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Oh boy...

Cam'ron Claims He Knew About Bill O'Reilly's Sexual Assault Allegations Years Ago

Image via Getty/Roger Kisby

Cam'ron has often been a man ahead of his time, or at least someone who was comfortable setting his own trends and blazing his own trail. He made wearing pink cool—even if it inspired people to rock it that really shouldn't have—and he wasn't afraid to stand directly across from his critics.

One of those was disgraced pundit and former Fox News host Bill O'Reilly, who was forced out after a wave of backlash stemming from sexual assault allegations convinced advertisers to pull out of his show. Cam'ron knows O'Reilly well, and made what is perhaps the most infamous appearance in The O'Reilly Factor History back in 2003.

His taunting screams of, "You mad!" and "I got dirt on you doggy!" are lasting memes from that appearance, and Cam'ron claims part of his animosity toward the host was derived from things he learned during prep for the show.

"As far as all of the sexual allegations—before I went up there, what I did was my publicist had told me about a lot of that stuff, but instead of being serious with him, we had so much fun clowning him that it just turned into a roast session and we just started laughing at him," he told Noisey. "I probably was prepped an hour before I went to the show. It was more funny than anything else. But you know, sexual assault really isn't funny, so if he really did those things, then it's good that Fox got rid of him.

So the dirt Cam'ron claimed to have on O'Reilly was what eventually sunk his career. Though there were always whispers about O'Reilly's misconduct—as well as a generally uncomfortable atmosphere for women at Fox News—this is some WikiLeaks type **** from Cam, or at least from Cam's publicist. It also sounds like there's no love lost between Cam and O'Reilly even after all these years have passed.

"It was a bunch of people he was rude to, on the borderline of being racist without necessarily being racist," he said. "Like even when he's up there [like] 'look at the way he dress'—what does that mean? He does a lot of stuff that [is] borderline racist, to me."

You're not going to hear any argument from me. The only shame of O'Reilly losing his job is that we'll never get another appearance from Cam'ron on his show, but since we already have one of the greatest memes of all time, it's probably best to have that hate-monger rotting away on a podcast somewhere.

He's cool, but really just another condescending know it all white guy.

He's very critical of the War on Drugs, he has Carl Hart on his show and Dr. Hart is the most sensible man in America on that issue.

On the one hand, Rogan's criticism of the war on Drugs makes him cool but it also makes his conservatism in other areas worse. It is one thing if you're a white guy and you don't want to grappled with the privileges that your skin color and gender have provided you. Okay, in that case, just immerse yourself in the conservative echo chamber and get on with your sheltered life.

People like Rogan are more irritating because they know that the War on Drugs is bad policy but they refuse to even consider the racial elements of the War on Drugs. It's one thing if you're new to all this and you've just discovered the financial and law enforcement pressures that helped to create the War on Drugs. However, once enough time goes by, you should start to look at the racism that under girds the war on Drugs. It's lame to by a white guy in his early 40's who thinks that the War on Drugs was started and is maintained entirely because of "big pharma," Dupont, "the paper lobby" and Henry Anslinger's machinations.

The only thing I would have added was a joke or two about the centrist Dem's obsession with the economic skeleton key that is "apprenticeships" and "jaaab training."

Those fundamentalists in Alabama and elsewhere actually do think that the 14 year-old girl seduced the then 32-year-old Roy Moore.

Wow, Ed, wow. If you truly think this is why the GOP is in trouble, then you deserve to be in the wilderness not just an electoral cycle but for an entire generation. Do you really want to see why the GOP is in trouble? Read Jennifer Rubin's column about Roy Moore. She lays out in clear and precise language the moral rot and hypocrisy that has infected the Republican party. Your column is a clear example of the tribalism that has made the GOP such a sham.

Do you even know what a conservative is, Ed? At this point, the only thing it truly appears to be for is enacting legislation that benefits and protects the wealthy donors. Do you really think their tax plan is meaningful legislation? It won't benefit the country in the least. But if they don't pass it, the gravy train from the donors will dry up. They're damned if they do and they're damned if they don't. And that's why they deserve to lose big in 2018
The problem I have with the Roy Pedo Bear Moore apologist is let this happen in a country like Iran or another country in the middle east and these clowns would be talking about how depraved and disgusting those countries are for protecting morally disgusting individuals and turning their backs on kids.
I have reached the end of the line in interacting with anyone via social platforms or in person when anything political or racial is being discussed ... I just have one simple question and will bow out gracefully ...

What can a white male do in America today to not be considered a privileged racist?
I have reached the end of the line in interacting with anyone via social platforms or in person when anything political or racial is being discussed ... I just have one simple question and will bow out gracefully ...

What can a white male do in America today to not be considered a privileged racist?

I have reached the end of the line in interacting with anyone via social platforms or in person when anything political or racial is being discussed ... I just have one simple question and will bow out gracefully ...

What can a white male do in America today to not be considered a privileged racist?

A good start would be to acknowledge that the country we live in has a history of systemic racism, and that the generations who came before you benefited from that built-in advantage. That's what people mean by privilege.

Sometimes it takes well into adulthood to even notice racial discrimination and have to come to the table for "uncomfortable" discussions. Other people don't have the luxury of ignoring it. That's what people mean by privilege. It's not supposed to be a personal attack on anyone. Becoming immediately defensive as a knee-jerk reaction will never help you understand where people are coming from.

As for not being a racist, simply not surrounding yourself with racist people or pledging allegiance to policies that disproportionately hurt minorities is a good idea. Just because you've never seen the reality of prejudiced enforcement of laws does not mean it isn't there.

Best of luck.
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