***Official Political Discussion Thread***

that $125k could've doubled by now if it was invested 5 years ago. or it could be a down payment on a million-dollar home.

respect to him for accumulating that much value in goods, but he could be doing a lot better financially if he optimized his investments. he's young though so he can do better in the future.
I think this was pointed out at one point and he basically demonstrated his ignorance by stating that investing is unpredictable.
Dalal Aboulhosn, the Sierra Club's Deputy Legislative Director for Land and Water, says EPA Director Scott Pruitt is ignoring true costs and benefits in his support for coal companies' "bottom line"

Please refer you first post I said something about. You went from trying to make people understand what would push something like Ninja to vote for Trump, to it is what alienates people in the left wing base. That small difference counts because the person that sat out the election was no where near as callous imo as someone who cast a vote for Trump...

I am not even going to defend the Democratic Parties' rhetoric. You want them to be more populist, fine, so do I, we just disagree on the details. But I will say that they half truths on the left and not confined to them. Centrist do it, so does the center left, and so does the far left. Because in 2017, for the life of me I don't know why some many people on the far left still like to make the "all race issues are class issues" argument. Why politicians that preach populism, still pedal the half truth that the same exact forces the oppress Marcus in the city, are the exact same forces that oppress Mitchell in the boondocks. Even if I agree that vast majority of the forces are the same, the fraction that is not still matters a great deal. And it not even confined to racism, but that it area where they fall short the most.

Saying "things suck for everyone, it is especially bad for this group" makes it sound like it that way by chance. Not because it was designed that way.

When the entire point of populism is acknowledging the enemy, and calling out by name, everyone all over the political left fall short.

So let's not make it seem like it is unique to the establishment

You're right, I was sloppy and mixed up two groups. The Democratic Party needs to bolster turn out and margins among demographic groups where it is already strong. Slightly better margins among some groups (get black men's margins up to that of black women, same for Latinos) and better turn out among POC's, in general, and young people would mean huge wins all over the Country.

Clinton and here team were actually correct when they said that suburban districts would be easier to flip than rural and quasi rural districts. The problem was that they appealed to rich, older people who normally voted Republican. The way that you win suburban districts is you win the votes of of non voters. You appeal to young adults who feel left behind, you appeal to black and brown folks who have really experienced profiling after moving to a suburban area. The demographics favor the flipping of many suburban districts but we got to be smart about who we target.

Ultimately; if we run campaigns that shore up margins and increase turn out within our core demographic constituencies, we will win and over time, we will probably flip some of Trump's more marginal voters. If we make an appeal to Trump voters, we'll likely fail to either of those aforementioned things.

I also agree with the bolded part. I read an article a few weeks ago that talked about the liberal and leftist divide. Liberals see unfair and bad outcomes and ask how to fix it. Leftists see those same unfair and bad outcomes and conclude that those outcomes happened by design.

On both race and economics, I want to see more leftism coming from Democrats. We got to name and shame and blame much more than we do now.

One thing will give give credit to Trump on is that he has done a much better job of galvanizing his base that Bush ever did.

Bush wanted his conservatism to have mass market appeal. He wanting to appear caring, non racist, and pro-economic prosperity. He wasn't pass telling his supporters they have to show compassion.

Trump could give a flying ****. He knows his base is the most vile, xenophobic, racist faction of the GOP. The establishment right spent decades carefully growing that base, refining their dog whistling to message to them, and most importantly getting real good at playing dumb whenever someone on the left called it out. Then in one election cycle Trump stole that base right from under their noses. As long that group stays loyal to The Bigot, the GOP gotta stay loyal to him.

Trumps narcissism and bigotry low key help construct the perfect firewall for him against the establishment right.

The Bush years are interesting and I think that as time goes on, political scientists will study it more and more. It was a break from the normal post Goldwater politics of white grievance and for eight years, Evangelical identity politics and militarism became the drivers of the GOP's political strategy.

