***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Lawsuit szn.
What’s funny about this is that trump supporters go around dress like this looking for this exact reaction. This dude wanted to be inflammatory.

What's even more funny is the lack of self control and a dude getting that bothered with what another person is wearing.
Matt Gaetz is already trying to excuse his threat against Cohen on the eve of his public testimony in which he will implicate the president in crimes.
He also added that he didn't communicate with the Trump administration about issuing the threat. Allegedly.


Just did my taxes. I’ll be getting back 900 less. What great tax cuts!

How much more did you get on each check?

It is a matter of your withholdings. If you made the exact same this year, as you did last year, you paid less in taxes. What you "get back" has to do with your withholdings. Pretty simple math.
What's even more funny is the lack of self control and a dude getting that bothered with what another person is wearing.

What's even funnier is dudes that support trump that shoot up schools, want to blow up "fake news" journalists and dudes that planned attacks democrats...But you're right we need due process!
Big facts. A lot of drivers I've talked to are interested in it for positive reasons and are watching the progression closely. If a good balance can be found it will help the industry and drivers tremendously.

Also the irony in folks pulling a "they're gonna take all the jobs" move is not lost on me :lol:
Automation has legitimately gotten rid of jobs, though.
What's even more funny is the lack of self control and a dude getting that bothered with what another person is wearing.

I don’t know why that’s MORE Funny to you. They’re equally wrong. Purposefully and actively Stirring up racial animosity for the sake of a reaction is just as bad as people reacting to it. Unless I’m missing the hidden due process lesson buried here?
I don’t know why that’s MORE Funny to you. They’re equally wrong. Purposefully and actively Stirring up racial animosity for the sake of a reaction is just as bad as people reacting to it. Unless I’m missing the hidden due process lesson buried here?
I'm sure he'll sleep soundly after watching the local Klan chapter burn crosses on his lawn.

Talk about self control
I don’t know why that’s MORE Funny to you. They’re equally wrong. Purposefully and actively Stirring up racial animosity for the sake of a reaction is just as bad as people reacting to it. Unless I’m missing the hidden due process lesson buried here?

It is more funny because you can easily avert your eyes. I use to go to marches growing up for King day in Atlanta. The literal Klan was there. Old heads didn't run up to them and yank off sheets... they ignored them.

This reaction to something that is not racist on its face is childish, void of self control, and pretty much ridiculous. You support a different candidate, cool. You don't like someone's hat, cool. Yanking stuff and flipping people's hats off is ridiculous. He did it to the right person.
I understand the dude's anger but the quickest way to lose is by reacting to it. If it escalated, we all lose smh.
It is more funny because you can easily avert your eyes. I use to go to marches growing up for King day in Atlanta. The literal Klan was there. Old heads didn't run up to them and yank off sheets... they ignored them.

This reaction to something that is not racist on its face is childish, void of self control, and pretty much ridiculous. You support a different candidate, cool. You don't like someone's hat, cool. Yanking stuff and flipping people's hats off is ridiculous. He did it to the right person.

I think the optics of not being intentionally racially inflamatory are very improtant. And not funny. As well as the optics of not reacting to it. They should both do better.
Autonomy won’t get rid of work per say and jobs that easily. What it will do is change the jobs. People who use to do data input, yes their jobs will be eliminated because those are easily repeatable task will little to no reasoning. My clients have already implemented software where they have an AI populate governmental reporting forms. Now is someone still going to review those forms, why yes but this person will be at a very senior level. A lot of clerical jobs will be lost. Which means a lot of lower middle class and entry level work that is a strong backbone of your America now actually though the jobs have been disappearing over time as is

In terms of driving, while yes autonomy won’t eliminate jobs instantly you best believe that there will be downward pressure on wages. If you don’t believe it you’re fooling yourself. Any job where you tasks and responsibilities are reduced will see it. Eventually there will be full automation or remote automation as an oversight. The jobs that will remain will be where human reasoning and decision making is still key.

My job in tax accounting will change as well. Data input work will be gone within 5 years probably, but someone still needs to understand how this computation was put together, what it means, how it’s supposed to flow. While you can tell a computer to populate something it still needs reasoning on how to do it and not all prepared client support is ever uniform so that part is interpretative. To say my job will stay the same would be a joke. He’ll I probably need to take up coding just to stay ahead but I will cross that road as it creeps up on me.

All jobs are at risk of partial elimination or large downwards wage pressure. Don’t think you’re bullet proof from this because there’s a good chance some small firm is looking to change your jobs as well speak right now without you even knowing.
Glad to see that brotha take that MAGA flag. That’s what I like to see.

All fun and games until he is sued for battery and/or ends up with a criminal charge. This internet stuff is funny, but there are real life implications to glorifying ignorant behavior. Namely the erosion of the black family when the dude you refer to as a brotha ends up unable to get a job because of his criminal history. I have an actual brother, and would never advise him to behave like he lacks self control.

But yea, likes on the internet...
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