***Official Political Discussion Thread***


I'm sure he'd be delighted. 

Donald Trump Jr. on Monday said he’s “happy” to speak to the Senate Intelligence Committee about a meeting he attended last year with a Russian lawyer who promised to provide comprising information about then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
“Happy to work with the committee to pass on what I know,” Trump Jr. tweeted Monday

Trump Jr. was responding to Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), who called on him to speak with the panel about the meeting, which took place during the 2016 presidential campaign.

It was reported Sunday  by The New York Times that Trump Jr., along with then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort and President Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, met with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, who promised to provide comprising information on Clinton at the meeting. 

Trump Jr. said in a statement to The Times on Sunday that he had met with Veselnitskaya, who has reported ties with the Kremlin, at the request of an acquaintance, but denied that he received any information on Clinton.

“After pleasantries were exchanged, the woman stated that she had information that individuals connected to Russia were funding the Democratic National Committee and supporting Ms. Clinton,” Trump Jr. said. “Her statements were vague, ambiguous and made no sense. No details or supporting information was provided or even offered. It quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information.”

He said they then talked about American adoptions of Russian children.

“It became clear to me that this was the true agenda all along and that the claims of potentially helpful information were a pretext for the meeting.” Trump Jr. told the paper.

Unfortunately this is true from my experience.

Very true indeed, comrade!

It's kind of true. But it's not as bad as people make it out to be. Sure, you have the stereotypical left winger on the college campus who won't entertain any argument that isn't full Bernie-bro liberalism, but the majority are not like that, especially once you get past freshmen year.

And thinking back to my college friends, they span the political spectrum, and I've never had trouble discussing any political idea, whether left-leaning or right-leaning. That's kind of the point of higher education, to be able to discuss ideas in an objective manner. Sure, it fails some, and they tend to be the most vocal, but that's not the rule.

I would also add that religion's vice grip on the US, in particular the rightwing religious zealotry, plays a large role in this growing wave of anti-intellectualism. Looking at that report I also immediately thought of a recent Gallup poll on religion. It stated that 24% of Americans "take the bible literally, word for word". 24% is a very large number for people whose beliefs are on the same level as flat earthers.
Higher education is not beneficial for religion, certainly not for the rightwing biblethumping variety. I suspect that plays a very significant role in republicans' disdain for higher education. If there's one thing Barry Goldwater was right about it was the danger of the religious right's increasing pursuit of power over the GOP. Which turned out to be a great success for the biblethumpers, not so much for everyone else.

It's unfortunate because religion doesn't inherently have to be anti-intellectualism but it of course tends to be. There is potential for a happy medium but it is rarely achieved in practice. I guess what I'm saying is we shouldn't automatically make everyone who's religious out to be the enemy.

But you're right in that the biblethumping variety has usurped the ideology of the right.

Universities ARE LIBBIE ECHO CHAMBERS. I only rely on the cup and string hotline I have setup. Me on one end and my Cabinet on the other end. If the news isn't from Whywesteppin, Noskey or eddiengambino it is fake.

YES. Just please don't be confused but I am DEEP cover right now posing as a kale-loving libbie. I have infiltrated the ranks and Roooookie Rusty is ready to connect me to a Soros bank account if I just complete the last steps of the indoctrination, which includes buying a Smart (DUMB) car, opening a line of credit at Starbucks, and investing in my retirement. All STUPID ideas that get me NO closer to the COAL TRAIN but I gotta play along so that I can expose their LIES and INNUENDO for the greater good.
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It's kind of true. But it's not as bad as people make it out to be. Sure, you have the stereotypical left winger on the college campus who won't entertain any argument that isn't full Bernie-bro liberalism, but the majority are not like that, especially once you get past freshmen year.

And thinking back to my college friends, they span the political spectrum, and I've never had trouble discussing any political idea, whether left-leaning or right-leaning. That's kind of the point of higher education, to be able to discuss ideas in an objective manner. Sure, it fails some, and they tend to be the most vocal, but that's not the rule.

A couple comments about college campuses since I have been on them not only as a young kid getting a bachelors, an older adult getting a masters, and a lecturer teaching intro classes and tutoring students on all levels.

I was always politically active and being in economic there was always a healthy debate with my friends and classmates. No right wing ideologies were suppressed in anyway, people were respectful, especially professors. Furthermore, there are outlets for someone with every kind of politics on a college campus. From the anarchist to the communist. The issue many people have is not that their ideology is not represented, it is that is is not the majority.

We as adults, especially young college students, make assumptions about how the world works, this is natural. When people get to college they kinda expect/want to have their assumptions confirmed. For right wingers and conspiracy theorist that usually is not what happens. The lived experience of your classmates, and academic research tend to confirm liberals and progressives assumptions most of all, not always though. So when you can't out talk the research, your professor who is more knowledgeable tells you are wrong, and your classmates out debate you easily because they have the facts on their side, the only play left is to claim their is this grand left wing conspiracy.

If you were a person already predisposed to believing conspiracies, this makes it even easier.

So yes most universities, as do professors than teach Humanities and Social Sciences lend left on the America political spectrum, but that is because they have seen and done the research, not because liberals just self select into being college professors to indoctrinated students.

And I find it funny that people will call liberal soft, snowflakes and too PC all day but take such issue with places where progressives openly and freely express and defend their views. Like these people should ignore their experiences, the friends experiences, a massive amount of academic research just to make you feel more comfortable.

