***Official Political Discussion Thread***

what the ******* hell?

he needs to be sent to prison. or whatever the punishment is for treason. isn't it death?


What's incredibly concerning to me is how a certain sector of people simply don't even give reasons for their beliefs anymore.

You give them evidence pointing to a certain outcome (climate change), or sometimes straight-up math that debunks their claims.

Then they throw this "well I'm entitled to my own opinion" garbage out as a deflection.

You're entitled to your own beliefs, but not your own facts.

It's even more worrying to encounter this attitude in the classroom.
You guys up for hearing some libertarian drivel, peep Peter Schiff dumbass try to explain racism.

Maybe I should lay off the Trump stans on NT, because even the clowns at the top make the same stupid arguments.

Rogan is doing his usual noncombative steez when he hears right wing nonsense. But he did give Schiff enough rope to hang himself.

"You hire more white people because white people are less likely to sue you for discrimination" such insight :rolleyes :smh: :lol:

I'm sorry about libertarianism has really been a ******* scourge to American minorities. Forever trying to make oppression sound pragmatic and reasonable
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Can Trump just go away and stay at his Tower....like no one likes him right now

Just leave
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