***Official Political Discussion Thread***

If true I still hope Grand Wizard sessions ends up under a jail and never holds public office again
Sessions BA trying to distance himself before it's too late.

He scared of his Russian ties coming to light.

Brah I live in right outside of DC when the Tea Party started showing up for rallies.

Dem folks are on one.

But the Tea Party is interesting. Like it is a white nationalist movement, it is funded by the establishment, and the members do suffer from cognitive dissonance, but it is also a coalition of people.

You have struggle libertarians that latched onto it , racist, racist hypocrites, but then you have people that are part of it because the system let them down. Like they live in despair, and they want help, but the GOP has fed them this BS that if you just work hard everything will be cool. All the while they cut the social safety net from right under them. At the same time they have been tricked to think the Dems just try to get things for minorities, minorities that don't work yet live like kings of their hard work.

Now these people will sell out minorities in a heart beat. However, they are a group of people that could have not gone down that road if the they were not left to suffer in economic despair.

So it is like the opposite of the Dem message. Instead of trying to uplift everyone, they want everyone in the **** with them, because that seems fair to them.
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It's truly disgusting how this country sees how corrupt these people are, but as long as it looks like they're harming particular groups, it's all good, but not realizing that they're being harmed too. We live in a country full of idiots and misfits
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From Hillary's book.  My bad if already posted. 

  • The Clinton's used prison labor in the Governor's Mansion

“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
This is a common practice of using prison labor especially in Southern states. Louisiana probably the worst offender, since their governor's mansion looks like a plantain house.

It disgusting, but not unique to the Clintons. It even says as much in the passage

And let us keep in mind that Jeff Session is restarting the War on Drugs, ramping up the used of private prisons, calling for max sentences for drug offenses, and Trump is dismantling every Civil Rights department in the Federal government.

With Hillary, we would have gotten the exact opposite, non violent offender would still be getting commuted and criminal justice reform would be a major issue on the agenda.

But yeah, lets keep concerning ourselves as to how secretly racist the Clintons maybe, especially Hillary.
Correct if I'm wrong but I've you seen deride Berniebro types for dismissing "identity politics", but you also deride the left for holding these neo-liberal darlings to a "purity standard", so which is it? 

Why should progressives believe that someone who pushed the 94 Crime bill, and called black and brown youth "super predators", would actually legislate in a meaningful way to combat the prison industrial complex?  Because at least she's not a Republican?

Or that someone who said they would have bombed Syria more wouldn't have eventually invaded it during her tenure and turned it into Libya 2.0?  Which would have escalated things with Russia and started a whole bunch of little proxy wars probably. 

This **** is more than 5%. 
I thought we were past the stage of getting wrapped up with hypothetical Hillary horrors
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I thought we were past the stage of getting wrapped up with hypothetical Hillary horrors

Never! What will we have left then? Nothing, I tell you. Nothing.

It's also not at all clear to me the details of this prison labor arrangement from that short excerpt. Is it voluntary? Are there benefits to the prisoners? Recommendations, pardons, etc.? Was there any oversight?

Nvm. Hillary had slaves. CASE CLOSED!
But what about da hiphop intelligencia? How can one judge the Clintons without recognizing this essential factor?
I was interested so I tried looking it up. Came across this article: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politic...hern-custom-behind-haley-barbours-clemencies/

Mississippi is one of the few states where the "trusty" system is still thriving. Under that system, well-behaved prisoners are allowed to clean, work in the kitchen, wait tables and wash cars at the governor's mansion, no matter what their crime was.

Proponents say the system helps cut state costs and allows prisoners to put their time to use. North Carolina has a similar program that uses inmates for upkeep of a part of the governor's residence. South Carolina did the same, but ended its program in 2001 after inmates were found to be having sex in the governor's residence.

Barbour told The Associated Press in 2008 that it was customary for Mississippi governors to cut short the sentences of inmates who served at the mansion, a tradition that dates back generations. At the time, he faced similar backlash for releasing trusty Michael David Graham, who served 19 years of his life sentence for killing his ex-wife. Graham walked free after working eight years in the governor's mansion.

It still makes me uncomfortable because it mirrors some aspects of slavery a little too closely.... But it's an interesting system and I could see it being of benefit to society if not abused (a big "if").
Read the 13th Amendment, these schmucks are just doing what they can within the confines of the Constitution.
But what about da hiphop intelligencia? How can one judge the Clintons without recognizing this essential factor?
Bill is part of the hiphop intelligencia b

Hilary gets the cred by association my guy, simple.
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I thought we were past the stage of getting wrapped up with hypothetical Hillary horrors
It's only fair if we're bringing up hypothetical accomplishments, no? 

Yes her presidency would have likely been much less destructful than Trump's, but it's hard to motivate people in the name of pragmatism, which is why it's hard for me to blame the base for her loss. 

