***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I'm choosing not to answer your question. Because you obviously don't give a **** about my opinion.

Prove your opinion.. Because right now it's sounding very much like the former and present GOP members you often criticize, xenophobic

I have no clue what the actual drug traffickers who were caught and convicted for their crimes said or claimed

However if their was evidence to convict the person you are now claiming was a drug trafficker, why didn't the big bad US of A not do a damn thing when he was in your country?

And on top of that he goes on one of the handful of channels that existed back then and openly criticizes that government AND ABSOLUTELY NOTHING happens to him.. Sounds so much like America to let that slide of supposed known criminal

More deflections :lol:

I can tell you're a lawyer

I'm not sounding like anything, especially not xenophobic. Nice red herring though

I called a drug trafficker a drug trafficker, I said I don't care about banks not being able to do business with tax evaders. It is not just because they are from the Bahamas I hold those opinions, and they are not irrational things to feel.

So please don't even try that xenophobia nonsense with me. Plus I grew up in the damb Caribbean too


Witness testified he took bribes, he had millions he couldn't account for, he found drug related corruption in his cabinet, but swore he was clean.

And I believe the Clinton (or Bush Administration) decided to let it go. And if you know anything about how politics works in America, you would know that the DOJ flipping with the present means a lot of cases will be dropped or never persuaded because priorities are different

See Microsoft


I haven't given my opinion on the Apple situation, so I have nothing to prove on that end.

And I have proven/argued my opinion on FACTA. You just don't agree with it. Which is fine

But if that upsets you, that is your problem, not mine.
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I'm choosing not to answer your question. Because you obviously don't give a **** about my opinion.

Prove your opinion.. Because right now it's sounding very much like the former and present GOP members you often criticize, xenophobic

I have no clue what the actual drug traffickers who were caught and convicted for their crimes said or claimed

However if their was evidence to convict the person you are now claiming was a drug trafficker, why didn't the big bad US of A not do a damn thing when he was in your country?

And on top of that he goes on one of the handful of channels that existed back then and openly criticizes that government AND ABSOLUTELY NOTHING happens to him.. Sounds so much like America to let that slide of supposed known criminal

More deflections :lol:

I can tell you're a lawyer

I'm not sounding like anything, especially not xenophobic. Nice red herring though

I called a drug trafficker a drug trafficker, I said I don't care about banks not being able to do business with tax evaders. It is not just because they are from the Bahamas I hold those opinions, and they are not irrational things to feel.

So please don't even try that xenophobia nonsense with me. Plus I grew up in the damb Caribbean too


Witness testified he took bribes, he had millions he couldn't account for, he found drug related corruption in his cabinet, but swore he was clean.

And I believe the Clinton (or Bush Administration) decided to let it go. And if you know anything about how politics works in America, you would know that the DOJ flipping with the present means a lot of cases will be dropped or never persuaded because priorities are different

See Microsoft


I haven't given my opinion on the Apple situation, so I have nothing to prove on that end.

And I have proven/argued my opinion on FACTA. You just don't agree with it. Which is fine

But if that upsets you, that is your problem, not mine.

I can speculate about a lot of things..

As you said, I'm a lawyer.. So before I cut someone's head off I'm going to make sure they are actually guilty of a crime (a little thing called evidence.. A class I had to take in law and bar school)

Please name "the drug related corruption in his cabinet" because again no one was ever convicted.. A commissionary of inquiry was held, but nothing substantive was found
lol @ the video posted above. Trump's strength is in his personality, not in his specific viewpoints. he gets people ruffled and they often fall for his trap (see: Jeborah). Rubio seems a little more cognizant of this, but I really hope high heels fails.

How about I keep it really simple

The drinking age in the US is 21.. The drinking age in the Bahamas is 18

If an 18 year old American visits the Bahamas and goes somewhere that sells alcohol, should that establishment have an obligation to not serve that person because of the laws in America?

And if served, should that establishment face repercussions from the American government?
Here you can read up about your government, and why there wasn't indictments:


And that should conclude out business.

Misrepresenting evidence for your argument, arguing against comments I didn't even make, constant deflections, and red herrings.

Because apparently calling out stuff that goes on in the Bahamas makes someone a xenophobe :rolleyes :lol:

And after the privacy argument ran outta gas, you now making the sovereignty argue. But failing to acknowledge that your government and the IRS have agreements in place regarding FATCA.



So YOUR government is the one telling you to communicate withe IRS.

If you're going to these lengths to obfuscate the truth then anyone can tell you have zero interest in anything I have to say.

Plus you can barely keep your points straight when you respond.

