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Using elections to judge economic policy

Reagan re-raised taxes 11 times during his presidency, the national debt more than doubled and the succeeding recession forced Bush Sr. to raise taxes again and cost him any chance at a second term because he couldn't fix the mess he inherited but hey Reagan got reelected so maybe it wasnt that bad.
I mean, considering how low the bar has been set for Trump and Republicans in general, there might be a shot.

But I can also see a much higher turnout for liberal voters, and less of a push for a third party.

I don't see it happening, but considering how people were willing to look past all of Trump's glaring flaws, I wouldn't be shocked. On top of that, I don't really see Democrats doing enough to prop themselves up still.

I'm hopeful, but I'll never be sure again. There's a large portion of the country who either genuinely believes or continues to convince themselves that they're winning...and this is only more confirmation bias.
Dude the overwhelming majority of Americans didn't want Trump to be president in the first place.

He won by 100k votes in three states with the help of an damaged opponent, Russian inference and James Comey's idiocy, and rampant voter suppression.

Things will not align for him like that again. He will have to find a new path to victory. He damn sure is not gonna have a landslide.

If people show up, he will get washed. If they stay home either through self suppression or GOP tactics, then he has a chance.
Maybe I do but nevertheless facts are facts... young folks whom are healthy are spending crazy amounts on health insurance and not using it.
Ok, but then the solution should be a public option to bring down the price. And other price controls.

Not telling people to free ride.
I feel like this tax scam was just what was needed to get all of the Republican seats up in 2018 out of office. This is going to affect a lot of Republican voters in the only thing that they care about, their wallets. I am pretty confident that Democrats have all they need to take control of both the House & Senate in the mid-terms. I also expect Dems to destroy this tax scam once they have control and Trump is no longer in office.
Reagan re-raised taxes 11 times during his presidency, the national debt more than doubled and the succeeding recession forced Bush Sr. to raise taxes again and cost him any chance at a second term because he couldn't fix the mess he inherited but hey Reagan got reelected so maybe it wasnt that bad.
Even Bush Sr. called Reagan's economic plans nonsense in the primary.

Reagan got lucky and the luck ran out on Sr.
Maybe I do but nevertheless facts are facts... young folks whom are healthy are spending crazy amounts on health insurance and not using it.

The point of everybody paying into it, even the healthy ppl, is to keep the premium down

Hopefully you'll never need to see the doctor but you also don't want to donate an arm and a limb when you do
Reagan re-raised taxes 11 times during his presidency, the national debt more than doubled and the succeeding recession forced Bush Sr. to raise taxes again and cost him any chance at a second term because he couldn't fix the mess he inherited but hey Reagan got reelected so maybe it wasnt that bad.

Don’t you ever disrespect the holiness that is Reagan. You shouldn’t even be allowed to speak his actual name.
They may not understand it fully but insurance is always best to have and not need it than the other way around. With insurance when I broke my hand I paid 650 out of pocket on a $3.5k surgery. I pay well over how much many family uses insurance each year but I'd much rather over pay and never use it than under pay and be shackled with medical debt

Personally I will always have health insurance, the cost is worth it but that's me though. You can't expect everyone to think like that.
To keep it #1HUNNA the Dems should not fully repeal this bill if the time comes

They should keep the revenue offsets the GOP had to include. Then add there own revenue increases and then use those two and spend a ton of the poor, young and middle class.
If only liberals let their nuts hang on ****** foreheads the way Republicans always seek to.
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I feel like this tax scam was just what was needed to get all of the Republican seats up in 2018 out of office. This is going to affect a lot of Republican voters in the only thing that they care about, their wallets. I am pretty confident that Democrats have all they need to take control of both the House & Senate in the mid-terms. I also expect Dems to destroy this tax scam once they have control and Trump is no longer in office.

I want to believe.
Personally I will always have health insurance, the cost is worth it but that's me though. You can't expect everyone to think like that.

Is it worth it because you're frequently use it or because it's good to have incase of an emergency?
If only liberals let their nuts hang on *****s foreheads the way Republics always seek to.

Dude frustrates me but that is why the Dems need more Bernie Sanders type energy.

Come time, bounce into Congress like they Randy Marsh after microwaving his nutz. All of them smokin a blunt, singing Buffalo Soldier, with a bill in their hands ready to run the rich a fade and the poor a come up.
Even Bush Sr. called Reagan's economic plans nonsense in the primary.

Reagan got lucky and the luck ran out on Sr.

Sr was on some "No raised taxes!" nonsense himself until he won, had the numbers placed in front of him and was told "Congratulations, it's your problem now, Mr. President" :lol:
Don’t you ever disrespect the holiness that is Reagan. You shouldn’t even be allowed to speak his actual name.
I'm sorry. It's not my fault, I suffer from UNS (Uppity Negro Syndrome). I would get treated but my insurance doesn't cover it and I'm too broke to pay out of pocket. If only there was sone sort of "Universal" option that payed for all kinds of care.
Good health can literally change in a millisecond though.
This. I'm a pretty good example of this. Great social life, great health, pretty muscular, ... to being forced to drop out of my nursing bachelor because the physical strain of attending class every day became too much and internships were entirely impossible. All in less than a year and mostly in a straight downwards spiral from there, though recently on the rise again.
A former classmate of mine was diagnosed with MS in his mid 20s despite being a very active individual who appeared to be in great health.

In order for a proper healthcare system to work, there need to be as many people in the pool as possible, especially the healthy people. The sick can't fill in that kind of contribution and pay their astronomically high US medical bills at the same time. It's just not possible to sustain any remotely competent healthcare system that way by removing incentives to have insurance.
I really don't think it can be argued that the US does not have one of the worst and most inefficient healthcare systems of the western world. Significantly higher healthcare spending per capita than any other country for vastly inferior affordability and accessibility unless you're pretty well off financially. The quality of the medical services themselves are excellent but they are far from reasonably affordable by the standards of countries like Sweden, Canada, my country, ... Throughout much of the EU basically.
Plenty of ways to improve, single payer not necessarily being one of them, but I'm not sure how realistic a good healthcare system on par with many of the EU nations and Canada is without some major shift in the view on healthcare as a basic human right. What all these other countries have in common in spite of differences between their individual healthcare systems is that their healthcare is seen as a basic human right by the vast majority no matter how they identify on the political spectrum.
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