***Official Political Discussion Thread***

That might have lil truth to it in national elections, but not state and local.

A lot of politicians have grips on those politicians because of low turnout.

Even if you don't get Bernie Sanders, there are still down ticket races that are important.

And there is some correlation between groups that vote, and groups that get policies passed in their favor.

Old v. young

Rich v. poor

Conservative v. Liberal

Bernie giving folk the keys, about being politically active, but they're are being ignored

Well yea, should pointed that out. State and local elections is where you have the power, once you step up to the national level is where money plays a major part; though that's not to say it doesn't play a part in the lower level elections.
He should drop out because he's not going to win. Bernie needs to win every state by an absolutely ridiculous margin just to surpass Trillary in the delegate count.
He should drop out because he's not going to win. Bernie needs to win every state by an absolutely ridiculous margin just to surpass Trillary in the delegate count.
He has enough money, wants supporters in all of his states to vote for him, and wants a minority report at the convention. No way he drops out before the convention. If there's someone that should drop out, it's that dude Kasich.
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Trump with the Bobby Knight endorsement :lol: A loud man known to throw fits and who has been accused of being racist being endorsed by a loud man known to throw fits(and chairs) who has also been accused of being racist...
well damn...pretty much every ****** thing hillary has done...



I wouldn't even doubt it at this point with Slick Willy

Bill Clinton’s name found 21 times in sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s directory:

What's shocking is the section about all the deaths directly related to the Clinton family WOW! Clintons are basically a political Mafia family!

I get the feeling that's exactly right.

A lot of these ppl probably the same ones that voted in Obama but then didn't vote in any other elections so the Dems could have the house. So if Bernie had ran the table he would've been left out to dry with probably an all Republican Senate and House :lol:

If your reaction is my guy aint win so I aint voting at all it shows you really don't get it.

I don't think this is the case with young voters at all. We have to realize that if we're talking about young voters 18-24, they have only been able to participate one presidential election at the most, maybe two. We don't know how young voters will react this time around. I think things have changed quite a bit since the Occupy Movement, where local governments used their power to suppress YOUNG people's voices.
What I think may hinder a progressive turnout in the midterm elections is more voter suppression, re-districting, and gerrymandering. This has been going on for years and we can already see the impact in the primaries.
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Dear FBI, the Democratic Party’s Future Rests Upon Your Investigation of Clinton’s Emails

1 day ago
H. A. Goodman Columnist published in The Cleveland Plain Dealer, The Baltimore Sun, The Hill, Salon, The Jerusalem Post www.hagoodman.com

To the Honorable James B. Comey, Jr. and all the good people at the Federal Bureau of Investigation,

The majority of the Democratic Party does not believe there is an ongoing FBI criminal investigation regarding Hillary Clinton’s emails. They believe, as the former Secretary of State has told them, that your work is merely a “security review,” or as one Democratic strategist call it, “another BS scandal.” Your work, thus far, has been relegated to yet another “witch hunt.” In fact, Clinton and her campaign have managed to convince millions that former secretaries of state did the same thing, which of course isn’t true.

Also, an interesting brand of logic has been used to rationalize ignoring your email investigation. While the number of agents working on this case is said to have been around 100, some voters have actually taken solace in the fact recent reports only list dozens. Only a dozen FBI agents, say loyal supporters, isn’t that big of a deal.

Since your investigation has taken so long, many people believe that nothing has been found, or simply that Clinton is too powerful to face any serious repercussions. Any attempt to warn people that Hillary Clinton could realistically face criminal indictments is either viewed as a Republican scare tactic, or lunacy. Even many Bernie Sanders supporters, a group that would benefit the most from the FBI recommending indictment of Clinton, feel it’s either disloyal, or pointless to bring up the email controversy. The massive group think within the Democratic Party, fostered by years of circumventing political scandals, has literally altered the mindset of normally rational individuals, and voters.


To a great many people, there is simply nothing Hillary Clinton can do wrong; even FBI investigations are merged with Republican Benghazi hearings.

Ultimately, your hard work, and your investigation into Clinton’s email server and correspondence, is viewed as a big, fat “nothingberger.” As Esquire’s Charles Pierce writes, The Great Hillary Email Nothingburger is Still on the Grill, and It’s Certainly Overcooked. Sadly, the FBI has become part of a satirical narrative centered upon Clinton being the victim of never-ending Republican attacks.

It’s important for everyone at the FBI to know that your investigation, and I say this with all due respect, is viewed as a source of amusement for many writers, pundits, and observers loyal to Clinton. The 22 Top Secret emails on a private server (something that should disqualify anyone running for president) are either completely ignored by party faithful, or rationalized by twisted logic. Nothing is taken seriously anymore; everything is viewed through the belief that Republicans are worse, therefore Clinton’s indiscretions are meaningless.

This should tell you something about the state of our Republic. This should also tell you something about the rule of law in our country. If anyone else in the U.S. government owned a private server storing Top Secret intelligence, for the sake of “convenience,” they’d be in jail. Lt. General Michael Flynn made that case on CNN with Jake Tapper.

The mere notion that Hillary Clinton could face criminal indictments is simply unrealistic to many voters, and I explain here what the Clinton campaign and supporters think of you and your organization. There used to be a time in U.S. history when FBI investigations were bad for campaigns; now it’s not even a speed bump for the former Secretary of State.

