February decision DeVos and Attorney General Jeff Sessions  made to rescind Obama-era guidance directing schools to allow transgender students to use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender identity.  

“On areas where the law is unsettled, this department is not going to be issuing decrees,” DeVos said during a Senate Appropriations subcommittee hearing on the Education Department's proposed budget. 
“That is a matter for Congress and the courts to settle.”
But Merkley hammered her on the issue of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender student rights.

“Is discrimination going to be allowed or not allowed under your understanding?” he pushed.

DeVos repeated herself in response.  

“I’m going back to what I said earlier,” she said.

 “Well what you said earlier didn’t help us since this in an area of unsettled law,” Merkley retorted.  

Merkley then asked if discrimination on the basis of religion would be allowed in charter or private schools under DeVos’ school voucher program.

“Again, for schools that receive federal funds, federal law must be followed,” she said.

“What is that law in this case, to your understanding?” Merkley asked sharply. “Will such religious discrimination be accepted? Answer the question!”

When DeVos again repeated her previous answer, Merkley asked that the record show the secretary of Education refused to affirm that she would put forward a program that would ban discrimination based on LGBT status of students or ban discrimination based on religion.

“Senator, that’s not what I said,” DeVos protested. “Discrimination in any form is wrong. I don’t support discrimination in any form.”
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I can only imagine the frustration of these senators questioning Devos :x
A senator just asked her the same question more than 5 times in a row and she gave the same answer every time.
"Should schools receiving federal funds accept all students (with disabilities etc.)?"
Instead of answering yes, she answers "All schools receiving federal funds should follow federal law."
The senator literally asked her again and again and again for a direct answer and all she did was repeat her answer. How hard is it to answer yes?


Sen. Jeff Merkley
 (D-Ore.) had a fiery exchange with Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Tuesday over whether she will prohibit private schools that receive federal funds from discriminating against LGBT students.

DeVos said schools that receive federal funds must follow federal laws, but Merkley pointed out that the federal laws in this area are foggy, referencing the February decision DeVos and Attorney General Jeff Sessions
 made to rescind Obama-era guidance directing schools to allow transgender students to use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender identity.  

“On areas where the law is unsettled, this department is not going to be issuing decrees,” DeVos said during a Senate Appropriations subcommittee hearing on the Education Department's proposed budget. 

“That is a matter for Congress and the courts to settle.”

But Merkley hammered her on the issue of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender student rights.

“Is discrimination going to be allowed or not allowed under your understanding?” he pushed.

DeVos repeated herself in response.  

“I’m going back to what I said earlier,” she said.

 “Well what you said earlier didn’t help us since this in an area of unsettled law,” Merkley retorted.  

Merkley then asked if discrimination on the basis of religion would be allowed in charter or private schools under DeVos’ school voucher program.

“Again, for schools that receive federal funds, federal law must be followed,” she said.

“What is that law in this case, to your understanding?” Merkley asked sharply. “Will such religious discrimination be accepted? Answer the question!”

When DeVos again repeated her previous answer, Merkley asked that the record show the secretary of Education refused to affirm that she would put forward a program that would ban discrimination based on LGBT status of students or ban discrimination based on religion.

“Senator, that’s not what I said,” DeVos protested. “Discrimination in any form is wrong. I don’t support discrimination in any form.”

You can see the frustration with the Senator and the people sitting around him :lol:
Obama is in town today :smokin

Would've loved to have gotten the chance to see him speak in person but tickets sold out in less than half an hour last month :lol:. Re-sellers were also charging Yeezy prices for them :smh:
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