#TPC (Team Professional Centrist) checking in
Republicans and Democrats are both wrong on this topic. Republicans are too extreme in that they want an America where sexual intercourse with one's daughter to be the norm. At the same time, Democrats are too extreme in their belief that a father-daughter relationship should be completely chaste.
Back when I was studying history at a storied Ivy League school, which I must mention once in every one of my columns, I was struck by the power of compromise elicited by Araham Lincoln and Henry Clay and in that same spirit of compromise, I believe that today's great and equally culpable political parties must, in the tradition of Ronald Regan and Tip O'Neil, strike a grand bargain which will create a census about which we, as Americans, can common together and come ground so as to the question of which base should be the agreed upon equidistant point of a mutually agreed upon acceptable range for father daughter trysts.
I reached out to several other professional centrists in three other DC publications and they circled back on the topic. Their opinions ranged from first base to third base. It is in my humble opinion that we must always seek compromise and therefore, I endorse the notion that we must find common ground and strike an agreed upon understanding that second base, no more no less, is what all DC dads and Manhattan professionals should seek with their daughters.
Let us never be ruled by either sort of extremism.
Your's truly,
Your vapid, anodyne friend, the professional centrist