***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This is like the Boomer version of “I can’t be racist because I listen to rap.”

The same loser who sent hate mail to our support account after the RNC used that name - and his slave name in Roots - as epithets to try and denigrate us in a message chain titled “plantation.”

(Incidentally, these cowards should realize that there is NO expectation of privacy when you email someone hate speech, and I would be fully within my rights to publish such messages with their names and email addresses in clear view if they really want to be about that "free speech" life. )

Bigots have always been able to compartmentalize between the masses they define by stereotype and the individuals they to some degree hold exempt. (“Some of my best friends are _____!”)

This is the Faustian bargain of minority conservativism: absolve cishet White Christian men of any sense of guilt associated with their status in an identity-based hierarchy rooted in violent oppression (take the "America is not a racist country" loyalty oath) and validate their negative stereotypes ("Pick me! I'm not like those others, I hate them as much as you do") in exchange for personal exemption from those stereotypes.

It's possible to be cast in this role without knowledge or consent through familiarity, to be treated as "one of the good ones" until you threaten someone's sense of innocence, like Colin Kaepernick. Omarosa Manigault Newman wasn't a "DEI" hire at the Trump White House until she "bit the hand that fed her." At that point, you go right back to being "one of them."

Vice President Harris has more government experience than Vance and Trump combined. Trump had no government experience prior to 2017. Prior to that, he was hosting a game show, peddling steaks, and generally squandering his vast inheritance. His administration was rife with nepotism hires: in-laws, family members, donors, and people he saw on TV.

We all know what this is really about.

In terms of transparency, it's less of a "dog whistle" than a "dog ate my homework."

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