***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I lowkey thought you were overreacting but you really did call it

i probably did initially but a shot to the hip can be serious and i suspected trump has no clue.


at least trump has now caught on:


i hope Scalise will be ok. they need to get the bleeding under control. after that, he'll probably have a lengthy recovery.
-The Dems need a super-majority to pass a comprehensive single payer program. Any realistic shot of that happening died with poor tunrout in 2014, and missing the chance to put 3 more liberal in the Senate in 2016.

So if liberal vote constantly, best case scenario is probably mid 2020s. If a Dem wins the presidency in 2020, then the right wing base will be looking for revenge come 2022 midterms. So liberals have to start voting in midterms constantly.

-Second a Dem super-majority might not be enough, because any left wing healthcare bill will have to pass the most conservative Dems. So you have a situation where 2018 might be a blessing an a curse. If the three moderate Dems keep their seats, they might play Libermann down the line, if they lose their seats (opening the chance to run more liberal candidates down the line) then you put off getting a super-majority.

Joe Manchin doesn't give a **** about what progressives, young people, or single mothers want.

-Without a supermajority they could in theory just lower the age of Medicare, or allow everyone to buy into Medicaid, but they will still need to fund it. Another possible road block because the cost of single payer will be put on front street. Now you have to raise taxes to fund the program, this will have major political backlash

-While single payer is popular in theory, if is not as popular when people learn the ins and outs. The economics of the program is not as simple as most believe, Bernie Sanders is over promising like a mother ****** when it comes to his proposal.

-Private insurers and right wingers will sue constantly and with a conservative Supreme Court, single payer might die before it lives. Just ask Obeezy about the Medicaid expansion. Throwing together a bill hastily will make this more likely.

-Also in America, private insurers play a huge part running our publicly funded insurance programs. Medicaid is mostly private insurers that administer it, Medicare too. Supplemental private health insurance plans are a big money business in America too. So will private insurers take a hit, of course, but will it be the end of them...... Nope

Unless you block them from selling to firms, and administers Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, and all the other government funded plans through new formed government agencies (another thing you might need a supermajoirty to set up). The private insurance industry is not going anywhere.

yeah but via reconciliation.

If you can use it to end the subsidies, end medicare expansion, you can use it to add more, right?

So with only 51 votes can't Dems make the subsidies more generous, add a medicare buy in or something? Maybe not single payer, that might take a while, but I think something way way more generous than Obamacare.
Per WaPo and NYT: THREE components to Mueller investigation of Trump:

1. Obstruction of Justice
2. Russian Collusion
3. Money-laundering



Gotta be the nastiest Bday surprise dudes ever had :lol:

Bruh always talks himself into some ****. I have no doubt the "potentially fire Mueller" talks fueled this.

Man is not a strategic or calculated thinker in the least,dude is purely reactionary in his actions.

If he did,he'd know that the cover up usually ends up being worse than the actual crime :lol:
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trump guy on CNN:

1) what about the leaks
2) what about Loretta Lynch
3) Hillary Clinton

don lemmon just told the guy he is reading off talking points from the white house.

4) that's outrageous, i don't have talking points


like clockwork
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trump guy on CNN:

1) what about the leaks
2) what about Loretta Lynch
3) Hillary Clinton

don lemmon just told the guy he is reading off talking points from the white house.

4) that's outrageous, i don't have talking points


Da Don should've had Talking Points 1-4 be strictly COAL TRAIN AND COAL SMOKE RELATED.
-The Dems need a super-majority to pass a comprehensive single payer program. Any realistic shot of that happening died with poor tunrout in 2014, and missing the chance to put 3 more liberal in the Senate in 2016.

So if liberal vote constantly, best case scenario is probably mid 2020s. If a Dem wins the presidency in 2020, then the right wing base will be looking for revenge come 2022 midterms. So liberals have to start voting in midterms constantly.

-Second a Dem super-majority might not be enough, because any left wing healthcare bill will have to pass the most conservative Dems. So you have a situation where 2018 might be a blessing an a curse. If the three moderate Dems keep their seats, they might play Libermann down the line, if they lose their seats (opening the chance to run more liberal candidates down the line) then you put off getting a super-majority.

Joe Manchin doesn't give a **** about what progressives, young people, or single mothers want.