While I’ve stated on this CNN International appearance that Clinton could face indictment, and in a CNN New Day appearance that Clinton manages to continually circumvent scandal, only the FBI can resolve this grandiose issue.

Our country is getting closer to electing a person, under FBI investigation for potential misconduct pertaining to classified documents, that will have complete access to every single American intelligence agency.

When Univision’s Jorge Ramos asked Clinton “If you get indicted, will you drop out?” the former Secretary of State’s answer spoke volumes. She responded, “Oh, for goodness — that’s not going to happen.” The audience then cheered, for a response that no other American citizen would give to a question regarding possible DOJ indictment.

I’m not saying that people should fear the FBI. I’m saying people should respect the FBI. At this point, Bernie Sanders is the only Democratic candidate not linked to an FBI investigation, yet Clinton is leading in delegates. This dynamic would never take place in any other leading democracy. If David Cameron had been investigated by MI5, rest assured the British would never have allowed him to become leader of his political party, and eventually Prime Minister.

No doubt, you must perform your investigation without political pressure, but the reality is that millions of Bernie Sanders supporters are awaiting your verdict. Millions of independent voters, and millions of Democrats who aren’t voting for Clinton, need to hear your verdict. Needless to say, the Republicans are waiting as well.

The entire nation is waiting for you to disclose the details of your year-long email investigation.

Whether or not you recommend indictment, and whether or not you’ve found criminal wrongdoing pertaining to Clinton, should be known before the end of the Democratic Primary. Democrats can’t nominate a person who could potentially face indictment on November 7, 2016.

Of course, I’m a huge Bernie Sanders supporter, and while even many Bernie voters have surrendered to the myth that this investigation is purely politics, I believe otherwise. I remember a time when government officials respected the FBI, and a time when FBI investigations could never be associated with winning the presidency. In my humble view, I’d take the recent letter you received from agents who worked on ABSCAM very seriously, and I explain here why your reputation is at stake.

If Clinton wins, and if she did nothing wrong, then Americans need to know. However, if Clinton jeopardized national security, or might have jeopardized national security, then Democrats must rally around Bernie Sanders before it’s too late.

Your own website states “Every day, criminals are invading countless homes and offices across the nation—not by breaking down windows and doors, but by breaking into laptops, personal computers, and wireless devices via hacks and bits of malicious code.”

America needs to know if this observation also applies to Clinton’s email server.

Senator Sanders hasn’t addressed the email scandal, even though Clinton would never have hesitated to do so, out of respect for your investigation. Thus, most Democrats think it’s blasphemous to even mention the possibility of indictment, or criminal wrongdoing. The sooner we all know, the sooner we can address the spin, either way, from both Trump and Clinton. Both Clinton and Trump will form their own narrative, from your year-long investigation, and Democratic voters need time to process your findings.

Hopefully, this will take place before June, so that Bernie Sanders has a chance to become nominee, and so that Democrats don’t attempt to further a person linked to criminal indictments into the White House. Future generations will learn about this era in American politics, and your actions will highlight a great deal about our nation’s value system. Future generations will remember when you disclosed your findings, and the impact this timing had on the future of the Democratic Party.


H. A Goodman
Hillary wins, she serves her term, possibly two. When she's in her last month of presidency, they'll release their findings, guilty, the next president will pardon her.
Since your investigation has taken so long, many people believe that nothing has been found, or simply that Clinton is too powerful to face any serious repercussions. Any attempt to warn people that Hillary Clinton could realistically face criminal indictments is either viewed as a Republican scare tactic, or lunacy. Even many Bernie Sanders supporters, a group that would benefit the most from the FBI recommending indictment of Clinton, feel it’s either disloyal, or pointless to bring up the email controversy. The massive group think within the Democratic Party, fostered by years of circumventing political scandals, has literally altered the mindset of normally rational individuals, and voters.


The entire nation is waiting for you to disclose the details of your year-long email investigation.


Democrats can’t nominate a person who could potentially face indictment on November 7, 2016.

:rofl: Freaking soap opera. I wonder if she gets elected, then indicted, prosecuted, and right before Obama steps out of office, gets pardon by him?
I'm laughing at Rillo comment, not yours. The next page was loaded on my browser when I made my comment

You can relax papi :lol:
My bad.:\

I thought you took a day off from trolling. You're just behind on the comments. :D  

Still waiting for you to explain how I'm I a troll. But stay rustled in the interim famb

Huffington post pays for people write delusional Bernie Sanders fan fiction? :lol:

Someone from the Young Turks probably ghost wrote that.

They have pretty much turned into the Official Sanders slurping channel in the last couple months. They're on Fox News level of delusion right now
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Rusty is just about the last person that comes to mind when I think about NT trolls.
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Rusty is just about the last person that comes to mind when I think about NT trolls.
[thread="509493"] [/thread]
[thread="509493"]I meant he/she trolls progressives just from watching this thread. I don't follow too many threads. Not sure about NT trolls. Whatevs. [/thread]

Give examples, and explain what I do that would be considered trolling.

I have asked you to do this many times, and you can never give an answer
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