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Melania Trump 'Be Best' pamphlet was first published by Obama's FTC
A booklet published on Monday as part of first lady Melania Trump's "Be Best" campaign copies a document first published by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) during the Obama administration.

Trump had released the PDF as part of her Be Best initiative on Monday, the goal of which is to “encourage positive social, emotional, and physical habits” among children and focus on their well-being online. The pamphlet, meant for parents, talks about addressing children's conduct online, including cyberbullying and how to navigate inappropriate content.

Internet archives show that the brochure was originally shared on the Be Best campaign website as a booklet by Trump and the FTC but was later changed to show that it was simply "promoted" by the first lady and written by the FTC.

The first version read: “Parents, click here to read Talking with Kids about Being Online, a booklet by First Lady Melania Trump and the Federal Trade Commission.”

The updated website reads: "Parents, click here to read 'Talking with Kids about Being Online,' a Federal Trade Commission booklet, promoted by First Lady Melania Trump."

However, the change came too late for those who had already noticed that the brochure was nearly identical to a brochure titled "Net Cetera — Chatting with Kids About Being Online," which was put out by the FTC in 2014.
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