***Official Political Discussion Thread***

MSNBC has lost their minds with their narrow focus on the Russia story. Yes, it is a very important story but 90% of their content is related to the Russia investigation. I'm leftist and they are liberal but I don't hold that against them. From about 2008 to 2012, I watched them and I was libertarian, I found them much more interesting than Fox News. From late 2012 until early 2016, they helped to pull my politics leftward. Chris Hayes and Melissa Harris Perry and Micheal Eric Dyson, in particular, showed that the left had far more intellectual rigor and from there, they showed me an America defined by racial and economic injustice.

The election of Donald Trump caused a reordering at MSNBC, of personal and of priorities. Not only did they move rightward, they decided that they were the anti Trump network and little else. The existing personal clearly is under orders not to even talk about ideas or the broad inequities in our society.

It's cool though, MSNBC helped get me into the left politics game and I've borrowed down deeper since then. I'm glad that they gave a couple of very smart people a two or three year window to talk about real issues. It got me on the path to even more issue driven media. The problem is I have with MSNBC is that its business decision to appeal exclusively to affluent retirees and socially liberal members of the Professional-Managerial Class means that they gave up their chance to be a vast, mediating platform between leftists and the more mainstream, normie liberals.



George Will with that ether to make Mike Pence soul burn slowwwww.

Man George Will got in his bag for this one.

Pretty good summary of the 2018 republican mindset. And it's not just Pence; it's also McConnell who can't publicly say that referring to his wife as a China-person is racist because it came from a fellow Republican; it's the GOP leadership that can't openly discourage the dregs of society from running under their banner. They have chosen to be despicable, and that's dangerous.
MSNBC has lost their minds with their narrow focus on the Russia story. Yes, it is a very important story but 90% of their content is related to the Russia investigation. I'm leftist and they are liberal but I don't hold that against them. From about 2008 to 2012, I watched them and I was libertarian, I found them much more interesting than Fox News. From late 2012 until early 2016, they helped to pull my politics leftward. Chris Hayes and Melissa Harris Perry and Micheal Eric Dyson, in particular, showed that the left had far more intellectual rigor and from there, they showed me an America defined by racial and economic injustice.

The election of Donald Trump caused a reordering at MSNBC, of personal and of priorities. Not only did they move rightward, they decided that they were the anti Trump network and little else. The existing personal clearly is under orders not to even talk about ideas or the broad inequities in our society.

It's cool though, MSNBC helped get me into the left politics game and I've borrowed down deeper since then. I'm glad that they gave a couple of very smart people a two or three year window to talk about real issues. It got me on the path to even more issue driven media. The problem is I have with MSNBC is that its business decision to appeal exclusively to affluent retirees and socially liberal members of the Professional-Managerial Class means that they gave up their chance to be a vast, mediating platform between leftists and the more mainstream, normie liberals.

Aside from Lawrence O'Donell, Chris Hayes and Joy Reid, MSNBC is barely tolerable. Full of center-leftists and democrat/republican flip floppers. You'd be surprised at how many "liberal" MSNBC hosts went to Fox News over the years.
I finally understand what is wrong with this country and our current political system. America is divided and we spend too much time arguing about our differences instead of rallying around what we have in common. I might not agree with folks in here but I respect their right to think differently than I do. Most of you will expect a section of black txt followed by Coal nonsense but I hope you know that I am serious about this post.

I'm serious about #COALGOALS. I have nothing in common with LIBS. The thing we have in common is that our PRESIDENT ELECT is making things great again for Papa Vlad and his supporters. Libs need to stop crying and get outta here.

Eddie Devine voted for President Donald Trump because he thought he would be good for American business. Now, he says, the Trump administration’s restrictions on seasonal foreign labor may put him out of business.

“I feel like I’ve been tricked by the devil,” said Devine, owner of Harrodsburg-based Devine Creations Landscaping. “I feel so stupid.”

Devine says it has been years since he could find enough dependable, drug-free American workers for his $12-an-hour jobs mowing and tending landscapes for cemeteries, shopping centers and apartment complexes across Central Kentucky.

So for years he has hired 20 seasonal workers, mostly from Guatemala, through the U.S. Labor Department’s H2-B “guest worker” program. Importing these workers for a few months cost him an additional $18,000 in fees and expenses beyond their wages, which must be the same as he pays American workers. But that’s the only way he could serve his customers."


Restrictions on guest-worker visas, which began during President Barack Obama’s second term as immigration became a hot issue for conservatives, have gotten worse under Trump. And it’s even more of a problem now that the unemployment rate is the lowest it has been in years.

