***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I just got a bonus at work from the tax cut. Thanks, Papa Don for helping **** over the poverty stricken Mericans while I boost my 401k and Roth :pimp:

LIBBIES claimed we wouldn't get tax relief. Lol. DON isn't a LIAR LIKE OBUMMER. He says what he means and he always tells the truth.


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To me, Trump being president is worse not because of his incompetence, but because it confirms that many Americans aren't @$%@ as human beings and don't give a @#@$ about what happens to anyone else as long as they get what they want. He encourages them to embrace their ignorance, rudeness, vulgarity, obesity, and lack of hygiene, which in turn ruins life for the other 50% of the country. At least in the past, these people were too ashamed or scared to express their views in real life, and they stuck to Yahoo comment sections. Now, they're literally everywhere!

Straight white people are the only major group in this country that are divided on The Bigot™. Everyone else hates him.
One of the most dapper self portraits I've ever seen :pimp:

Our brave Sheriff Clarke won’t let the violent libbies prevent bringing law and order back to our country.

Him and Attorney General Jeff Sessions need to tag team together to get rid of the evil marijuana destroying our country and potentially turning real America into one big Liberal California
I was having a convo with my dad last night about how much worse Bush was as a president. While it's true that Bush the WOAT modern president that left the country in ruins, at least back then it seemed like people would learn from their mistakes and not pick another idiot warmonger like him again.

To me, Trump being president is worse not because of his incompetence, but because it confirms that many Americans aren't @$%@ as human beings and don't give a @#@$ about what happens to anyone else as long as they get what they want. He encourages them to embrace their ignorance, rudeness, vulgarity, obesity, and lack of hygiene, which in turn ruins life for the other 50% of the country. At least in the past, these people were too ashamed or scared to express their views in real life, and they stuck to Yahoo comment sections. Now, they're literally everywhere!

Who cares about racism, sexism, healthcare, education, environment, avoiding war, getting rid of police brutality, etc. as long as I can watch my dumb @#$ football and get a "tax cut"?

What's scary to me is that there are so many people who support him. I can see how little cults form, because they're so small in size it's not hard to imagine a small group of idiots can get together and believe in something stupid.
The fact this guy is the President of the world's greatest economy is ******* terrifying. You can be divided on economic issues, but basic human rights issues should be non-negotiable. Morality should be straight forward. Don't judge people based on skin color should be obvious. Don't screw over people who can barely afford a roof over their head should be intuitive. But apparently,half this country don't buy it.

When you step away and really think about it, it's just sad. Sad as ****.
I still don't understand how this logic is so hard to follow for some people (mostly white) :

1. Ancestors came to the United States looking for a better life
2. People who want to come to the United States have a ****** life back home, I should be accepting of immigrants who only ask for an opportunity as I literally wouldn't be here if it wasn't for immigration.

It's ******* simple. The US as we know it wouldn't exist if it wasn't for immigrants. Kick the *******s out, I'm all for that. But give people a ******* chance.
What's scary to me is that there are so many people who support him. I can see how little cults form, because they're so small in size it's not hard to imagine a small group of idiots can get together and believe in something stupid.
The fact this guy is the President of the world's greatest economy is ****ing terrifying. You can be divided on economic issues, but basic human rights issues should be non-negotiable. Morality should be straight forward. Don't judge people based on skin color should be obvious. Don't screw over people who can barely afford a roof over their head should be intuitive. But apparently,half this country don't buy it.

When you step away and really think about it, it's just sad. Sad as ****.

The saddest part is that most of this Trump supporting mentality emerged from their anger at a black man running the US for 8 years. Have you seen what they say? "Obama is the worst president of all time!!!"

Republicans and Democrats alike hated Bush at the end of his term, and I even remember many Republican voters turning on John McCain when Sarah Palin, the female equivalent of Trump at the time, was his pick for VP. People were saying "I'd vote for McCain but if he dies, I don't want some ignorant illiterate loudmouth to take his place."

After 8 years under a black man though, they did a complete 180 and went even further by picking this ignorant buffoon that is hellbent on undoing EVERYTHING Obama did.

Had Obama been a white man, I guarantee that Trump would not be president today.
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The saddest part is that most of this Trump supporting mentality emerged from their anger at a black man running the US for 8 years.

