***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Seems no one wants to actually discuss the merits of the proposition re: 13th amendment.

maybe try having a legit convo and not some photo ops
People replied so fast I doubt the article was even read. You SJWs are the minority. Deal with it. I've been saying it for years.
People replied so fast I doubt the article was even read. You SJWs are the minority. Deal with it. I've been saying it for years.
You are against a minority group, welp, this isn't surprising. :lol:

And it is one of the top trending articles on the damn Atlantic. Most people on here read that site. It is not some secret source of info.
The pharse social justice warrior being used as an insult has always confused me.

Whats bad about wanting social justice?

It's like when people complain about antifa folks smacking racists like we didn't fight an entire world war under the premise of violent anti facism.
A mentally ill drug addict music producer shouting about issues he doesn't even kind of understand is who our president sought to entertain on the topic of prison reform.....

Bruh it really might be the end of days.
Exactly why he was invited to speak in the first place.
The pharse social justice warrior being used as an insult has always confused me.

Whats bad about wanting social justice?

It's like when people complain about antifa folks smacking racists like we didn't fight an entire world war under the premise of violent anti facism.
Social justice is bad becuase that’s what women and colored want. Their justice is already there (white men)
Trivialize it all you want but it's facts. And until you all realize that people are turned off by the mole hills you turn to mountains your side will not win.
what does that have to do with either the fat orange turd or kanye kardashian?

I don't even know what you are asking. But it seems obvious you don't want to actually address the issues I outlined.

Instead, it appears you are quite content feeding off of the energy of others in this thread. Be yourself fam.
Americans are liars. I honestly don't think some of you believe half the **** you say In here. You just say it to fit in with the perceived zeitgeist. But vitinv booths are private. That's why Trump won. And everyone was surprised except ninja and I because we already knew. Americans are liars.b
Trivialize it all you want but it's facts. And until you all realize that people are turned off by the mole hills you turn to mountains your side will not win.
Lol what? Who are you to say what’s serious enough for someone to want a change? The problem is you think all change = “you mad”. Grow up baby bop. On the flip side who are you to say someone should be ok with it/deal with it?
Americans are liars. I honestly don't think some of you believe half the **** you say In here. You just say it to fit in with the perceived zeitgeist. But vitinv booths are private. That's why Trump won. And everyone was surprised except ninja and I because we already knew. Americans are liars.b
So the only ones who knew are you and the guy the loves with mom with the life goal of buying a 5K necklace? That’s what you want to claim you’re equal to? Lol
Maybe the liberal side would have a better chance if the GOP stopped with the gerrymandering and voter suppression. And supported policies to raise turnout

The facts are that more people in America prefer Democrats. Something the bigots and their apologist are scare to admit.
Seems no one wants to actually discuss the merits of the proposition re: 13th amendment. Or address the merits of cyclical dependency that has been created in communities of people that look like me. Nor the devastating affects of gang violence, mass incarceration, and the school-to-prison pipeline.


He crazy... eff Kanye... Butter biscuits... Someone in here even wished he died in the same manner his mother did etc etc etc

Good grief
Excellent bait.
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