***Official Political Discussion Thread***

While I cannot condone political violence like this, I do feel like i is poetic justice. For eight years, conservatives, mainstream, elected conservative politicians have openly mused about "Second Amendment remedies" and they have implied that it is okay to kill liberal lawmakers who a citizen deems to be a "tyrant."

Now if expanding medicaid and raising income tax rates to pay for it makes someone a tyrant then surely a man like Steve Scalise must be a tyrant. Steve Scalise is part of a group of Americans who openly and proudly use the American State for the advancement of White Supremacy. Not only that, the GOP Congressional leadership and the White House do not even have legitimacy since they demonstrably failed to win a majority of votes, they may have had assistance from a foreign government and they are actively conspiring to rig future elections. A more vile and illegitimate political figure you will not find.

If we removed the obvious partisanship from the equation and dispassionately used the GOP's rubric for "tyranny" and its assertion that citizens had a right and duty to "veto" said tyranny with "Second amendment remedies,"" Donald Trump and senior Republican leadership, at this point in time, would clearly qualify for removal by second amendment means.
While I cannot condone political violence like this, I do feel like i is poetic justice. For eight years, conservatives, mainstream, elected conservative politicians have openly mused about "Second Amendment remedies" and they have implied that it is okay to kill liberal lawmakers who a citizen deems to be a "tyrant."

Now if expanding medicaid and raising income tax rates to pay for it makes someone a tyrant then surely a man like Steve Scalise must be a tyrant. Steve Scalise is part of a group of Americans who openly and proudly use the American State for the advancement of White Supremacy. Not only that, the GOP Congressional leadership and the White House do not even have legitimacy since they demonstrably failed to win a majority of votes, they may have had assistance from a foreign government and they are actively conspiring to rig future elections. A more vile and illegitimate political figure you will not find.

If we removed the obvious partisanship from the equation and dispassionately used the GOP's rubric for "tyranny" and its assertion that citizens had a right and duty to "veto" said tyranny with "Second amendment remedies,"" Donald Trump and senior Republican leadership, at this point in time, would clearly qualify for removal by second amendment means.

Seriously, I wonder if this could be a legit defense in court.
I now feel torn as to wether this man was using his 2nd amendment rights or just crazy? Perhaps both?
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Australia bout to get called an 'axis of evil':



O and

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I don't agree with pinning it all on Trump's speech/behavior.

The GOP and the media that supports them are highly responsible for fanning the flames of extremism. Trump is the end product of a discourse that the Right has tolerated and even embraced for decades.

I'm just happy to see that they've been shaken to their core. Hopefully this whole thing drives the crazies out of the political scene and leads to a more mature discussion based on facts and evidence rather than intellectual fabrications.
Here we go

Da greatest WITCH HUNT in American political history b

Led by some very bad and conflicted people (referring to Mueller and his team or the FBI? Or pretty much everyone investigating Russia)

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EXCELLENT tweets from MY PRESIDENT B. Not letting LIBBIE conjecture and innuendo go unanswered.
EXCELLENT point comrade

These comments on Trump's tweet exposed da libbie shills trying to remove our glorious emperor from power b 
EXCELLENT point comrade
These comments on Trump's tweet exposed da libbie shills trying to remove our glorious emperor from power b :smh:

Typical LIBBIES B. Da Don shut them down. Mueller is a Soros plant B. COMET CLEARLY LYING B.
I don't recall Obama tweeting like this
That's because Obummer was too busy golfing and buying elitist mustard b

Our glorious emperor speaks directly to da people through twitter 
 Can't trust the FAKE MEDIA to report anything accurately so straight shooter Don gives us the first hand message 

That's transparancy b, unlike Obummer ruining the country behind closed doors and spending too much time golfing to talk to the people
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:lol: at trump regurgitating the GOP talking points leaked last night.

I think the idea was for his surrogates to do that while he keeps his mouth shut but he can't help himself.
That's because Obummer was too busy golfing and buying elitist mustard b
Our glorious emperor speaks directly to da people through twitter :smokin  Can't trust the FAKE MEDIA to report anything accurately so straight shooter Don gives us the first hand message :smokin
That's transparancy b, unlike Obummer ruining the country behind closed doors and spending too much time golfing to talk to the people

WELL SAID COMRADE. Obummer was Da worst B. Sipping his green tea behind closed doors JUDGING REAL AMERICANS and World Savants with Da Musket B.
:lol: at trump regurgitating the GOP talking points leaked last night.

I think the idea was for his surrogates to do that while he keeps his mouth shut but he can't help himself.

THIS is what I admire most about Da Don. He's Da type of leader that will never ask Da Goons to do anything that he wouldn't do himself. AMAZING LEADER B.
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