***Official Political Discussion Thread***

In a general, Bernie and Hillary supports WILL unite over our shared contempt, fear and bemusement at all things GOP. You can bank on that (and Hillary supporters can give said bank a speech for a quarter mill in exchange for future legislative favors). However, we can over look that because Hillary Clinton is not Cruz, Carson, Trump, Fiorina...
I'll see your awkward shake and raise you a face plant.

Gotta say it's been pretty fun watching the Republican party get destroyed like this. Their own voting base abandoning them cuz the feel "betrayed". Been fed bull **** since 2000 and now they voting for the rich crazy "outsider" businessman who'd give his money to either party to benefit his special interests and isn't conservative at all :lol:
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The democrats got a long term problem with their populist voters. It just isn't as pronounced because of the republican dumpster fire. But trust they have serious issues too. Clinton is a pretty bad candidate. Noone stays in power forever. Watching trump go against her is gonna be surreal.

Every poll and rationaal thought says she wins, but we are one terrorist attack away from a trump presidency
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Gotta say it's been pretty fun watching the Republican party get destroyed like this. Their own voting base abandoning them cuz the feel "betrayed". Been fed bull **** since 2000 and now they voting for the rich crazy "outsider" businessman who'd give his money to either party to benefit his special interests and isn't conservative at all :lol:

You know it's bad when the Koch brothers are considering to donate to a democrat! There was a Reuters article about it last week. :smh:
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^ http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-electon-koch-idUSKCN0XL01J
[h1]Republican financier Koch says Clinton might make better president[/h1] 
Billionaire industrialist Charles Koch, a key source of financing for conservative Republican causes along with his brother, said Democrat Hillary Clinton might make a better president than the candidates in the Republican field.

Koch, in an interview to air on Sunday on ABC's "This Week" program, said that in some respects Bill Clinton had been a better president than George W. Bush, who Koch said had increased government spending. Then when asked if Hillary Clinton would be a better president than the Republicans currently running, he said, "It's possible, it's possible."

ABC said Koch, who along brother David leads an influential political organization called Freedom Partners, has been displeased so far with the tone of the Republican presidential race, in which billionaire Donald Trump leads U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Ohio Governor John Kasich.

Asked if he could support Clinton over the Republicans, Koch responded, "We would have to believe her actions would be quite different than her rhetoric. Let me put it that way."

While many conservatives have questioned Trump's commitment to their agenda, a spokesman for the Koch brothers said last month that they would not use any of their money to block him from winning the Republican nomination.
The democrats got a long term problem with their populist voters. It just isn't as pronounced because of the republican dumpster fire. But trust they have serious issues too. Clinton is a pretty bad candidate. Noone stays in power forever. Watching trump go against her is gonna be surreal.

Every poll and rationaal thought says she wins, but we are one terrorist attack away from a trump presidency
Won't take another attack.
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In a general, Bernie and Hillary supports WILL unite over our shared contempt, fear and bemusement at all things GOP. You can bank on that (and Hillary supporters can give said bank a speech for a quarter mill in exchange for future legislative favors). However, we can over look that because Hillary Clinton is not Cruz, Carson, Trump, Fiorina...

You can't make this claim because it's based on conventional wisdom of American politics and we've all seen that there is absolutely NOTHING conventional about this election cycle on both sides. Plus a large bloc of Bernie supporters have said that they will not vote for Hillary if she gets the nod. They'll more than likely stay home, but then again that's also based on conventional wisdom so it pretty much means nothing at this point.
You can't make this claim because it's based on conventional wisdom of American politics and we've all seen that there is absolutely NOTHING conventional about this election cycle on both sides. Plus a large bloc of Bernie supporters have said that they will not vote for Hillary if she gets the nod. They'll more than likely stay home, but then again that's also based on conventional wisdom so it pretty much means nothing at this point.
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