-Without a supermajority they could in theory just lower the age of Medicare, or allow everyone to buy into Medicaid, but they will still need to fund it. Another possible road block because the cost of single payer will be put on front street. Now you have to raise taxes to fund the program, this will have major political backlash

-While single payer is popular in theory, if is not as popular when people learn the ins and outs. The economics of the program is not as simple as most believe, Bernie Sanders is over promising like a mother ****** when it comes to his proposal.

-Private insurers and right wingers will sue constantly and with a conservative Supreme Court, single payer might die before it lives. Just ask Obeezy about the Medicaid expansion. Throwing together a bill hastily will make this more likely.

-Also in America, private insurers play a huge part running our publicly funded insurance programs. Medicaid is mostly private insurers that administer it, Medicare too. Supplemental private health insurance plans are a big money business in America too. So will private insurers take a hit, of course, but will it be the end of them...... Nope

Unless you block them from selling to firms, and administers Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, and all the other government funded plans through new formed government agencies (another thing you might need a supermajoirty to set up). The private insurance industry is not going anywhere.

yeah but via reconciliation.

If you can use it to end the subsidies, end medicare expansion, you can use it to add more, right?

So with only 51 votes can't Dems make the subsidies more generous, add a medicare buy in or something? Maybe not single payer, that might take a while, but I think something way way more generous than Obamacare.

That's their best option. But the CBO score for a medicare buy in will be front and center and the Senate parliamentarian might against them. That is what made Reid and Obama gun shy in 2010 over including the public option in the reconciliation bill (also it was rumored that their were more Dem willing to abandon the public option) :smh:.

But do agree with you. If the Dems get a simple majority. They need to shoot that shot no matter the blowback. **** the GOP, **** the moderate Dems.

Let the GOP hang themselves again on the issue.

-Let us hope to god Cory Booker is not President in 2021, dude has **** boy saboteur written all over him.
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trump guy on CNN:

1) what about the leaks
2) what about Loretta Lynch
3) Hillary Clinton

don lemmon just told the guy he is reading off talking points from the white house.

4) that's outrageous, i don't have talking points


Da Don should've had Talking Points 1-4 be strictly COAL TRAIN AND COAL SMOKE RELATED.
that's where they went wrong B. gotta remember what got trump elected by an historic margin. all da libbies were wrong in their prediction and we gotta remind them it comes down to da coal, da jobs, da economic anxiety, and her emails. what about those emails? why aren't we locking her up? da deep state must be defeated.

and it starts by reminding don lemon that da coal train is BACK B, number one. da black lung can be earned again, number two. coal face Barson is our savior, number three. and four, da coal train doesn't stop for foreigners because we gotta keep all da coal smoke antidote for hard-working Mericans trying to overcome da opioid addiction.
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trump guy on CNN:

1) what about the leaks
2) what about Loretta Lynch
3) Hillary Clinton

don lemmon just told the guy he is reading off talking points from the white house.

4) that's outrageous, i don't have talking points


like clockwork

Brother Don not talking any ****. chuch :smokin

I know I'm replying to myself, but....

Wow, this tweet really didn't age well.

It says so much.

It needs to be publicized and forced down everyone's throats until they really understand what this all means.

Rand Paul and the other "second amendment" folk (well, the folk who bought the NRA's bastardization of the second amendment) should ultimately respect the shooter today for carrying out his patriotic duty, no?


Thanks to twitter, the hypocrisy can be on display for all to see.

When you play with fire, don't complain when you get burned.
that's where they went wrong B. gotta remember what got trump elected by an historic margin. all da libbies were wrong in their prediction and we gotta remind them it comes down to da coal, da jobs, da economic anxiety, and her emails. what about those emails? why aren't we locking her up? da deep state must be defeated.

and it starts by reminding don lemon that da coal train is BACK B, number one. da black lung can be earned again, number two. coal face Barson is our savior, number three. and four, da coal train doesn't stop for foreigners because we gotta keep all da coal smoke antidote for hard-working Mericans trying to overcome da opioid addiction.

Da Don NEEDS to STOP listening to Kush and Bannon and he needs to join NT to get sage advice like this B. :smokin
Didn't Alex Jones call himself a parody in those court proceedings anyway? Everything he says is pretty much FAKE NEWS
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