So with that, I believe our business here is done. We wouldn't see eye to to eye on this.
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I've actually read the commissionary of inquiry.. Which the article references

But the title is an outright lie because nothing was actually found.. there was merely speculation based upon circumstantial evidence

As I said before, we can speculate on a whole bunch of crap

And actually I don't do crap.. I'm not American and I don't work for any of the financial institutions

And as far as my government goes, they had very little choice in the matter.. If they don't sign then they risk being black listed.. O the joys of dealing with the o so perfect America
I've actually read the commissionary of inquiry.. Which the article references

But the title is an outright lie because nothing was actually found.. there was merely speculation based upon circumstantial evidence

As I said before, we can speculate on a whole bunch of crap

And actually I don't do crap.. I'm not American and I don't work for any of the financial institutions

And as far as my government goes, they had very little choice in the matter.. If they don't sign then they risk being black listed.. O the joys of dealing with the o so perfect America

-A witness at Lehder's trail said ole boy took drug money, it is beyond the level of speculation :lol:

-And now YOUR government had no choice, because the US was sanction them.

But sanctioning the Bahamas would entail laws that could only be enforced within America, regarding the America government not allowing America companies to do business in the Bahamas.

And you already said you didn't have a problem with such a thing, as long as the laws say on America soil :lol:

-Yeah, you're outta gas famb. This is a good place to end it.
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I've actually read the commissionary of inquiry.. Which the article references

But the title is an outright lie because nothing was actually found.. there was merely speculation based upon circumstantial evidence

As I said before, we can speculate on a whole bunch of crap

And actually I don't do crap.. I'm not American and I don't work for any of the financial institutions

And as far as my government goes, they had very little choice in the matter.. If they don't sign then they risk being black listed.. O the joys of dealing with the o so perfect America

-Witness at Lehder's trail said ole boy took drug money, it is beyond the level of speculation :lol:

-And now YOUR government had no choice, because the US was sanction them.

But sanction the Bahamas would entail laws that could only be enforced within America, regarding America companies. And you already said you didn't have a problem with such a thing, as long as the laws say on America soil :lol:

-Yeah, you're outta gas famb. This is a good place to end it.

Ledhar was asked to point out the individual and pointed to a black man..

The man you're referring to is white
Or do you think the Bahamian minister you are talking about was suffering from vitiligo?

I mean it couldn't only be Michael Jackson, right?
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And later on, another one


-I have no idea what these last comments where even suppose to mean really. "Witness at Lehder's trial". I forgot the "a", which is my bad.

But still, it is kinda clear I wasn't referring to Lehder making the accusation, but a witness at his trial.

:lol: :lol:

I'm not sure how this is so hard to understand..

When the accusation of bribery was made in lehder's trail.. They were asked under oath to identify the member of the Bahamian government that payment was made too..

They said a name.. Identified an individual

The problem, the person identified was black.. When the minister of that name is white

And that former minister has actually held other positions in our government, so I know for a fact he has traveled to and from the US.. With zero problems
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After Rubio landed the line about the fact that Donald Trump would be selling watches if he hadn't had a rich father, I imaged that maybe Rubio will have an epiphany. Maybe he will think "wow, this buffon is considered my social better just because he inherited lots of money, this system is unfair, the game is rigged." Tomorrow, I look forward to seeing Rubio drop out of the race and his announcement that he is feeling the Bern.

In all seriousness, Donald Trump will keep on rolling in the primaries. The donors cheer him on because they have the tickets to the debate and the elites are trying to wish and hope out loud that Rubio will capture the momentum. That is not going to happen. Most Republicans are not rich and they either do not care about donor class issues or they are actively opposed to donor class views. Neoconservative foreign policy and laissez-faire economics are just not very popular. Trump gets that and Rubio and Cruz and the rest of the GOP candidates do not.
Time to watch this circus show of a debate 

From what I saw on the news this should be 2 hours of comedy 
Yikes. Not even 30 minutes in and it's been non-stop roasting 

Kasich seems like the only one who can communicate in a calm and reserved manner without insulting everyone.

Not sure why Ben Carson is still on that stage.
At this point Rubio and Cruz can do whatever they want with attack... its too late and not going to work. They seem like they are trying to over-reach at this point and trump just captures the energy better when speaking/attacked. The people who support Trump aren't going to switch sides now and he is so far ahead in the polls its not going to happen for any of them. Honestly tho, trump should take Rubio as his VP to secure the latino vote just incase. What really shocked me is he claims his assets to be upwards of 10 billion. Thats impressive. We need someone that will economically change the game and i think its a team of these guys. Kasich Has economically strong views in my opinion.. it would be him or Rubio VP for sure. Ted Cruz is out of the ******* question. 
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