***Official Political Discussion Thread***


What a **** show.
It's really hilarious, a trade war that could significantly harm the global economic order is being started...

because the president doesn't understand how trade works. :lol:

When my students ask me about all of this, my short answer is "I disagree with President Trump because I believe that global trade is beneficial, on balance"

My longer answer is, I feel uncomfortable to be part of a consensus that includes grandees from Goldman and contributors from the Cato Institute. I feel uneasy at the prospect that my words could be taken as a defense of trade deals, from recent History, which were designed, largely, to eviscerate labor at the hands of the capitalist class. However, Robert Reich assuaged by concerns when he said that we can disagree on the details of trade agreements but anyone who claims to understand economics knows that trade is not a zero-sum game.

When Trump claims that every penny of a trade deficit with a another country represents a loss, I think that every economist, from up and down the political spectrum, can laugh at his buffoonery.

With that said and since we are talking about trade, everyone, who is interested, should check out Ha-Joon Chang, my favorite heterodox economist.
GOP biblethumpers gonna biblethump
Tennessee GOP kill bill to ban child marriage
State House Republicans in Tennessee on Wednesday effectively killed a bill to ban child marriages in an effort to bolster a conservative lawyer’s case against the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage.
The bill called for the state to ban marriages where one of the parties is under 18 years old.
House Majority Leader Glen Casada (R) was convinced to send the bill to summer study in the House Civil Justice Subcommittee after an email from attorney David Fowler, a former state senator, The Tennessean reported on Wednesday.

Summer study is a place where bills often die before they return for debate, effectively killing the bill’s chances to be passed.

Fowler’s email said he is preparing a lawsuit to counter the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage in the 2015 case of Obergefell v. Hodges.

Fowler is arguing that the Supreme Court’s ruling essentially nullified all Tennessee marriage licenses when it opened the spectrum of legal marriage beyond just between a man and a woman, The Tennessean reported.

If Tennessee were to ban child marriages by modifying state marriage law, lawmakers would be acknowledging the existence of same-sex marriage, according to Fowler’s legal theory.

Rep. Darren Jernigan (D), a co-sponsor of the bill, found a state loophole in February that gave a judge the ability to grant marriages to minors with no minimum age limit, The Tennessean reported.

In 2016, 42 men and 166 women under the age of 18 were married in the state, The Tennessean reported.

Nonprofit group Unchained at Last says it has found at least three marriages in Tennessee involving a child as young as 10 years old, but state officials have disputed that claim.

Jernigan and other supporters of the bill say the loophole led to female minors being married to significantly older men, where they face higher chances of being abused.

Fowler is the president of the Family Action Council of Tennessee, a Christian-based advocacy group against same-sax marriage.

Jernigan said it was disgraceful that Casada was citing Fowler’s theory to fight same-sex marriage as the reason to block the child marriage ban.

"Basically, what has happened is the Family Action Council wants to continue to let 13-year-olds get married in the state at the sake of their court case against same-sex couples," Jernigan said. "It's disgraceful. I'm embarrassed for the State of Tennessee, and I can only pray that we bring this back next year and not let them get in the way."
Has Trump implemented those sanctions yet? Starting to look awfully suspicious.

I was listening to some podcast or video the other day and someone mentioned it was not a good thing to prod Trump into a nuclear showdown with Russia, and point taken, I guess.
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