***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Protect and Serve Act’ Would Make Police a Protected Class and Violence Against Them a Hate Crime

On Tuesday, Congress introduced the “Protect and Serve Act,” legislation created to address violence against police. The House of Representatives and the Senate introduced their individual versions of the bill, with the Senate version designating violence against police a federal hate crime.

Soooooooooooooooooo when they going address police violence against the citizenry?

Legitimately, the only facet of society that I can think of where a person who holds them self out to be an expert is NOT held to a higher standard
How do you even convince a person like this that they're voting for the wrong guy? Like what do you say to him? You can't even say to him that the guy he's voting for is a crook, because he already acknowledges that.
That's the scary part about Trump voters: They know that Trump is a corrupt scumbag. They just don't give a ****.

When the hell did "rude" become synonymous with "honest"?

And to add to that, they'll blame it all on the government when their healthcare fails them, and costs of living and taxes are raised causing a lot of **** for them. But it's too late for them to understand those things because they wasted their votes to a bigoted fool.

Honest crook? What about HER

They spent so much time babbling about how crooked she was but instead they help elect a "better one" :rofl:
At the CFPB, his last job, Cordray led the way in bringing about $12 billion in relief for harmed consumers and took major enforcement actions against by firms such as Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Citibank for their wrongdoings.

“By any reasonable standard, his record of protecting consumers was a spectacular success,” Dennis Kelleher, president and CEO of Better Markets, a watchdog group that advocates for stricter financial regulations, told me.


In January 2017:
Boeing CEO says Trump good for business – despite barbs


Good. That means the CEO knew exactly what he was signing up for .

Protect and Serve Act’ Would Make Police a Protected Class and Violence Against Them a Hate Crime

On Tuesday, Congress introduced the “Protect and Serve Act,” legislation created to address violence against police. The House of Representatives and the Senate introduced their individual versions of the bill, with the Senate version designating violence against police a federal hate crime.

This is absolutely ridiculous. Police really don't need anymore legislative protection.
In January 2017:
Boeing CEO says Trump good for business – despite barbs


If only there were warning signs...

Boeing CEO WILDIN for even thinking "Trump is good for business" :lol:

Dude prolly lived under a rock his whole life. He forgot about Trump Airlines :rofl:

Good. That means the CEO knew exactly what he was signing up for .

This is absolutely ridiculous. Police really don't need anymore legislative protection.

You’re thinking of only commercial where their backlog is ~6000 planes, which equates to seven years of production, worth over half a trillion dollars. That order isn’t even forecasted into those numbers because they knew this could happen. Aside from holding up the Export-Import Bank appointment and the Iran deal, Trump actually is good for business for Boeing, though.

They have record cash flows which was boosted by the tax plan (it benefits big, thriving companies like Boeing and not the average person). Defense, which has had stagnant revenues for a decade with goals to double by 2025, he is crucial because of the defense budget increases. Specifically to Boeing, he pushed an order through for a bunch of F/A-18 Hornets and green lit a Service Life Extension plan for older F-18s which is critical for Boeing because that’s all their St. Louis site has right now and they would have had to close otherwise.

Him and Muilenburg (Boeing CEO) are close so one might wonder if that will play in their upcoming contract awards which are way more important because of the benefits they’ll get down the line for their Services business.

Not to mention, if we do end up going to war, Boeing has a lot to gain with products and services. I’ll slander Trump as much as the next man, but that statement from ja
The US ambassador to Germany appears to confirm that companies from US allies in the Iran deal will be sanctioned for continuing to uphold the deal and doing business with Iran.

This is from 2015

Sarah Palin gave a spectacularly colorful address condemning the deal, and bringing up nearly every other conservative talking point along the way.

“Only in an Orwellian Obama world full of sprinkly fairy dust blown from atop his unicorn, seen through his pink kaleidoscope, would he see peace in this treaty,” the 2008 vice presidential nominee said. “You don’t reward terrorism, you kill it!”

While the event was a brainchild of Cruz and the Tea Party Patriots group, the bulk of the celebrity attention and accolades went to Trump, who Cruz himself has lavished with praise throughout the Republican primary.

“Obama wants to make Iran great again, while Sen. Cruz and Donald Trump want to make America great again,” pro-Israel activist Morton Klein said early in the rally, using Trump’s campaign slogan.

Of all the headliners, Cruz’s 13-minute address offered up one of the most in-depth remarks on the specifics of the deal, particularly about the sanctions against Iran that would be lifted under the terms of the nuclear agreement.

If the deal goes through, “the Obama administration will become quite literally the world’s leading financier of radical terrorism,” Cruz said. “If you vote to send millions of dollars to jihadists who have pledged to murder Americans, then you bear direct responsibility for the murders carried out.”

Cruz also alleged again that Iran could “kill tens of millions of Americans” with an electromagnetic attack on the East Coast, and threatened legal action as a way to stop the deal from going through.

