***Official Political Discussion Thread***

also Michael Cohen, the bell is gonna toll for you soon, you risked legal jeopardy to pay off a porn star with 130k FROM YOUR OWN POCKET in order to help Donald Trump?

I now you mad cause Trump aint pay you back??!! what?!! :lol:

There is an ancient african american proverb, I think it goes something "we tried to tell y'all?"

It comes to mind that I never did the Seth Nunberg guy, either, I find him particularly infuriating.

Sig 4 lyfe check

Da rust belt played itself.

Under any other Presidency I would 100% call fake on this headline, under Trump and coming from Fox...I need to accept the high possibility that this is actually a headline on Fox News...lmao

Under any other Presidency I would 100% call fake on this headline, under Trump and coming from Fox...I need to accept the high possibility that this is actually a headline on Fox News...lmao

That’s gotta be photoshopped !!

American voters give Trump a negative 38 - 56 percent approval rating. There are wide gender and racial gaps. Men approve 44 percent, with 49 percent disapproving. Women disapprove 62 - 33 percent. White voters are divided 47 - 48 percent. Disapproval is 86 - 7 percent among black voters and 68 - 24 percent among Hispanic voters.

When someone says that "America is too divided", they really mean to say "White America is too divided".
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