***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Funniest line of the debate by far :lol:

Trump should bring his friends next time he's getting tag teamed...


What are you views on that whole apple thing?

Considering your views on bank secrecy laws in other jurisdictions..

And just because I'm not sure if you know this, but bank records could have been attained through court order before FACTA.. The US and a number of jurisdictions have reciprocal enforcement of judgements agreements.. Assets could have been frozen all that jazz
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What are you views on that whole apple thing?

Considering your views on bank secrecy laws in other jurisdictions..

And just because I'm not sure if you know this, but bank records could have been attained through court order before FACTA.. The US and a number of jurisdictions have reciprocal enforcement of judgements agreements.. Assets could have been frozen all that jazz

You still bugging me about FATCA?

Famb I told you I'm done engaging you on this since you tried to pass off a drug trafficker as someone being bullied by the US government.

What are you views on that whole apple thing?

Considering your views on bank secrecy laws in other jurisdictions..

And just because I'm not sure if you know this, but bank records could have been attained through court order before FACTA.. The US and a number of jurisdictions have reciprocal enforcement of judgements agreements.. Assets could have been frozen all that jazz

You still bugging me about FATCA?

Famb I told you I'm done engaging you on this since you tried to pass off a drug trafficker as someone being bullied by the US government.

I tried to pass off a drug trafficker as someone being bullied by the US?

I'm just trying to understand where the line is for you regarding the government's ability to invade an individual's freedoms without any hurdles whatsoever

Because as I said, a couple times now, they had the simple hurdle of going to court before.. That was it
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What are you views on that whole apple thing?

Considering your views on bank secrecy laws in other jurisdictions..

And just because I'm not sure if you know this, but bank records could have been attained through court order before FACTA.. The US and a number of jurisdictions have reciprocal enforcement of judgements agreements.. Assets could have been frozen all that jazz

You still bugging me about FATCA?

Famb I told you I'm done engaging you on this since you tried to pass off a drug trafficker as someone being bullied by the US government.

I tried to pass off a drug trafficker as someone being bullied by the US?

I'm just trying to understand where the line is for you regarding the government's ability to invade an individual's freedoms

Yes you did.

The video of the PM.

-And please brah. I could type out the most detailed nuance answe, and you would dismiss it just to throw one line at me.

I'm usually up for a good debate, but I'll pass on your offer.

What are you views on that whole apple thing?

Considering your views on bank secrecy laws in other jurisdictions..

And just because I'm not sure if you know this, but bank records could have been attained through court order before FACTA.. The US and a number of jurisdictions have reciprocal enforcement of judgements agreements.. Assets could have been frozen all that jazz

You still bugging me about FATCA?

Famb I told you I'm done engaging you on this since you tried to pass off a drug trafficker as someone being bullied by the US government.

I tried to pass off a drug trafficker as someone being bullied by the US?

I'm just trying to understand where the line is for you regarding the government's ability to invade an individual's freedoms

Yes you did.

The video of the PM.

-And please brah. I could type out the most detailed nuance answe, and you would dismiss it just to throw one line at me.

I'm usually up for a good debate, but I'll pass on your offer.

So you think the prime minister of the Bahamas was a "drug trafficker"?

And the extremely simple point I made:

Lol.. You're joking right..

We have no obligation to adhere to everything the US wants.. And the issue with US and foreign banks and countries was secrecy regulations (simple privacy)

Nothing illegal or unethical was being done as far as our jurisdiction is concerned.. If it were it would be very simple to get a court order and obtain that information and have the proceeds of that illegal action confiscated

But again, the US just wants to be able to ask and have the information handed to them without any questions being asked

Funny.. The only country in the world we have these issues with is the US.. That's it
And before I have to hear some sort of conspiracy theory...

Drug traffickers get extradited to the US all the time from the Bahamas.. Of course it actually takes someone being convicted of said crime (so evidence and all that jazz)

And then there is a hearing for the extradition

But of course the American government is perfect.. The American justice system is perfect.. American news outlets are prefect

I mean why should we regular ole joes question anything they do or say
Was Lynden Pindling not linked to the Medellin cartel?

I mean that is who you posted the video of as "another example" of the US over reaching.

You just left out the ole boy was acting up not because the US was demanding he island fight America's battles for them, but was really going on is that he was defending himself from allegations of taking drug money

What do you call someone that does something like that.......oh yeah! a drug trafficker :lol:

And who said anything about the American government being perfect. I sure have not.
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Was Lynden Pindling not linked to the Medellin cartel?

I mean that is who you posted the video of as "another example" of the US over reaching.

You just left out the ole boy was acting up not because the US was demanding he island fight America's battles for them, but was really going on is that he was defending himself from allegations of taking drug money

What do you call someone that does something like that.......oh yeah! a drug trafficker :lol:

And who said anything about the American government being perfect. I sure have not.

Because of Americans appetites throughout history, the Bahamas because of our close location to the US has been involved in every form of smuggling

Slavery, boats came from Africa/Great Britain through the Bahamas to America

Civil war, during the blockades guns were smuggled through the Bahamas

Prohibition, liquor was smuggled through the Bahamas

Drugs, again smuggled through the Bahamas

I have absolutely no clue what evidence you possible have.. However, that interview that was posted took place on US soil.. If he was the known drug trafficker that you claim he is, why wasn't he arested?

