***Official Political Discussion Thread***





"Trumps Obama Obsession" was a top 10 trending topic worldwide this morning :rofl: :rofl:

Somewhat related,gotta love how the original purveyors of the birther/Muslim Obama myth,orange baby and his supporters, are somehow against "fake news" all of a sudden :lol:

That was textbook fake news but it stuck around for years afterwards and now the same folks who ate that up,wanna go around discrediting established news sources they were never even checking for in the first place being the low information voters that they are, for "fake news" simply because Der Pumpkinfuhrer says so :lol:

Type of folks that will boast about being uninformed and complain about coastal "liberal elites" acting like they're smarter than them in the same train of thought :rofl:
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I bet Joe and Mika are regretting the cosigns they gave dude early on in his campaign back in 2015 right about now :lol:


Sooo the lawyer advising Donald Trump on potential Russia charges has a $296m Kushner deal: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news...ump-russia-lawyer-marc-kasowitz-jared-kushner … (@guardian)

And Kasowitz tells @guardian he still has no comment on our story about his role in the firing of Preet Bharara:


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Mika clapped back,tweeted this out


:lol: :lol:

All this is even funnier when you learn that Melania is supposed to be running an anti-cyberbullying initiative as first lady :lol:
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There will always be a fight over voting because if we as a country started encouraging voting universally and make it a quick painless process, then black people would vote more. Dems would sweep into power, they would have the leeway to push Civil Rights harder and the GOP would be forced to roll back the white Supremacy

Anything that makes our system more representative empowers the black vote, so white supremacists must fight it at all cost
There will always be a fight over voting because if we as a country started encouraging voting universally and make it a quick painless process, then black people would vote more. Dems would sweep into power, they would have the leeway to push Civil Rights harder and the GOP would be forced to roll back the white Supremacy

Anything that makes our system more representative empowers the black vote, so white supremacists must fight it at all cost



Shocker at that one group voting no :lol: :rolleyes

They know the jig
NikeTalker23 has been working in the COAL mines under Los Angeles for 30 years fam. Coal and Black Lung are part of his DNA. He's playing 3475748882D Connect Four on LIBBIES pretending to be part of the Kale Gang but I know he shed a tear when we all pledged allegiance to the KING OF THE HUD.
Wants to terminate the agency that makes sure voting machines aren't hacked.

What blows my mind is the timeline

He said himself voting is rigged before the election

Proceeds to win key swing states

Loses popular vote

Claims voting fraud AGAINST him

Evidence of hacking comes out

This blows my mind

This is some good propaganda 

It's purposely inflammatory too,imagine their ads if Hillary had won...would probably be calling for some civil war BS


not a god damn word about Philando Castile...?

the NRA don't care about colored people.

Never have,never will

Their silence on Philando Castille said it all after the way they defended someone like George Zimmerman..
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This is some good propaganda 

It's purposely inflammatory too,imagine their ads if Hillary had won...would probably be calling for some civil war BS


not a god damn word about Philando Castile...?

the NRA don't care about colored people.

Never have,never will

Their silence on Philando Castille said it all after the way they defended someone like George Zimmerman..

So nobody ever called them out on that?
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