***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Northam is still a better choice than Gillipsie. Democrats have to realize a moderate like Northam is a key to winning back those red states.
Dude bent on the major thing his opponent was pressing him on, somehow implying he allows pedophiles and gang members into VA. It's ridiculous that he bent to rhetoric that ties all immigrants to criminals. Dems still bowing a to that radical GOP **** like they haven't learned **** in the past 10 years. Still the better choice though.
In my experience (and to my regret), few words cause people's eyes to glaze over as quickly as "epistemology." This, however, is a very accessible article that I think some of you may appreciate, given the recent discussion:


this to me has always been the most dangerous and lasting legacy that trump is going to leave this country. whatever agenda he does or doesn't pass is terrible and bad but the worst part of his existence is how he has not just degraded our institutions but millennia of human progress that is based on a respect for logic and facts.

Have it out


Is he just trolling at this point?
Dude bent on the major thing his opponent was pressing him on, somehow implying he allows pedophiles and gang members into VA. It's ridiculous that he bent to rhetoric that ties all immigrants to criminals. Dems still bowing a to that radical GOP **** like they haven't learned **** in the past 10 years. Still the better choice though.
I agree with you, but unfortunately we live in a country where a good amount of people fear immigrants and black people. Luckily in California this type of rhetoric is rejected.

Northam will need to watch his back though, I still think he will skate through, but if he keeps making mistakes like this, he’s gonna create lower turnout for the Democratic Party in Virginia.
this to me has always been the most dangerous and lasting legacy that trump is going to leave this country. whatever agenda he does or doesn't pass is terrible and bad but the worst part of his existence is how he has not just degraded our institutions but millennia of human progress that is based on a respect for logic and facts.
that article was one of the most disheartening things i’ve read in a long time.
Methodical Management beat me to it. I was going to post that article this morning/later today. I am glad that he posted it already because this article needs to be read by as many people as possible as soon as possible.
In my experience (and to my regret), few words cause people's eyes to glaze over as quickly as "epistemology." This, however, is a very accessible article that I think some of you may appreciate, given the recent discussion:


This article is offensive ... I am surprised to not only see it posted, but endorsed ...

That being said, there is absolutely an epistemic crisis occurring ... And both sides of the isle are to blame ...

Statistics are fascinating, but you can't be serious subscribing to that article ... It completely and conveniently disregards sheer access - Aside from the scattered bubble where only a trained eye can deduce that the prevalence of Left leaning media far outweighs the Right ...

It is a scientific and evolutionary fact that cornered species tend to react aggressvely
... Think about a situation where you were the minority ... Now think about the same situation where you were the majority ... One possible example might be a classroom debate environment ... Would you act differently? Your actions would, subconciously, be totally different ... From the volume and tone of your voice to your nonverbal cues ...

Now expand that situation to the current media landscape ... As people are less represented, their actions seem more abnormal ... There's no room to be "moderate" because time is finite ... In short, the more balanced the representation, the more balanced the viewpoints ... Media is nowhere near balanced from an access perspective and this fact promulgates extreme views ...

But for this article to adopt the "Dems are holier than thou" mindset is alarming ... To purport that there is only one side to blame for this epistemic crisis is laughable ... Let's ust take a very real and recent example ... The uranium one deal was a nothingburger and dismissed as normal dealings resting on a single, succinct argument - no uranium left the US ... I fell victim to believing that and dismissed this story as nonsense ... Now, after digging by honest journalists, it turns out uranium did leave the US, for Canada and the Europe and Asia ... This is precisely why people don' trust the media they consume or the politicians they hear speak and revert to their tribal corners ...
Glad to see our president run full steam with information that he heard without verifying it....again
The ACA is effectively dead. Glanced at it since I used it last year, and there are bronze plans costing $400+ whereas they may have been under a 100 last year, silver is even worse. There's absolutely no reason to pay that much for those low level plans. The sabotage is in full effect with no alternative. 1000s will have to skip this due to price, and they haven't even done anything for the mandate, they just made things worse. I don't see how this isn't causing a **** storm.
Think about a situation where you were the minority
Imagine telling a thread filled with mostly minorities this.

As people are less represented, their actions seem more abnormal ...

Imagine the left creating unfounded conspiracy theories on birtherism, assassinations, pedophilia, dismissing science and our institutions, and it being classifies as "abnormal".
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