***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Cartoonishly evil...




Yeah! Shame on the blacks for not working hard in the 1800s! If those lazy people would have just rolled up their sleeves, worked for once, and stopped using drugs or being promiscuous, then they too would be millionaires like our Jewish friends over there! This is why we need Dapper Don; to show the blacks how to work hard for your success and be a good example to humanity. Dapper God NEVER violated the sacred principles of abstention from sex, drugs, OR rock and roll. #MakeAmericaCoalAgainAmen

Ahhh, member when the NT conservatives were going on and on about letting the working man keeping for of his paycheak. I member.

Welp, the GOP and Trump are making you all look like suckas. Uninformed, ignorant to policy, suckas.

Once again for the members of the orange cult

Brings up Jews working hard in the early 1800s when blacks were still enslaved and working hard for free :rolleyes
These dudes will ignore history to blame the white supremacy induced disenfranchisement of the African-American community on African-Americans.

They musta went to the same school Uncle Ruckus went to. He also believed slavery was a joyful occasion. Might watch that Catcher Freeman episode tonight

Ahhh, member when the NT conservatives were going on and on about letting the working man keeping for of his paycheak. I member.

Welp, the GOP and Trump are making you all look like suckas. Uninformed, ignorant to policy, suckas.

I do think that as matter of political strategy, Democrats would be wise to adopt the the language of the GOP from circa 2010 to talk about this current tax plan. Talk about how Trump is trying to shove his filthy, tiny hands down your pants and grab your "wallet." Talk about how Trump's tax plan takes from "successful" States and gives to States that have a culture of non work and dependence. Be sure to conflate the Nation debt with the crippling effects of household debt. Most importantly, emphasize that this tax bill takes from those work and gives to those who do not work, in this case, share holders and heiresses.

Most people are bored to tears when you talk about itemized deductions but most people will be very excited and motivated when you talk about thwarting unworthy outsiders' attempts to steal the fruits of your labor.
From the article:
They asked Kushner to turn over all responsive documents by Nov. 27.

According to the lawmakers, Kushner’s attorney suggested providing some documents might “implicate the president’s Executive Privilege.” In their letter, they asked Lowell to resolve those issues and produce the documents or create a “privilege log” to detail over which documents the president is asserting executive privilege.

I'm not very familiar with the exact laws of executive privilege but can that even be applied retroactively to communications if they occured during the campaign?
It's a bit unclear which specific documents this applies to (read article for full context of excerpt) but doesn't the "implicate the president's Executive Privilege" part implicate the president himself being a part of the communications in those documents that are being referred to? If there was no involvement from the president in those documents there wouldn't be any reason, need or legal authority to assert Executive Privilege right?

In other words, if I understand this Executive Privilege and the statement from Kushner's attorney correctly, it would mean that the president was at minimum on the receiving end of communications regarding Grassley and Feinstein's topic demands. It could also mean he was an active participant in said communications, though that seems far less likely to me.
To my knowledge you can't assert Executive Privilege for communications that don't involve some degree of involvement from the president.

Am I reading this right?
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