Senate maybe, House no. And if turnout is low because disgruntled Sanders supporters stay home, Dems get nothing.
Low turnout always equals the GOP flourishing.
Trump as President means the Supreme Court is gone for another generation.
So there will be consequences.
People planning to stay home need to face that fact
You really seem to have issue with Sanders supporters not supporting your party. Be aware that people who are voting for Sanders don't necessarily identify as Democrat. They don't need to fall in line with her party if their candidate doesn't win the nomination. Unlike past primaries, the candidate who finishes runner up really isn't part of the party. You really don't comprehend Sanders message and his following if you believe that they should support Clinton.
I believe Sanders supporters will vote come November, there are too many candidates on the card not to. I just think they'll either write in their Presidential choice or vote Green. The supporters who vote Clinton or Trump will be small though from his camp.
Most Sanders supporters will vote Hillary. She will have Obama and Lizzy Warren campaigning for her. Hillary will win the progressive vote my a large margin.
I voted for Bernie, and gave him hundreds of dollars of my own money. I would happily do it again. I will also happily vote for Hillary this fall.
All this establishment, purity test ******** should not be the take away from Bernie run. It should be moving towards social democracy, and being politically involved at all levels, all the time.
So in that case, me as a progressive doesn't see Hillary Clinton and other democrats as my enemies. I see them as my natural allies.
-All the whining, complaining and petulance I see from some hardcore Sanders is understandable but it doesn't make it excusable. There are consequence to voting for a hopeless third party candidate, consequences for not showing up, and consequences for convincing yourself that the only reason that you're no getting your way is because imaginary forces. Like Rex said, if liberals showed up in midterms, Bernie's vision for America would seem much more digestible to be because Bill Clinton, and especially Barrack Obama would have put us on the path to social democracy.
And other differences moderate, neoliberals, liberals, and progressive have can be handled during primary time.
And progress is much easier to make when one liberal president can build on the previous one. A true progressive will be president some day, and the country would be so much better will that person was coming into extend the work of the liberal before him, as opposed to cleaning up Trump's mess.
I know there is no revolution around the corner, that progress is a long hard road, but I know that it will at least crawl forward with Hillary, as opposed to walking backward with Trump.
There is a time and place to be a dreamer, but a bigoted piece of **** is one election away from being President, so the dreams must wait, so that the goals of the progressive movement can be defended.
And the one thing you gotta accept about being a democrat is that you're part of a wide coalition. People vote democrat for a wide range of reasons. The thing that makes you love a candidate will piss off another member of your party. But we must stick together if want to push back against conservatives, their austerity loving platform, and drag them kicking and screaming into the future.
Strike at them with a fist, because one thing about the conservative movement, is its chin is mighty sturdy. They just keep taking liberal slaps, and keeping pressing forward.
Vote however you want brah, but remember: this primary wasn't stolen from Bernie, there is no quick fix, and not voting in hopes the opposition wins has consequences. You might not feel them directly, but others will