Are you aware of some sort of warrant that was issued for his arrest?

Was he placed on a no fly list to the US?

Because those are all things that happen when someone is a known drug trafficker
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How the hell I'm I tell you how to think? :rolleyes

Explain that to me please

The FBI/Apple is a big nuance story so I'm suggesting that googling it will be your best bet, as opposed to asking something to explain it to you.

i'm with you on the first part!

on the phone - i asked a very specific question...that i still never got a clear specific answer to in this thread, tho i appreciate other dude for replying
my question has nothing to do with precedent or power struggle or freedom - it was a tech question
not a big picture question
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Was Lynden Pindling not linked to the Medellin cartel?

I mean that is who you posted the video of as "another example" of the US over reaching.

You just left out the ole boy was acting up not because the US was demanding he island fight America's battles for them, but was really going on is that he was defending himself from allegations of taking drug money

What do you call someone that does something like that.......oh yeah! a drug trafficker :lol:

And who said anything about the American government being perfect. I sure have not.

Because of Americans appetites throughout history, the Bahamas because of our close location to the US has been involved in every form of smuggling

Slavery, boats came from Africa/Great Britain through the Bahamas to America

Civil war, during the blockades guns were smuggled through the Bahamas

Prohibition, liquor was smuggled through the Bahamas

Drugs, again smuggled through the Bahamas

I have absolutely no clue what evidence you possible have.. However, that interview that was posted took place on US soil.. If he was the known drug trafficker that you claim he is, why wasn't he arested?

Are you aware of some sort of warrant that was issued for his arrest?

Was he placed on a no fly list to the US?

Because those are all things that happen when someone is a known drug trafficker

You completely ignored my question :lol:

Then proceeded down a road of a million deflections

In open court did witnesses no testify that Lynden Pindling Prime Minister of the Bahamas, took money from the Colombian Cartel?

Trust and believe I have curse out the American government for tons of things, including their involvement in the cocaine trade.

I am not calling the American government perfect at all. You can't quote me saying close to that effect, so your arguing against your own imagination with all this "America did this, America did that..." stuff

-Anyway, I didn't bring famb up to slander the Bahamian government. I brought him up as evidence as to why I'm not gonna indulge you in more FACTA talk.

I asked you straight up about the context. Instead of telling the truth, which was ole boy was being accused of talking money from the cartel

You acted like it was the US picking on the smaller Bahamian government to do their dirty work.

If you're on that level, I know you're not interested in the dialogue, finding middle ground of even the truth, or even a good debate.

Your just want to confirm your own bias
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you ever think about becoming a politician? :nerd:

He can't even establish where he stands on the basic freedoms of Americans.. Let only fully understand the sovereignty of other nations

"The land of the free..."

Your government agreed to participate in FACTA, did it not?

I'm choosing not to answer your question, because you obviously don't give a **** about my opinion.

You want a line you can grab onto to yell "FREEDOM" like you're damb Braveheart. :lol:
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I'm choosing not to answer your question. Because you obviously don't give a **** about my opinion.

Prove your opinion.. Because right now it's sounding very much like the former and present GOP members you often criticize, xenophobic

I have no clue what the actual drug traffickers who were caught and convicted for their crimes said or claimed

However if their was evidence to convict the person you are now claiming was a drug trafficker, why didn't the big bad US of A not do a damn thing when he was in your country?

And on top of that he goes on one of the handful of channels that existed back then and openly criticizes that government AND ABSOLUTELY NOTHING happens to him.. Sounds so much like America to let that slide of supposed known criminal
Marco Rubio is by far the biggest GOP winner from tonight's debate. Very aggressive approach from the start. Let his marbles hang and clearly made it a point to consciously attack Donald Trump throughout. The timing makes sense. Rubio didn't have the same momentum in Iowa and NH, like he does now from SC and NV. Racking up second-place finishes and attempting to distance Cruz. He also botched the NH debate when Christie committed presidential suicide for his aspirations. The timing is also ideal because he recently landed the huge Nikki Haley endorsement. Rubio is going to have a big Super Tuesday. The question is whether it will be enough to stymie Trump's momentum. 11 states voting and up for grabs in the GOP. Dr. Carson will not survive Super Tuesday, and Kasich will drop shortly after.
Donald Trump handled his front-runner status well. Didn't really do anything to help or hurt his position. I do think Trump's attempting to transition from brash bully to sensible thinker/debater. His intent appears to be continue holding onto his support base, just don't lose established voters even if he's not adding new support. Trump did drop the ball on health care. Couldn't specify or outline his detailed plan to replace Obamacare. His Rubio dig is somewhat legitimate, Rubio did "choke" when bombarded by Christie. The liar assertion against Cruz also holds some validity. The Carson robocalls in Iowa, fraudulent voter registration forms manufactured, the fake Gowdy social media account, failing to disclose loans from Citi and Goldman Sachs. Trump did well to press these issues in the national spotlight and call Cruz's character into question.
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