Do I think it's foolish that some them thought a potential Trump win would be some kind of sign that the Democrats needed to move farther left?  Yes, but at the same time I'm not sure how to we're ever going to get the party to move in a direction that actually addresses these issues instead of putting a band-aid over it and telling us they tried. 

From Hillary's book.  My bad if already posted. 

  • The Clinton's used prison labor in the Governor's Mansion

“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”

This is a common practice of using prison labor especially in Southern states. Louisiana probably the worst offender, since their governor's mansion looks like a plantain house.

It disgusting, but not unique to the Clintons. It even says as much in the passage

And let us keep in mind that Jeff Session is restarting the War on Drugs, ramping up the used of private prisons, calling for max sentences for drug offenses, and Trump is dismantling every Civil Rights department in the Federal government.

With Hillary, we would have gotten the exact opposite, non violent offender would still be getting commuted and criminal justice reform would be a major issue on the agenda.

But yeah, lets keep concerning ourselves as to how secretly racist the Clintons maybe, especially Hillary.

Correct if I'm wrong but I've you seen deride Berniebro types for dismissing "identity politics", but you also deride the left for holding these neo-liberal darlings to a "purity standard", so which is it? 

Why should progressives believe that someone who pushed the 94 Crime bill, and called black and brown youth "super predators", would actually legislate in a meaningful way to combat the prison industrial complex?  Because at least she's not a Republican?

Or that someone who said they would have bombed Syria more wouldn't have eventually invaded it during her tenure and turned it into Libya 2.0?  Which would have escalated things with Russia and started a whole bunch of little proxy wars probably. 

This **** is more than 5%. 

-It get on Berniebros for dismissing identity politics because it dismissing the policies that help marginalized groups. I have said they can message different if they want, to a more economic message to get more voters, but I took issue with the downplaying of policies that help minorities. Or the suggestion that minority candidates only run on their minority status

-Hillary Clinton made her super predator comment two years after the passing of the bill, was talking about gang members, and I have said **** her plenty of time for using that word.

Maybe you should read the book "Locking up their Own". Tough on crime measures where popular within the black community, not only White America. The sad reality is their where plenty of forces that lead to the version of the bill that was passed. Ironically, it was passed the way it was because they felt that if it was put off after the midterm, liberals would lose seats and it would be made more draconian. That is what motivated most black members of Congress to finally help push it through. The politics of the crime bill and more complicated that "Bill and Hillary wanted to lock up black people"

And the sin of the bill is not that it said "lock up black people". That was not Clinton's aim. The sin was he and the Dems stupidly handed out money to states, and as a result gave the private sector a profit motive to lock people up. You give people a profit motive, they will pursue it.

Now, Bernie Sanders, her major competition in the primaries on the other hand knew the discriminatory outcomes (he said so on the House floor), still voted for the ******* thing, campaigned on his vote, sat back as Vermont became one of the worst offenders, and refused to meet with black leaders in his state. So when it comes to adding up the crimes of that era. Bernie's crime way bigger.

She made a stupid comment and used a racially charges word, one she apologized for, and one I still say **** her for.

But in this race she was the only candidate that launch her campaign with criminal justice reform, made it a major issue of both her campaigns. And while I am probably left of her on economic policy, I still very much liked her economic policy because of how much they would have disproportionately helped people of color.

Most importantly, I knew how horrible the alternative would be. And he has proven to be horrible. Both of Clinton and Sanders did stuff I did not like, and I had to come to terms with those actions, put them in their proper context and keep the bigger picture in mind. I voted for Sanders in the midterms, he didn't win, so I vote Hillary in the general.

-And now you want to play "what ifs" about her foreign policy? Yes what, Trump has ****** up so much that your strongest allies don't think they can trust a word we say. This not only puts our country in danger, but will hurt us economically.

Keep obsessing about Hillary Clinton, tying yourself in knots to think we dodged a bullet, and worry about the nonsense actually happening in the White House
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While the manbaby and his people try assassinating Comeys character before his testimony,I hope that these stories keep leaking right up until then :lol: :nerd:

Top intel official told associates Trump asked him if he could intervene with Comey to get FBI to back off Flynn

Watching this District 6 debate and Karen Handle is way in over her head she night ready for the bright lights I have more confidence Ossoff got the runoff.
Do I think it's foolish that some them thought a potential Trump win would be some kind of sign that the Democrats needed to move farther left?  Yes, but at the same time I'm not sure how to we're ever going to get the party to move in a direction that actually addresses these issues instead of putting a band-aid over it and telling us they tried. 

Do you really think that rehashing the same tired Hillary criticisms from the campaign trail is the solution? You can't move in a new direction when you keep falling into that trap.

The way I see it, Trump is the president and there are more tangible things to be concerned with.
I still don't get the outrage of what Hillary wrote though
I didn't even know they had prison labor do stuff like that
Eye opening stuff forreal
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