***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The problem with this is people will still have the ability to ignore the side they don't agree with and focus on their preferred side.

its da price of freedom.

all you can do is lay it out and let things fall where it may.
its da price of freedom.

all you can do is lay it out and let things fall where it may.

True. And you also wanna make sure you take the right steps to ensure if there is any false information that is being accepted as gospel is quickly extinguished before the flames or the smoke causes more damage
True. And you also wanna make sure you take the right steps to ensure if there is any false information that is being accepted as gospel is quickly extinguished before the flames or the smoke causes more damage

perhaps a "cigarette smoke warning" on all things editorial on both sides, and da user proceeds at his own risks.
i presume they reject it because they already lived under it pre Rush Limbaugh's conservative media revolution is what they would say... remember back then there were only 3 broadcast lightly news channels..ABC, NBC, CBS

whatever they covered was da news, period..they were da standard bearers... essentially a Monopoly.

-Trump is just a brash, flamboyant NY a-hole to me, he doesn't offend me. lets not get it twisted, i don't agree with him 100%...his immigration stances that Tom Cotton is influencing him on is dead wrong IMO (luckily chain migration, etc. wont be killed..even GOPers know a vasst majority of em got here via family reunification)

1) da world already lived like this before Trump, i.e. Religion vs evolution...once again, as long as we still have da 1st amendment, your legally allowed to believe what you want if it isn't dangerous to other people physically (religious medical refusal is one caveat for example)

2) raw power is actually how things are done now and underpins everything in out society... because everyone got weapons of mass destruction, it forces us to come up with diplomatic solutions.

Thanks for this.

How does your belief in raw power show up in your family? Surely, when resolving disputes with family members it's not the only strategy you use. My question really is about how you're thinking about the relationship between raw power in the realm of politics/governance and raw power exercised through interpersonal, familial relationships. Is there a fear that by rejecting epistemology in and of itself (or at the very least substituting a new framework--my 'facts' are no better than yours--in place of the old) in the realm of politics we risk creating a similar disposition when building with people we know and love?
perhaps a "cigarette smoke warning" on all things editorial on both sides, and da user proceeds at his own risks.

I think that may be the purpose of some sites including lil bios of the writer at the bottom of articles to kinda give a glimpse at who they are and what they are into/agree with

its da price of freedom.

all you can do is lay it out and let things fall where it may.

Freedom doesn't supercede truth. You may not believe in physics and gravity, but you're not throwing yourself off the George Washington bridge to test whether you'll fly because you know where you'll end up.

We have had close to 40 years of reaganomics and the wealthiest Americans have never controlled so much of the country's resources. Yet, Republicans want the rest of us to keep believing that something will eventually trickle down, despite evidence that their policies don't work.

This is exactly what that article is talking about: the lack of logic in conservative reasoning and the denial of facts.

To further the referee analogy, it's like being ok with the fact that the referee should call the game in favor of the home team, or being ok with the game being played without one. Soon enough, a slide tackle from behind, an elbow in the face, or a facemask become part of the game. I don't know of a single match played this way that didn't end up in a full blown brawl.
well someone needs a "news arbitor" thats equal parts conservative and equal parts liberal.

otherwise its up to everyone here to do it on their own.

this blurb can't be overstated.

Obviously it’s “been the destruction of the Left’s national-media monopoly.” Before his revolution, Rush writes, the media was covertly biased. Now, however, the liberal media (which presumably includes everything but Fox and right-wing blogs and talk radio) has been forced “to abandon any pretense of objectivity and fairness and actively advocate on the Left’s behalf. This has led in turn to the hyper-partisan nature of our politics today.

its not unlike da blame of da bloods falls squarely on da crips.

I don't agree with the need for an arbiter.

The disconnect here again is that you're pointing to biases, which in my opinion are also dramatized in that boldened part. The crisis here is dismissing institutions, science and flat out creating lies. That's what you say the right is forced to resort to because of the liberal media?
Obama ignored Simpson-bowles too.

da unwelcoming of facts thats unflattering are bipartisan.
The the vote for the formation of the commission failed in the Senate because a few GOP Senators wanted to stick it to Obama. Obama created the Commission through executive over. This move pissed off progressive. The commission would not even exist without his actions.

Why do you misrepresent events like people were not alive during the same time period?

Furthermore, Simpson-Bowles unpopular enough when it came up to vote. It failed the vote to even get to Congress.

And it's policy recommendations we're torn apart by economist because a lot of it was not good policy. It was being bipartisan for the shake of being bipartisan.

So Simpson-Bowles commission was created by Obama and their recommendations didn't even reach his desk.
Been kinda disappointed with my friends and some of their political views lately. Watching the world series and I said something about Puig being the only black dude on the team and they were like 'nah he's Cuban'. Then I mentioned how it's funny that bush is a 'good' guy now and he's like well he is when you look at what we have in office now. Smh and this guy went to Stanford. Just kinda illustrates how people aren't aware/don't have time to learn up on the system
Welp,you're getting an answer sooner rather than later...

They're trying their hardest to make the uranium deal into a big deal and using it to attack Mueller,they're not slick with the attempted sleight of hand at all :lol:

So little to hide yet so many attempts to silence and cover up.
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