Republicans and Democrats alike hated Bush at the end of his term, and I even remember many Republican voters turning on John McCain when Sarah Palin, the female equivalent of Trump at the time, was his pick for VP. People were saying "I'd vote for McCain but if he dies, I don't want some ignorant loudmouth to take his place."

After 8 years under a black man though, they did a complete 180 and went even further by picking this ignorant buffoon to represent them.
Yep. It's the typical "Oh no our race is under sabotage mentality. They're taking over!". Innately, it's the fear of losing the privileges and advantages they were born into they are most afraid of. Even if they 100% don't realize this, it really just boils down to this.

Nobody's coming for your dominant position, Trump supporters. We love you if you love us back. Nobody wants to get rid of you. Equality of opportunity is all we ******* care about.

In a 2008 article published in The New Yorker magazine, Jeffrey Toobin quotes Roger Stone: "Roy was not gay. He was a man who liked having sex with men. Gays were weak, effeminate. He always seemed to have these young blond boys around. It just wasn't discussed. He was interested in power and access."


Cohn's cousin, David L. Marcus, believed this relationship also included unrequited interest of a different sort. "I felt that Roy was attracted to Trump, more than in a big-brotherly way," Marcus recalled in Vanity Fair in 2017. "[Donald] was tall and blond and...frankly, über-Gentile. Something about Roy’s self-hating-Jewish persona drew him to fair-haired boys."

translation: he thought trump was dapper in his youth.
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Angels in America play/HBO miniseries is based on him if I remember from my last undergrad English course.

Then again might be someone different with a similar background.
In a 2008 article published in The New Yorker magazine, Jeffrey Toobin quotes Roger Stone: "Roy was not gay. He was a man who liked having sex with men. Gays were weak, effeminate. He always seemed to have these young blond boys around. It just wasn't discussed. He was interested in power and access."


Cohn's cousin, David L. Marcus, believed this relationship also included unrequited interest of a different sort. "I felt that Roy was attracted to Trump, more than in a big-brotherly way," Marcus recalled in Vanity Fair in 2017. "[Donald] was tall and blond and...frankly, über-Gentile. Something about Roy’s self-hating-Jewish persona drew him to fair-haired boys."

translation: he thought trump was dapper in his youth.

Da Papi Suga appeal :smokin
What's scary to me is that there are so many people who support him. I can see how little cults form, because they're so small in size it's not hard to imagine a small group of idiots can get together and believe in something stupid.
The fact this guy is the President of the world's greatest economy is ****ing terrifying. You can be divided on economic issues, but basic human rights issues should be non-negotiable. Morality should be straight forward. Don't judge people based on skin color should be obvious. Don't screw over people who can barely afford a roof over their head should be intuitive. But apparently,half this country don't buy it.

When you step away and really think about it, it's just sad. Sad as ****.

I actually heard megan mccain explain it in a way that made sense to me. There is a group of people who voted and support him that are seen as “one issue voters”. As long as he is for the one issue they care most about then he got their vote and support. He can say and do whatever he wants as long as he agrees with them on that topic / issue.
I still don't understand how this logic is so hard to follow for some people (mostly white) :

1. Ancestors came to the United States looking for a better life
2. People who want to come to the United States have a ****ty life back home, I should be accepting of immigrants who only ask for an opportunity as I literally wouldn't be here if it wasn't for immigration.

It's ****ing simple. The US as we know it wouldn't exist if it wasn't for immigrants. Kick the *******s out, I'm all for that. But give people a ****ing chance.
"F*** them, I got mine" - Children of immigrants
I actually heard megan mccain explain it in a way that made sense to me. There is a group of people who voted and support him that are seen as “one issue voters”. As long as he is for the one issue they care most about then he got their vote and support. He can say and do whatever he wants as long as he agrees with them on that topic / issue.
Those people are the ones who have no ability to think abstractly, to think with perspective, to think about the bigger picture, to think about the pros and cons of different circumstances. Basically dumb idiots.
I actually heard megan mccain explain it in a way that made sense to me. There is a group of people who voted and support him that are seen as “one issue voters”. As long as he is for the one issue they care most about then he got their vote and support. He can say and do whatever he wants as long as he agrees with them on that topic / issue.
This is in contrast to the "every issue" purity test voters on the left who will turn on you if you aren't perfect in every way.
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