***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Anyone read this yet? It's a lot to get through and digest and one reading definitely isn't enough.
Need more minds to discuss with and twitter is just a conservative victory party right now so I'm getting nothing there.



That's my chosen one

That joint to long famb. I will read it when I get home
Personally I find public debate between 2 prominent black intellectuals to be a good thing. Just because they have disagreements doesn't mean either should be dismissed because someone might not agree imo because black folks have never been a monolith

West might have been harsh and off mark a bit with a few of his characterizations about Coates but he brought up some good points regarding class and neoliberalism (although i dont always agree with his use of the term) and Coates has come correct on his rebuttals.

I dont think Cornel West is some bad,self serving guy who needs to be cancelled because he decides to critique the likes of Coates and Obama from the left. Many of his critiques have been echoed for years on that side. I think they're genuine disagreements and make for a good discussion. Call him petty sure but so many in academia tend to be like that :lol:

Debate is good but everyone has agree on certain, hard facts. It was just amazed at how loose with the facts West was in this particular piece. It would be like calling Tim Duncan a show boat, it just doesn't pass the eye test. Ta-Nehisi Coates is not Joy Reid, Ta-Nehisis Coates is more like Chris Hedges. In fact he is even better because he criticizes other leftists along with liberals and conservatives.

In times like these I remember that the ACA almost got sunk because Reid had negotiated to many kickbacks and other Dems got pissed. The Cornhusker kickback especially had to be killed. Yet the GOP is happily buying off their members with no push back within the party.

This is some of the **** Dems need to drop. Unless it goes against your platform, shut the hell up, and let Dem leadership buy off Senators and Congressmen with extra benefits for their state to get votes.

If it takes giving rural Alabama and West Virginia special jobs programs to get Manchin's and Jones's vote to get a Medicare buy in or jobs program, then do it.

If we have a pair of wave elections and we have unified control in 2021, that new Democratic President had better swear that the era of left wing policies being constrained by phony concerns about governing norms and "the Debt!" are now over. If any good can come of Donald Trump's Presidency it will be the erosion of bourgeoisie norms in our politics which hold back left wing policies far more often than they constrain right wing policies.
Lmao one of my coworkers was complaining of McCain going home instead of voting on the tax bill
I was like bro has cancer
And he was like “I know” :rofl:

Some republicans are just heartless b
Anyone read this yet? It's a lot to get through and digest and one reading definitely isn't enough.
Need more minds to discuss with and twitter is just a conservative victory party right now so I'm getting nothing there.

I'll give this a thorough reading later tonight.

Speaking of Coates, I'm currently almost finished with We Were Eight Years In Power which I pre-ordered a while ago. Surprised they even had it available here tbh.
I've given it a slow approach as the material is pretty heavy food for thought and I do read a tiny bit slower in English than in Dutch at the end of the day. Some parts I've previously read on The Atlantic (which is an excellent publication in general) but the book adds Coates' own notes to add more context to the essays. It's a nice little touch and I found it a refreshing element of the book.. He's very open about his views, the internal conflicts he has, ... and he articulates this very well to the reader. It's almost like you're sitting down having a conversation with the man.
Anyone read this yet? It's a lot to get through and digest and one reading definitely isn't enough.
Need more minds to discuss with and twitter is just a conservative victory party right now so I'm getting nothing there.



That's my chosen one

I've read a lil bit of it and it seemed like those conspiracy theorist republican weren't completely deluded in their thinking pattern. So far it seems as though political issues got in the way of bringing down a gobal terrorist organization. If all the things I've read so far are true it's a little troubling to read but it isn't as far fetched as one would think
Would be Hilarious if those fringe party cats found out they were played too all in the name of getting Hillary out the paint for Putin.

Every third party vote, every Harambe write-in troll vote and every "don't know who is worse - Trump or Hillary" non-vote was 90% of the way as good as the vote for the orangutan himself, so naturally they were thrilled for anyone who voted for her.
Say whatever lol. I pledged. That stuff doesn't bother me...bruh :lol:

I don't care if you "pledged" or not. I'm more concerned with the lessons of brotherhood and the sense of COMMUNITY within black people that you either weren't taught (highly unlikely) didn't learn (highly unlikely) or simply abandoned (most likely the case). I encourage you to go back and read the history book if you haven't done so already to revamp your thinking process while you still can.
Meanwhile the Transportation budget his administration proposed in May sought to cut Amtrak's budget by 13%. Is it really that hard to just get out the condolences first and maybe try and show a little bit of empathy to start off your official response? The condolences had to wait 10 minutes of course, wouldn't want to rain on his parade.

Almost every single time. I imagine he just tweets this stuff and then somebody has to remind him "you forgot the condolences mr. president".
I don't care if you "pledged" or not. I'm more concerned with the lessons of brotherhood and the sense of COMMUNITY within black people that you either weren't taught (highly unlikely) didn't learn (highly unlikely) or simply abandoned (most likely the case). I encourage you to go back and read the history book if you haven't done so already to revamp your thinking process while you still can.

If you are a bruh, and concerned about a post of mine, hit me in the PM.
Throw in that now other struggle black commentators are throwing Coates under the bus because white liberals like his work, and some feminist now supposedly have an issue with Coates and his "beef" with West

But the grand finale.....


Coates was getting so much ******** sent his way, he left Twitter. He deleted his account

Is this really the buffoonery some leftist and progressives want to cosign? All in the name of criticizing from the left.
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