***Official Political Discussion Thread***


#TPC (Team Professional Centrist) checking in

Republicans and Democrats are both wrong on this topic. Republicans are too extreme in that they want an America where sexual intercourse with one's daughter to be the norm. At the same time, Democrats are too extreme in their belief that a father-daughter relationship should be completely chaste.

Back when I was studying history at a storied Ivy League school, which I must mention once in every one of my columns, I was struck by the power of compromise elicited by Araham Lincoln and Henry Clay and in that same spirit of compromise, I believe that today's great and equally culpable political parties must, in the tradition of Ronald Regan and Tip O'Neil, strike a grand bargain which will create a census about which we, as Americans, can common together and come ground so as to the question of which base should be the agreed upon equidistant point of a mutually agreed upon acceptable range for father daughter trysts.

I reached out to several other professional centrists in three other DC publications and they circled back on the topic. Their opinions ranged from first base to third base. It is in my humble opinion that we must always seek compromise and therefore, I endorse the notion that we must find common ground and strike an agreed upon understanding that second base, no more no less, is what all DC dads and Manhattan professionals should seek with their daughters.

Let us never be ruled by either sort of extremism.

Your's truly,

Your vapid, anodyne friend, the professional centrist
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It ends with King Lear bringing coal back, right?


#TPC (Team Professional Centrist) checking in

Republicans and Democrats are both wrong on this topic. Republicans are too extreme in that they want an America where sexual intercourse with one's daughter to be the norm. At the same time, Democrats are too extreme in their belief that a father-daughter relationship should be completely chaste.

Back when I was studying history at a storied Ivy League school, which I must mention once in every one of my columns, I was struck by the power of compromise elicited by Araham Lincoln and Henry Clay and in that same spirit of compromise, I believe that today's great and equally culpable political parties must, in the tradition of Ronald Regan and Tip O'Neil, strike a grand bargain which will create a census about which we, as Americans, can common together and come ground so as to the question of which base should be the agreed upon equidistant point of a mutually agreed upon acceptable range for father daughter trysts.

I reached out to several other professional centrists in three other DC publications and they circled back on the topic. Their opinions ranged from first base to third base. It is in my humble opinion that we must always seek compromise and therefore, I endorse the notion that we must find common ground and strike an agreed upon understanding that second base, no more no less, is what all DC dads and Manhattan professionals should seek with their daughters.

Let us never be ruled by either sort of extremism.

Your's truly,

Your vapid, anodyne friend, the professional centrist

Can you clarify what exactly second base is?

And does this apply to all daughters or just the favored daughter?

And I'm asking for a friend (Eric Trump, in particular). Do sons also get to go to second base with their fathers? Mothers?
It ends with King Lear bringing coal back, right?
Can you clarify what exactly second base is?

And does this apply to all daughters or just the favored daughter?

And I'm asking for a friend (Eric Trump, in particular). Do sons also get to go to second base with their fathers? Mothers?

As a professional centrist, I think that if your friend is wealthy then incest is a sign of family cohesion much in the same way that boardroom cocaine use is a form of team building and are both reasons for why the nation's wealthiest are so wealthy. I talked about this all in great detail in my 2010 book "The rich are rich because they own boats."

Now if your Oedipal friend is working class then his liaisons with his mother, daughter or any women, for that matter, are clearly signs of social dysfunction that make the poor the way that they are. I touched on this in my 2007 book "I hate poor people: Useless mouths from Botswana to Boston."

^^^ I thoroughly enjoyed your 2008 book "Fighting Racism: Everything African Americans Get Wrong", and I especially adored the promotional long form article for the book in New York Observer: "Mass Incarceration, A Blessing in Disguise"
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^^^ I thoroughly enjoyed your 2008 book "Fighting Racism: Everything African Americans Get Wrong", and I especially adored the promotion long form article for the book in New York Observer: "Mass Incarceration, A Blessing in Disguise"


Murray's bell curve was too extreme but as a centrist, I had to meet him half way with my now renounce "black people are lazy and criminal: A scatter plot"

I'm reminded of a Chinese proverb, that I'm making up as I type. It goes "hun ji shu," which means "he who drives through a neighborhood once and quickly knows its ten thousand stories."

Once, I drove through the black part of Washington and noticed that few, if any, black homes had immaculately manicured lawns. Later, while driving through George Town, I saw perfect lawns. I am forced to conclude that if black people get nicer lawns and bigger houses and send their kids to better schools, that they will be imbued with the middle class value that allows people in George Town to be millionaires.
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After watching that Vice episode about Florida flooding all the time seems like Mother Nature is playing the part of Bugs Bunny.
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