***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Trump pretty much crushed that record, especially since he's never held office before this.
In this case I am not even looking to address the whole economic vs. racial justice divide. You know my position on the topic, concern for justice is not a scarce good.

I am not even talking about policy, necessarily.

In this context, I am mostly concerned with how Democrats talk about injustice. It is good that they are talking about racism and misogyny. The problem is that they are not all in nor do they talk about it in an intersectional context. For instance, Democrats talk a lot about the difficulties of women and minorities moving from upper middle management to senior management. This is a real issue but it is a message that targets those who already have "made it." It is a message that neglects the vast majority of women and people of color who are no where near that status among the nation's managerial elite.

I am all for Democrats talking about social injustice but please emphasize social injustice and how it affects the lives of large numbers of people. Talk about how white supremacy denies ordinary black folks the ability to accumulate wealth and how it denies ordinary black folks job and educational opportunities. Let's talk about how work associated with women is fundamentally devalued. Let's talk about homophobia and transphobia and how it causes appallingly high levels of homelessness among those groups.

The thing that when you talk about social justice, you'll already lose lots of white voters and a few black and Taino dudes. With those votes lost, you need to galvanize other groups to vote for you. If you go all in on social justice and how it intersects with economic justice, you can pump up turnout and increase you margins with your natural constituencies. The problem is that too many mainstream Democrats go halfway in and talk about social justice in an elite context rather a populist context and it is the worst of all worlds. It alienates a lot of white and self hating minority voters (which I an live with) but it is also so narrow and so annodyne that it turns off young people, working class women and workin gclass men of color and that I cannot live with).

Please refer you first post I said something about. You went from trying to make people understand what would push something like Ninja to vote for Trump, to it is what alienates people in the left wing base. That small difference counts because the person that sat out the election was no where near as callous imo as someone who cast a vote for Trump

I am not imply you don't care about injustice. I am trying to tell you that when you make the argument to people you want to attract to your position, you should not, and for that matter no progressive should, absolve people that have truly voiced vile talking points. It is not about policy really, it is about rhetoric. I am saying that on NT, and in this thread, which is majority minority and a large number black, maybe using ole boy as the embodiment of people the left needs to show empathy toward is not a good look . When given his pass comments, no one really is going to buy this, it weakens the argument from the jump. And expand that out, and you get into a something that hinders many on the far left from convincing other liberals to come to their side.

Like remember when you and I debate about Bernie's "Trump voters are not racist"comment, welp same thing. How well has that soundbite aged in a post Charottesville world? And this is not about Sanders either, because quite a few politicians made those blanket comments. I understand the reason but like always I take issue with such a tactic because other people that truly want to make excuses for white supremacist and white supremacy turn around and use these left wing half truths to their advantage. Look how UKIP used that to cover their bigotry, how the economic anxiety talking point is breaking apart as researchers dig into it. Look at the Taino Prince right now.

I am not even going to defend the Democratic Parties' rhetoric. You want them to be more populist, fine, so do I, we just disagree on the details. But I will say that they half truths on the left and not confined to them. Centrist do it, so does the center left, and so does the far left. Because in 2017, for the life of me I don't know why some many people on the far left still like to make the "all race issues are class issues" argument. Why politicians that preach populism, still pedal the half truth that the forces the oppress Marcus in the city, are the exact same forces that oppress Mitchell in the boondocks, full stop. Even if I agree that vast majority of the forces are the same, the fraction that is not still matters a great deal. And it not even confined to racism, but that it area where they fall short the most.

Saying "things suck for everyone, it is especially bad for this group" makes it sound like it that way by chance, not because it was designed that way.

When the entire point of populism is acknowledging the enemy (whether it be a person or policy), and calling out by name, and rallying around solutions, the everyoner the political left falls short.

So let's not make it seem like it is unique to the establishment
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Lady asks about what you can do to help stop anti semitism.....

Paul Ryan: "All of us gotta do better"

this dude sounds like a conquerer

first our stance on immigration fundamentally changes

now he sounds like he wants to take over other nations
So Trump wants to send troops charging into Afghanistan with clubs to counter terrorism and hate groups..am I understanding that correctly?
One thing will give give credit to Trump on is that he has done a much better job of galvanizing his base that Bush ever did.

Bush wanted his conservatism to have mass market appeal. He wanting to appear caring, non racist, and pro-economic prosperity. He wasn't pass telling his supporters they have to show compassion.

Trump could give a flying ****. He knows his base is the most vile, xenophobic, racist faction of the GOP. The establishment right spent decades carefully growing that base, refining their dog whistling to message to them, and most importantly getting real good at playing dumb whenever someone on the left called it out. Then in one election cycle Trump stole that base right from under their noses. As long that group stays loyal to The Bigot, the GOP gotta stay loyal to him.

Trumps narcissism and bigotry low key help construct the perfect firewall for him against the establishment right.
Ryan is now doing what we all expected. he's saying "house did their job to repeal Obamacare."

what a lying sack of ****.
Lmaoooooo yooooo these people are absolutely despicable....how do their families look them in the face b.....lmao
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