***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Christie/Trump ticket?

Let it happen
Lord save us all.

Christie would have been a great candidate if it hadn't been for bridgegate. For this reason alone it won't happen if you ask me
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This entire debate was 2+ hours of comedy 

It's like watching a bunch of angry toddlers argue with eachother.

I gotta give props to Kasich for not stooping down to that level. He's been very consistent in that regard. 

I don't like any of the candidates but at least Kasich can keep himself calm and refrain from relentlessly insulting the other candidates.
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This might just be my favorite debate moment of the entire campaign

The way Trump still maintained the air of control after getting slammed was just amazing
, "go ahead" "don't get nervous"
Anyone else get the feeling that the reason people keep voting for this clown is just so they can keep seeing **** like this on TV?
First of all, I must say that Rubio's roast game is pretty darn strong. However, it will not help him very much.

A while ago, I read something by a sociologist who said that being a lone wolf bully will not help a person all that much. The bullies who do very well for themselves are those who are bully on behalf of a group.

Establishment Republicans think that Trump's crass and confrontational demeanor is why he is winning. The reason why he is winning is because he is bullying in the service of white working class people who feel besieged and left behind. When Rubio is bullying Trump, it looks as if he is being a lone wolf bully or worse yet, a bully on the behalf of the donor class, whom the GOP base despises even more than they dislike liberals.
Excellent point as usual rex. This election isn't about ideas or likeability but voter registration, voter turnout and voter suppression.
I thought the GOP base dreams of being in the donor class?

Why would they despise them? Jealousy?

And why would they not look at the Democrats, a party that probably has their interests more?

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You're right some people in the GOP base do dream of being in the donor class because some voters tend to vote for where they wish they can be instead of voting in their best interest for where they are now.

But their are other voters in the base that don't like the donor class or simply don't care about them but still vote republican because of other things they identify with (small government, tough on crime, views on immigration, boot strap mentality) and I think this is the part of the Republican base Trump is rallying around.

Honestly you could really separate both parties into 4 different parties maybe even more, because their are some people that are socially liberal but economically conservative or vice versa or liberal in both or conservative in both. And depending on which of their values they consider more important they will either vote Democrat or Republican even if the rest of their views don't align with the parties policies tend to be.

Its why I think America could possibly benefit from a plurality system to break up the large voter bases the Democrats and Republicans have under their umbrellas.
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