***Official Political Discussion Thread***

mueller should have asked the president if he colluded with russia and if he said “nope” then that’s the end of the investigation. simple!

i have no idea why he would be utilizing proven methods to gain leverage against hostile witnesses in order to build a case.

yup. waste of money witch hunt :lol:
Who do y'all think the mystery grand jury appellant is? A Politico reporter initially found the case by chance. He was visiting the appeals court clerk's office and observed a lawyer requesting Mueller's latest sealed filing in this case so his firm could craft a response. The lawyer declined to identify himself or his client.
3 hours later a sealed response was submitted.

The case has been moving through the courts at incredible pace and the witness made an unusual en banc request after losing his first appeal before a DC Circuit panel.
It appears the en banc request was granted, however only 9 out of the 10 judges on the full bench participated. The one judge who sat out the appeal was the sole Trump appointee on the court.

Yesterday the appellant filed a 6487 word brief with the US Court of Appeals.
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Who do y'all think the mystery grand jury appellant is? A Politico reporter initially found the case by chance. He was visiting the appeals court clerk's office and observed a lawyer requesting Mueller's latest sealed filing in this case so his firm could craft a response. The lawyer declined to identify himself or his client.
3 hours later a sealed response was submitted.

The case has been moving through the courts at incredible pace and the witness made an unusual en banc request after losing his first appeal before a DC Circuit panel.
It appears the en banc request was granted, however only 9 out of the 10 judges on the full bench participated. The one judge who sat out the appeal was the sole Trump appointee on the court.

Yesterday the appellant filed a 6487 word brief with the US Court of Appeals.

If there was any doubt that the Amazon deal was trash, the WSJ's pro-business Editoral board just shaded the hell out of it too. Reason being, it is crony capitialism at it's worst.

The more I think about this deal, the more offensive I find it.

I some what heartened that a number of conservative voices can see how rotten, on its face, this Amazon deal is. However there are three major caveats.

1.) Bezos owns the Washington Post, the WaPo criticizes Trump therefore most of the right wing criticism of Amazon is a criticism of Jeff Bezos and not a criticism of the rent seeking behavior of big business.

2.) The GOP will do nothing about it this legislatively. In functional, not even ideal just functional, state, there would be a vast coalition of Red State Republicans and the more left leaning parts of the Democratic Caucus who would pass a veto proof bill that would, at the minimum, penalize States and localities who engage in these giveaways and they would treat these giveaways as taxable corporate income on part of the corporation that recieves these deals.

3.) The whole idea of crony capitalism is to create a scapegoat for Conservatives who need to overcome the cognitive dissonance of hyping up an economic system that creates so much corruption and misery. They hold up the virtuous small business owner as the ideal form of capitalism that must be saved. The problem is that most small business owner wished they could be Jeff Bezos. This farce with Amazon is not an aberration within Capitalism, it is merely the highest stage of capitalist development. Republicans are merely displeased that a number of the current captains of industry are socially liberal and/or critical of Donald Trump.
NRA had anything to say about the security guard that got shot the other day doing his job?!?
Anyone remember Jacob Wohl of credible rape allegations against Robert Mueller fame?

Looks like Oprah 2020 isn't a sure thing yet. Mike-mike might have an out.
Not surprised the right wing would be obsessed with AOC simultaneously not being rich or poor enough for their liking. The right wing has been doing this with Bernie so expect this to be amplified with AOC who is young, female and not white.

Yeah, because buying a couple of new outfits on your credit card is exactly the same as renting an apartment in a new and expensive city.
Anyone remember Jacob Wohl of credible rape allegations against Robert Mueller fame?

Looks like Oprah 2020 isn't a sure thing yet. Mike-mike might have an out.

I think the little dirtbag is clout chasing, I can't wrap my mind around him pulling off an elaborate scheme that got somebody arrested on false charges but we'll see

This is bizarre af all around
I think the little dirtbag is clout chasing, I can't wrap my mind around him pulling off an elaborate scheme that got somebody arrested on false charges but we'll see

This is bizarre af all around
Just one final question your honor, do you recall those bull**** charges Miss Stephanie Clifford got caught up in down in that politically motivated vice sting?

Remember this intellectual solar eclipse Jacob Wohl also decided, it was a genius idea to frame an FBI agent for rape.
Just one final question your honor, do you recall those bull**** charges Miss Stephanie Clifford got caught up in down in that politically motivated vice sting?

Remember this intellectual solar eclipse Jacob Wohl also decided, it was a genius idea to frame an FBI agent for rape.
Fair point on the Stormy set up

I could believe Avenatti was set up, but not by that kid. I can't do it
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