Republicans believed that, through Evangelical politics, they could win sizeable enough minorities of non white voters, hold the traditional 60% of white voters and win consistently. I remember in 2003, when Republicans hated the idea of giving any concessions to minority views, they had 51%, 52% of the public on their side on most issues and that was good enough and all of the machinery of our Republic was a liberal plot to stifle the will of the majority.

It is amazing how quickly things changed. Bush wins 97 of the 100 fastest growing Counties in 2004, then he has his series of failures in 2005, a mid term shellacking in 2006 and the Financial crash of '08 and his whole Party is out of power.

We did get Obama due to Bush's failure but we also go ta GOP that returned to white supremacy and a desire to break every governing norm imaginable in order to rule from a position as a hostile demographic minorities.

First time aepps20 aepps20 got a hit of that coal.....

I've snorted coal when I was younger but I've never mainlined it. Black lung was enough for me but salute to those brave enough to blacken their lungs and heart as well.

BTW, it looks like I'm gonna be out of a job soon,

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I think it is a little ridiculous that the media is ragging on him so much for looking at the eclipse without glasses

It's ok for us to do it, on this board . It seems a little petty and beneath the media to be doing it.
I think it is a little ridiculous that the media is ragging on him so much for looking at the eclipse without glasses

It's ok for us to do it, on this board . It seems a little petty and beneath the media to be doing it.



Cruelty Of The Left: Why Is The MSM Attacking President Trump For Being Close With Putin Even Though It’s Really Hard For Adult Men To Make New Friends?

The BIASED MAINSTREAM MEDIA is on the warpath again, targeting President Trump just for keeping in touch with his friend Vladimir Putin. That’s right, patriots, the intolerant left wants to keep Trump away from Putin even though it’s very hard for adult men to make new friendships.

Don’t the liberal loons at the Failing NYTimes know that platonic friendships are CRITICAL for the EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING of adult men?

After college, it’s nearly impossible for American males to make LASTING FRIENDSHIPS, something the Soros-controlled media is happy to ignore when it slams our glorious Commander-in-Chief for trying to escape his CRIPPLING LONELINESS by hanging out with Vladimir Putin.
Middle-aged men across the heartland are enduring a SOLITUDE BENGHAZI, quietly suffering while unable to find a MEANINGFUL CONNECTION with their MALE PEERS. Against the odds the 71-year-old POTUS has found a kindred spirit in the Russian President, but the vicious MSM wants to tear this BLOSSOMING RELATIONSHIP apart before it can truly begin.

Look at the witch hunt #FakeCNN unleashed over Russia, crying “collusion” as if it were a bad thing for two grown men to collude together and for ONE FLEETING MOMENT not feel ALONE IN THE UNIVERSE. It took Donald Trump and Putin YEARS of communicating through proxies and coordinating movements before they truly became companions, and The New York Times has the GALL to decry something so delicate and vulnerable? That is SHAMEFUL and ANTI-MALE-FRIENDSHIP journalism.

Big journalism needs to leave Donald and his Russian pen pal alone, so they can continue their BEAUTIFUL CORRESPONDENCE and once in a while HANG OUT and just BE THEMSELVES. The only conspiracy here is the leftist plot against two buds becoming BFFs.

and? Trump was born and raised in NYC, do there goes your whole premise.

Rather than be interested in people who allowed your family to enter this country, you want to assimilate with someone who has no true consideration for your progression.

delusions of grandeur at an all time high. you talk about your jewelry prospects, yet i doubt you will ever wear them in public. much like how you post the ignorance you spew but i doubt you have the heart to display that in public.

but i understand, you have never been forced to live on your own, nor have you felt the grasp of fending for your yourself. which is why you live in a dungeon room thinking you have it made. if being confined to boiler is your mark in life, that is pretty sad.
:lol: clearly u don't Kno me.

don't need to know you. the display of atrociousness you display here is sufficient. especially since you mentioned you would walk around nyc with trump gear and you have yet to do so. that in itself speaks enough about your character

also it's funny how you only pick and choose which part(s) of my statement you want to rebuttal, further shows your incompetence to delegate critically.