Like I tell my students, you have to be respectful of other people's views, you don't have to coddle them.
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So yes most universities, as do professors than teach Humanities and Social Sciences lend left on the America political spectrum, but that is because they have seen and done the research, not because liberals just self select into being college professors to indoctrinated students. 
One more time for the people in the back
I actually don't believe what is taught in the classroom is the major objection conservatives have to universities and high education.

Rich conservatives send their kids off to very liberal schools and they comeback usually being just as conservative as when they left. The problem, especially is you start sending poor whites to universities in droves is that they will interact with other minority groups.

White supremacist have done their best, and mostly succeeded, at preventing America from fully integrating. This is advantageous from a propaganda standpoint because if a white person never sees a black or Hispanic person you can message all times of vile stereotypes to these people and sooner or later, most will fall for it. White kids get indoctrinated into white supremacist just like kids get indoctrinated at an early age into religion. The isolation helps the message stick.

White supremacy works the best when the majority either implicitly or explicitly show support for it. If you have too little people wanting to practice white supremacy, then you're stuck having to try to set up an apartheid state. This is really what the GOP is scrambling to do before the demographics crush them.

Now if poor whites and poor minorities all went to college, and saw minorities that go against the stereotypes they were feed all their lives, a good number of them will let go of their previous indoctrination. Not all, but enough to make it real hard for the system to continue as is. White kids will go to parties with Hispanics, play basketball with Muslims, the smartest kid in the Calc class might be black, and they might fall in love and make friends with someone outside their race. They will share stories and bond with people of different races and these people will no longer seem like "others". And it puts a human face to the "liberal talking points" they used to be told was crap.

And they will start demanding more, more economic justice for themselves, for people that came from their background, and people that look just like their friends. They might also see no harm in advancing civil rights for marginalized groups

So tactically if you are a white supremacist or sws, it is best to vilify universities to these people, because you can't risk the switch flipping in too many.

Even a few ***** you.
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It's funny how these anti-university and anti-education politicians are all Harvard, Yale, Princeton, etc. grads (and a good number of them come from rich families that basically bribed these schools to let their idiot children in), yet their supporters conveniently ignore this fact and believe the nonsense about Democrats being "elitists" :lol: Inbred illiterate hicks

The logic behind it is: they went there and saw how bad it was and they (those politicians) were strong enough to resist the indoctrination.
So yes most universities, as do professors than teach Humanities and Social Sciences lend left on the America political spectrum, but that is because they have seen and done the research, not because liberals just self select into being college professors to indoctrinated students. 

One more time for the people in the back

Let's not forget that the American political center is far to the right of the objective middle. We have people who reelect the likes of Rand Paul, politicians who would be fringe in many other democracies.
yup. just to give my thoughts on what Rusty said (i would respond to the other guy but his contribution today is limited to seven words): part of it is growing up and getting past the high school-level awkwardness that leads to impassioned, fact-free, perspective-lacking debates. at the level of professors, I've only ever encountered open minds willing and ready to be proven wrong by a thoughtful undergrad. the only time they'll lose patience with you is if you are being an idiot.

the second half is true too. college forces you (at least most traditional 4-year universities) to get to know types of people you're not used to. the initial reaction (and this was true for me) is to detest the "other" because you feel left out or misunderstood. this immature reaction usually (hopefully) gives way to a new perspective as you make new friends and realize people are usually pretty cool.

this doesn't necessarily translate into becoming a hardcore liberal or conservative. but it does eliminate the simplistic, misguided overgeneralizations that the modern right is prone to.

now if we're talking about picking a fight with a protestor on campus, well that's like walking into a Boston pub claiming that the patriots cheat. but that is not what I'm talking about.
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yup. just to give my thoughts on what Rusty said (i would respond to the other guy but his contribution today is limited to seven words): part of it is growing up and getting past the high school-level awkwardness that leads to impassioned, fact-free, perspective-lacking debates. at the level of professors, I've only ever encountered open minds willing and ready to be proven wrong by a thoughtful undergrad. the only time they'll lose patience with you is if you are being an idiot.

the second half is true too. college forces you (at least most traditional 4-year universities) to get to know types of people you're not used to. the initial reaction (and this was true for me) is to detest the "other" because you feel left out or misunderstood. this immature reaction usually (hopefully) gives way to a new perspective as you make new friends and realize people are usually pretty cool.

this doesn't necessarily translate into becoming a hardcore liberal or conservative. but it does eliminate the simplistic, misguided overgeneralizations that the modern right is prone to.

now if we're talking about picking a fight with a protestor on campus, well that's like walking into a Boston pub claiming that the patriots cheat. but that is not what I'm talking about.

The 2028 VP is playing Interplanetary BINGO Bango on LIBBIES with this post. I see you Comrade:smokin
The 2028 VP is playing Interplanetary BINGO Bango on LIBBIES with this post. I see you Comrade:smokin

The sheer absurdity of my post should make it clear to anyone who isn't a brainwashed libbie what I'm actually trying to say.

We all know Professor Commie Sympathizer is a LOSER, still living at home and asking his mommy what socks he should wear and how to tie his shoes. This guy will lecture all day about CARL MARKS and hand the country to the COMMIES just so he can get his precious tenure. PLEASE, you're not fooling anybody.

The new academy is no longer Harvard Square. It is the trump rally. That's where truly free exchange of ideas is happening, and it is EXCITING. That's where I learned all about how the immigrants are trying to take my guns, and how dapper don is the ONLY one alive who can give me my job in the coal mines. These are ideas your Professor Bing Bong would work to suppress if he wasn't so busy getting high with his students. Sad!

And now a multimedia treat for my comrades on here:

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