***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Ive seen it from the jump. Doesn’t mean that the investigation isn’t paying dividends. Criminals are being targeted. If at the same time it exposes Donald true as someone who is unfit to hold the office then that’s a bonus.

At least you’re honest about it. Better than the majority in this thread when it comes to the issue of Russia collusion. It is paying political dividends for the Democrats.
How would he know whether they are guilty? They are being charged with things unrelated to him. Tax fraud, lying to the FBI, etc. Nothing to do with whether Russia colluded with the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 election.
Something’s different with Van Jones >D

Because he's acknowledging and praising the fact that Trump is supporting a bill on prison reform?

Prison reform is one of the issues I am passionate about, as it disproportionately impacts people that look like me.
it's funny yet infuriating that the party of law and order is upset that a federal investigation is being conducted and finding many people guilty of crimes. if Donald did nothing wrong, he has nothing to worry about.

blue lives matter.
The way Don tha Con is acting is totally how innocent people act.

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