“Any bank that listens to this president and releases billions to an international terrorist like the Ayatollah Khomeini will face billions of dollars in civil liability and litigation,” he said.
GOP lawmakers file motion to force immigration vote
Three Republican lawmakers filed a motion Wednesday to force a House vote on immigration.

GOP Reps. Jeff Denham (Calif.), Carlos Curbelo (Fla.) and Will Hurd (Texas) filed the motion, known as a discharge petition. They were joined by Reps. Mario Díaz Balart (R-Fla.) and David Valadao (R-Calif.) as initial sponsors.

Denham has been pushing for support for the move for some time, telling The Hill last month that he had secured support from more than 40 House Republicans on a resolution to allow debate and votes on four separate immigration proposals.

His proposal is known as a Queen of the Hill rule. It would allow the House to pick between four different immigration proposals.

If 41 Republicans and all Democrats back the move, the rule could be forced through without going through the typical committee process or getting approval from leadership.

Are they serious with this "Protect and Serve Act"?

I mean, do they want to lose their seats or something? All this energy being expended to hold police accountable for murder and other abuses...and your answer is to give them a safe legal cocoon to be even more violent and reckless?

Good luck in the midterms.
Are they serious with this "Protect and Serve Act"?

I mean, do they want to lose their seats or something? All this energy being expended to hold police accountable for murder and other abuses...and your answer is to give them a safe legal cocoon to be even more violent and reckless?

Good luck in the midterms.
Don't be surprised if this passes. Many politicians on both sides dont care about what activists say. Democrats and Republicans both passed a "Blue Lives Matter " bill two years ago.
I still Can’t believe people voted this POS in...and to see how much support he gets at his rallies when he spews nonsense after nonsense..

A ******* quarter of the population. Human dirt who knew, or should have known, exactly who this monster was. This clown NEVER changed up.

That **** will never be forgivable to me.

Gross abundance of the equivalent of moral and intellectual trash in American society.
I know it’s anyone's guess but how long after this dude and trash republican Congress is out of the paint will it take to undo the destruction?
Mueller reportedly already questioned the firm back in November 2017 about its relationship to Michael Cohen.
Mueller team questioned Novartis last year over Michael Cohen payments
Federal investigators working for special counsel Robert Mueller questioned pharmaceutical giant Novartis last year about its relationship with Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, the company said Wednesday.
In November, lawyers from Mueller’s office asked for information about the company’s relationship with Essential Consultants, a shell company created by Cohen.

“Novartis cooperated fully with the Special Counsel’s office and provided all the information requested,” Novartis spokeswoman Sofina Mirza-Reid said in a statement. “Novartis considers this matter closed as to itself and is not aware of any outstanding questions regarding the agreement.”

The acknowledgment by Novartis suggests that Cohen has been drawn into the special counsel’s ongoing probe of Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign. FBI agents in New York raided the home and office of President Donald Trump’s longtime fixer last month after receiving a “referral” from Mueller, but it was not known how closely he had scrutinized Cohen.

Novartis revealed its contact with Mueller’s office after the company was named in a document distributed by Michael Avenatti, a lawyer representing porn film actress Stormy Daniels. Daniels, whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford, is suing to be released from a contract, inked weeks before Election Day, that paid her $130,000 to keep quiet about an alleged sexual relationship with Trump.

Cohen made the payment to Daniels through Essential Consultants, the same firm that was later hired by companies including Novartis, AT&T and Columbus Nova, a firm linked to Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg, who was sanctioned last month as punishment for the Kremlin’s meddling in the U.S. election.

AT&T, Columbus Nova and Novartis confirmed that they had business relationships with Cohen after Avenatti’s document was released. AT&T declined to comment Wednesday on whether it had been contacted by Mueller.

“In February 2017, Novartis entered into a one year agreement with Essential Consultants shortly after the election of President Trump focused on US healthcare policy matters,” Novartis’ Mirza-Reid said. “The terms were consistent with the market. The agreement expired in February 2018.”

“The engagement of Essential Consultants predated Vas Narasimhan becoming Novartis CEO. Dr. Narasimhan had no involvement whatsoever with this arrangement,” Mirza-Reid said.

Avenatti claimed the Cohen bank account was involved in transactions totaling more than $4.4 million from October 2016 to January 2018. Those transactions included $200,000 from AT&T and some $500,000 in deposits from Columbus Nova.

FBI agents searched Cohen’s law office and Park Avenue apartment last month, seeking information on the payment to Daniels. Cohen is also reported to have negotiated a $1.6 million payment on behalf of GOP fundraiser Elliott Broidy after a Playboy Playmate said Broidy had impregnated her.
Never honestly. America is already known for being the home of fat dumb people and this all proved it. Relations are done
Not just that, there's a new bred of young white republicans that are even dumber and more social media aware that will replicate the entire thing

The good news is no one wants to date them so even if they make it into office they won't be able to reproduce
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