***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Read the comment thread, especially this:

and familiarize yourself with the term "Heavily Indebted Poor Countries."

You will understand where Republicans are driving the USA. It is not a good place, and it is a very important reason why economic migration from poor countries is such an issue today.

Read the comment thread, especially this:

and familiarize yourself with the term "Heavily Indebted Poor Countries."

You will understand where Republicans are driving the USA. It is not a good place, and it is a very important reason why economic migration from poor countries is such an issue today.

What’s the most irritating is that the republican base will probably turn around and say “well atleast he’s trying”. Smh

I maintain the opinion that Support for trump and tea party folk has never been about what they’ll actually do for them or for America. It’s always been about what they represent. The “silent majority” not having to be silent about their not is kosher views and ideals.

Read the comment thread, especially this:

and familiarize yourself with the term "Heavily Indebted Poor Countries."

You will understand where Republicans are driving the USA. It is not a good place, and it is a very important reason why economic migration from poor countries is such an issue today.

Giving more money to the already wealthy just didn't seem like a good idea.

This is wild man

Are they going to try and go with the "we only meant to kidnap him, but then he randomly died." Story?

Also remember when Flynn and Giuliani was helping Turkey plan to Kidnap someone? Why does this sound like that? Is it like a package deal that the Trump regime offers foreign dictators?
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how pathetic

that children of illegal immigrants who were deported or detained are being adopted :frown::smh:

That DHS boss better get her story right cause the House is going to get in her *** l.

Also McConnell can suck a fat D*ick trying to tell the house what they can do. Though it is noteworthy they want to call the House doing its job as Harassment. Pelosi can't respond cause it too early but Dems need to nip that in the bud quick and frame it as them doing their job unlike the senate.
Dems are ROOKIES not Roooskies on everything. Class is in session Lib scum.

1. Tax cuts are working BEAUTIFULLY. Da coffers are overflowing.

2. #Civility needs to be yelled from the Coal Stacks. Protests are as unamerican as freedom and must not be tolerated.

3. OUR PRESIDENT ELECT is extremely handsome. He's evolved to a pokemon called Donachu and he's never looked better. I choose you Donachu. Donachu uses Lie. Lie was effective.

4. Don has da Zaddy appeal on lock.

5. Turtle looking dapper these days.

6. The alt left is destroying this country while the alt right is trying to save it.

7. Betsy still is Bae but Suzzy is probably who I will marry one day. Both are very dapper.

8. Tomi is back dating again.

9. Rusty called me last night and I screened his calls after his comments about T Lib Scumbag Swift.

10. We are appealing Meth's decision to shut down Ninja's political thread to the Supreme Court.

11. Kavs is just a kid but he has Charlie's Angels Swag. He still poops his diapers though.
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