Devine says he lost a $100,000 account because he didn’t have enough men to do the job. He’s worried he may be out of business next year if things don’t improve"

OMG :lol:

“We live and die by these visas,” said Ken Monin, owner of Monin Construction, which specializes in home additions, roofs, decks and garages. “Last year we about went bankrupt. The workers we were supposed to get in March didn’t show up until August because they couldn’t get visas.”

Monin applied for eight H-2B workers this year, but he isn’t optimistic he will get any. Employers seeking H-2B workers must prove they have advertised and tried unsuccessfully to hire local workers.

“Americans don’t want most of these jobs,” said Monin, who pays his workers about $17 an hour. “I’ve been in this business 20 years. It’s hard, hot work.”

Monin said if he doesn’t find enough workers somewhere this summer, he may go out of business, which would cost his three American employees their jobs. Devine and Monin, who also voted for Trump, think the president understands the issue but is politically trapped by the far-right."


Nobody knew that Immigration was so complicated!!!!

Eddie Devine voted for President Donald Trump because he thought he would be good for American business. Now, he says, the Trump administration’s restrictions on seasonal foreign labor may put him out of business.

“I feel like I’ve been tricked by the devil,” said Devine, owner of Harrodsburg-based Devine Creations Landscaping. “I feel so stupid.”

Devine says it has been years since he could find enough dependable, drug-free American workers for his $12-an-hour jobs mowing and tending landscapes for cemeteries, shopping centers and apartment complexes across Central Kentucky.

So for years he has hired 20 seasonal workers, mostly from Guatemala, through the U.S. Labor Department’s H2-B “guest worker” program. Importing these workers for a few months cost him an additional $18,000 in fees and expenses beyond their wages, which must be the same as he pays American workers. But that’s the only way he could serve his customers."


Restrictions on guest-worker visas, which began during President Barack Obama’s second term as immigration became a hot issue for conservatives, have gotten worse under Trump. And it’s even more of a problem now that the unemployment rate is the lowest it has been in years.

Devine says he lost a $100,000 account because he didn’t have enough men to do the job. He’s worried he may be out of business next year if things don’t improve"

OMG :lol:

“We live and die by these visas,” said Ken Monin, owner of Monin Construction, which specializes in home additions, roofs, decks and garages. “Last year we about went bankrupt. The workers we were supposed to get in March didn’t show up until August because they couldn’t get visas.”

Monin applied for eight H-2B workers this year, but he isn’t optimistic he will get any. Employers seeking H-2B workers must prove they have advertised and tried unsuccessfully to hire local workers.

“Americans don’t want most of these jobs,” said Monin, who pays his workers about $17 an hour. “I’ve been in this business 20 years. It’s hard, hot work.”

Monin said if he doesn’t find enough workers somewhere this summer, he may go out of business, which would cost his three American employees their jobs. Devine and Monin, who also voted for Trump, think the president understands the issue but is politically trapped by the far-right."


Nobody knew that Immigration was so complicated!!!!

It always bears repeating, when confronted with these stories from whinny business owners. There is never a shortage of workers, there are only wage that are too low.

With that said, if your business model requires immigrants in order for you to be profitable and competitive, how in the holy hell can you vote for Trump.
The immaturity of this dude to still be out there nicknaming politicians :lol:

Low key appreciated tho...lmao

Was funny when he was going at established republicans

But when he started spreading that stupidity and when he got the nomination and more, stopped being funny.. cause 1 that stupidity begin to spread.. but more importantly 2 when dude became the leader of the country and could trigger world war 3

Now it's just a buffoon who somehow failed up
Was funny when he was going at established republicans

But when he started spreading that stupidity and when he got the nomination and more, stopped being funny.. cause 1 that stupidity begin to spread.. but more importantly 2 when dude became the leader of the country and could trigger world war 3

Now it's just a buffoon who somehow failed up

“He’ll change it up when he’s president give him a chance!”

“He just started he needs to get settled in and he’ll be more presidential”


If McCain doesn’t go at that dude and Fox’s neck, he has even less spine than Marco and Ted and his medals should be taken away.
Gotta have little self esteem and be an invertebrae to stick by the side of people who wouldn't think twice about dishing out low blows like that. ****, in any other parliament, somebody is getting punched on sight.

I like this better:

i like they was letting em fight
dudes to *****
quick to call the cops
ol throwing stones hiding they hands **** boys
i hate folks like that
talk all that ****
then act confused
when they get busted in they mouth
i swear man
minorities could take the seats
of all these old white folks in congress and the senate
if we just came together
and made change
but when we get on we sell the **** out
the country could easily switch gears
and we be in charge
the white folks to busy fighting each other to notice
if all us minorities stood united
to better one another
but they always out for they own
and never wanna acknowledge our(black folks) plight
but quick to jump in whenever we make leeway
to get the benefits
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