Cruelty Of The Left: Why Is The MSM Attacking President Trump For Being Close With Putin Even Though It’s Really Hard For Adult Men To Make New Friends?

The BIASED MAINSTREAM MEDIA is on the warpath again, targeting President Trump just for keeping in touch with his friend Vladimir Putin. That’s right, patriots, the intolerant left wants to keep Trump away from Putin even though it’s very hard for adult men to make new friendships.

Don’t the liberal loons at the Failing NYTimes know that platonic friendships are CRITICAL for the EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING of adult men?

After college, it’s nearly impossible for American males to make LASTING FRIENDSHIPS, something the Soros-controlled media is happy to ignore when it slams our glorious Commander-in-Chief for trying to escape his CRIPPLING LONELINESS by hanging out with Vladimir Putin. Middle-aged men across the heartland are enduring a SOLITUDE BENGHAZI, quietly suffering while unable to find a MEANINGFUL CONNECTION with their MALE PEERS. Against the odds the 71-year-old POTUS has found a kindred spirit in the Russian President, but the vicious MSM wants to tear this BLOSSOMING RELATIONSHIP apart before it can truly begin.

Look at the witch hunt #FakeCNN unleashed over Russia, crying “collusion” as if it were a bad thing for two grown men to collude together and for ONE FLEETING MOMENT not feel ALONE IN THE UNIVERSE. It took Donald Trump and Putin YEARS of communicating through proxies and coordinating movements before they truly became companions, and The New York Times has the GALL to decry something so delicate and vulnerable? That is SHAMEFUL and ANTI-MALE-FRIENDSHIP journalism.

Big journalism needs to leave Donald and his Russian pen pal alone, so they can continue their BEAUTIFUL CORRESPONDENCE and once in a while HANG OUT and just BE THEMSELVES. The only conspiracy here is the leftist plot against two buds becoming BFFs.

my president :pimp:

dapper don is a real human who we here in coal town can relate to.

he's not like JFK, hooking up with Marilyn Monroe, or Bill Clinton, being cool enough to play sax on a black talk show, or Obummer, looking like Levi's 501s are too baggy on him.

No, this man has a healthy extra 90 pounds on his frame, his wife won't sleep with him, he is generally mocked and derided everywhere he goes, he is not good with big words or complex sentence structure, and his general social awareness has gone to zero. This is a true man who represents the real American worker.

Every true American reaches that age where they lust over their daughter and then start a homoerotic fascination over a strong, even more dapper head of state of another country. COMPLETELY NORMAL AND COMMONPLACE.
Most of the old folks I know don't give a damn about the cable news :lol: And I met a lot of old people as a nursing intern. We don't really have those Fox News kind of programs. For cable news, we basically have 2 options here in the Northern part of Belgium, not including French-speaking cable news from the south. VRT news and VTM news. They both consist of a morning, noon and evening news broadcast and a couple reruns later at night.
And both of those options pride themselves on being as neutral as possible. They don't differ much tbh, I'd argue one has a slight lean to the left and the other is more centrist or perhaps a little right-leaning. But for the most part they air the same segments, the news anchors refrain from commenting their opinion on anything (besides a basic explanation of the segment of course) and only let reporters or expert guests do the opinionating.

We do have talkshows and political shows but those are disassociated with the cable news broadcasts. We don't have Hannity's, Anderson Coopers, Rachel Maddows, ... who host some form of talking/news show directly under the cable news brand.
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dude is so simple...

H.R. McMaster showed Trump a black-and-white, 1972 image of Afghan women walking in miniskirts to convince him of a plan for Afghanistan

"H.R. McMaster, the national security adviser who still serves as a lieutenant general in the US Army, showed Trump a black-and-white image from 1972 of Afghan women walking through Kabul in miniskirts, according to The Post.
McMaster ostensibly used the image to convince Trump that Western norms could exist in the country."


(i don't know if this is the exact picture)
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